同僚のKenが、またもや同じような、仕事のミスをして怒りの一言「また、あいつか・・・。もう会社来なくていいよ。まったく、何回言えば気が済むんだ・・・」=He did it again did he? I'm tired of him at all.He dosen't have to come again! .で可?
1.) Him again... (また、あいつか。。。) 一番長い直訳はHe did it again, didn't he?と言えますが、省略できます。その省略はHim again...だけです。長い文と同じ意味です。
Him again... He should just quit. How many times do I have to tell him until he is satisfied... (また、あいつか・・・。もう会社辞めた方がいいよ。まったく、何回言えば気が済むんだ・・・)
He did it again, didn't he?
I would rather he didn't come to work again.
How many times do I have to tell him the same thing?