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2018/10/20 11:03
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  • Winter is my least favorite season.

  • Of all the seasons, winter is the one I like the least.

  • The weather in winter is too cold for me. I hate it!

When comparing several things, your "least" favorite is the one you dislike the most. If you dislike the cold season (winter) the most, then winter would be your "least favorite season". The second sentence says this in a different way. It says when considering all of the seasons of the year, winter is the "least" likable. The first two example sentences are formal and polite ways to express a dislike for winter. The third example sentence provides a more casual way to express a strong dislike for winter. It explains that the weather in winter is too cold. The sentence "I hate it!" expresses a strong dislike for something. In this case the sentence "I hate it!" refers to the winter season and the cold weather that comes with it.
"one's least favorite" は、いくつかある中でいちばん嫌いなものを表します。 寒い季節(冬)が一番嫌いということなら、冬が "your lease favorite season" ということになります。 二番目の例文では、これを別の言い方で表しています。すべての季節の中で冬が一番好きでないと言っています。 最初の二つの例文は、冬が好きでないことをフォーマル・丁寧に表しています。 三つ目の例文では、よりカジュアルに、冬が大嫌いなことを表しています。冬が寒すぎると言っています。 "I hate it!"(大っ嫌い)は、強い嫌悪感を表します。"I hate it!"はここでは、冬という季節とその寒さについて言っています。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I hate winter, it's too cold for me!

  • I can't stand it when it freezing outside!

  • I really don't like nippy weather. It's too raw for me!

All are great phrases to describe a negative feeling towards, and changeable. As in; "I hate spicy food, it's too hot for me". But with cold weather or the 'winter' season to express that you really don't like it, try; "I hate winter, it's too cold for me & my bones really feel it" with a reply, "I know what you mean, it's freezing outside!". I can't stand it when it freezing outside! - Freezing being below 0, but can be used to emphasize just how cold it is (not always subjected to the temperature of 0). As in, "I can't stand it when it freezing outside! I hate black ice" or "This room is freezing, put the heater on!". I really don't like nippy weather. It's too raw for me! - 'nippy' being cold & 'raw' which would be aggressive coldness. As in; "I really don't like nippy weather. It's too raw for me! My bones really feel it.".
上記例文は、何かに対するネガティブな感情を表す表現でもあり、他の名詞に置き換えて使うことが出来ます。例えば、"I hate spicy food; it's too hot for me." (辛い食べ物は嫌い。私には辛過ぎる。) 寒い季節に関しては、"I hate winter; it's too cold for me and my bones really feel it."(冬は大嫌い。寒過ぎるし、骨にしみる。)それに対して、"I know what you mean, it's freezing outside!"(わかるよ!外は凍てつく寒さだからね!)と返答したりします。 "I can't stand it when it's freezing outside!"(外が寒いと堪えられない!)”Freezing"とは、氷点下ゼロのことで、どれだけ寒いのかを強調する言葉として使えます(必ずしも氷点下ゼロとは限りません。)例えば、"I can't stand it when it's freezing outside! I hate black ice!"(外が寒いと堪えられない!薄氷は嫌いだ!) または、"This room is freezing! Put the heater on!"(この部屋、すっごい寒いんだけど!暖房入れて!) "I really don't like nippy weather. It's too raw for me!"(寒い天気は本当に好きじゃない。冷た過ぎるよ!)”Nippy"は「寒い」、"raw"は「非常に冷たい」という意味です。例えば、"I really don't like nippy weather. It's too raw for me! My bones really feel it."(寒い天気は本当に好きじゃない。私には冷た過ぎる!骨にしみる寒さだ。)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Above all, I abhor winter

To abhor something is to intensly dislike or have a hatred for something, or strong aversion of something.
「To abhor something」は「~をひどく嫌う、嫌悪する」という意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Winter is my least favourite time of year.

  • It's too cold for me in winter. I prefer the hot summers.

When something is your 'least' favourite it means that you like that thing less than others. Out of the four season, the winter is your 'least' favourite. Some people may feel the total opposite and say "Summer is my least favourite time of year." Perhaps because it is too hot, and they have grown up in a colder place.
"Least favourite"とは、他のものと較べて一番好きではないもの、のことを言います。 ”Out of the four seasons, the winter is your 'least favourite'."(四季の中で、冬は貴方が一番嫌いな季節です。) 人に寄っては、貴方と真逆なことを言う人もいるかもしれませんね。例えば― "Summer is my least favourite time of year."(夏は、一年で一番嫌いな季節です。)夏が嫌いな理由は、暑過ぎるからかもしれませんし、寒い場所で育ったからかもしれませんね。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I hate winter, it's too chilly.

  • I dislike the cold winter season the most.

When referring to cold weather, it is common to use the adjective "chilly." This words means the feeling of being cold or the weather being unpleasantly cold. It would commonly be used in winter but it is not limited to the winter season. It can be used in summer too, if the temperature drops or if there is a cold wind in the air. If you not a fan of the cold season you can simply say, "I hate winter, it's too chilly." Example: He felt a bit chilly so he put his jacket on. Example: December time is known for being chilly.
寒い天気を表す場合、よく形容詞の"chilly"が使われます。 "chilly"は、寒さを感じること、または天気が寒いことを表します。冬によく使われる言葉ですが、冬に限定ではありません。気温が下がれば、夏でも使えます。 冬があんまり好きでないなら、シンプルに次の様に言えます。 "I hate winter, it's too chilly." [訳]寒すぎるから、冬は嫌い 【例文】: He felt a bit chilly so he put his jacket on. [訳]彼はちょっと寒かったのでジャケットを着ました December time is known for being chilly. [訳]12月は肌寒い時期として知られています
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Of the four seasons, winter is my least favorite.

  • I dislike winter!

"Of the four seasons, winter is my least favorite." Least favorite - meaning if you were making a list it would be the last season on the list. Or you would simply say "I dislike winter." Dislike - to find something to be annoying, uncomfortable, etc. It is something you just do not like!
【例文】 "Of the four seasons, winter is my least favorite." [訳]四季の中で、冬や一番好きではない季節です Lease favorite - リストを作ったとしたら一番順位が下の季節ということ。 または、単に次のように言うこともできます。 "I dislike winter" [訳]冬が嫌いです Dislike - うっとうしい、居心地が悪い、など。単純に嫌いなものです!
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I can't stand the coldest season.

  • I hate the coldest season.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you dislike the coldest season. In the first sentence you will notice the word stand. Although this word has different meanings, in this sentence it means to handle something. This is a word that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文で、寒い季節が嫌いだと伝えることができます。 一つ目の例文では、"stand"という言葉が使われているのに気が付いたと思います。"stand"にはいろいろな意味がありますが、例文では「対処する」という意味です。日常会話でよく使われる単語なので、語彙に加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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