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2016/03/21 15:02
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  • Where does it say that?

ネットや本など書物全般の中で「どこに「書いて」あるの?」ですが、"write"などを使わず、"say"を使います 他例) 手紙やメールを読んでる友達に、「なんて書いてある?」と聞くときは"What does it say?"と言います。
  • Where does it say that?

  • Where do you find that information?

Where does it say that? 最もシンプルに"say"を使って聞くのが自然です。 Where do you find that information? もう少し形式的な聞き方になりますが、 「どこにその情報が書いていあるの?」というような言い方もできます。 また、少しニュアンスは違ってきますが、 「なぜ分かるの?」「どうして知ってるの」というような時は "How do you know?" という表現を使ったりするので一緒に覚えてみてください! Good luck!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Where did that come from?

  • Who told you?

  • Where did you get that?

These are three possible queries depending on the context of the situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Where did you get that info?

その情報どこで手に入れた? いろんなシチュで使えますのでこれがオススメです! どこに書いてあるか、どうやって知ったのか、などなど一度に聞けます。 関連 How did you know that!? なんで知ってるの!?
  • Where did you get the information?

  • How do you know that?

★Where did you get the information? 直訳すると、 「どこでその情報を得たの?」 となります。 ★How do you know that? こちらは直訳すると、「どうしてそれを知っているの?」という感じになります。
  • On which website can I find that information?

>On which website can I find that information? This sentence clearly indicates that you want to know on which website the information can be found. Other sentences: a. Where can I find that information? b. Where did you find that article.
On which website can I find that information? 情報を見つけることができるウェブサイトを知りたいということを意味する表現です。 以下のように言うこともできます。 a. Where can I find that information? b. Where did you find that article.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Where can I find that information ?

  • What is the source of that information?

You can simply ask :- 1. Where can I find that information ? Or you can ask :- 2. What is the source of that information? When you ask about the source of information, you are asking where did the information come from.
"単に次のように聞くことができます: 1.Where can I find that information? または、次のように聞くこともできます。 2.What is the source of that information? 情報元を尋ねる時に、その情報は何処から来た物なのか尋ねることができます。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Where did you find that?

  • Where is that from?

  • Where does it say that?

When you want to ask someone where a certain piece of information is written, you can say: "Where did you find that?" "Where is that from?" "Where does it say that?"
その情報がどこに書かれているか確認するなら、次のように言えます。 "Where did you find that?"(それはどこの情報ですか) "Where is that from?"(それはどこの情報ですか) "Where does it say that?"(それはどこに書いてありますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • What reference did you use?

  • Which source did that come from?

  • Who said that?

"What reference did you use?" References refer to the comments from or mention of other sources. This is a common and more official way to refer to information that is taken from different places. "Which source did that come from?" This example is similar to the above, and source has been used as another word for reference. "Who said that?" This example is a casual and informal way to ask someone where they got their information from. Even though we refer to a 'person' in this question, you are questioning where the information has come from and this can imply or refer to a person or any other source for that matter. The question lets the listener know you want to confirm how and where the information came from.
"What reference did you use?"(出典はどこですか) "reference" は「引用した語句」または「出典」を指します。引用した情報を指す一般的でフォーマルな語です。 "Which source did that come from?"(出典はどこですか) これは上の例と似ています。"source" はここでは "reference" の意味です。 "Who said that?"(誰が言ったの) これは情報の出所を尋ねるカジュアルな言い方です。'Who'(誰)と言っていますが、どこでその情報を手に入れたのかを尋ねています(「人」以外の情報源も指します)。どこでどのようにしてその情報を手に入れたのかを確認しています。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • What's your reference please?

  • Where are you reading this from?

  • Where did you get this information?

If you would like to ask where someone is getting certain information, the sentences above can be used. "Where did you cite this information?" "Where is this information cited?" "What's your reference?"
その情報をどこで手に入れたのか確認するなら、上記の文が使えます。 "Where did you cite this information?"(この情報はどこからの引用ですか) "Where is this information cited?"(この情報はどこからの引用ですか) "What's your reference?"(出典はどこですか)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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