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話しをしていて、「名前が出てこないんだけど・・・」 って言うときありますよね。
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2016/03/21 16:44
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  • It's on the tip of my tongue.

ここまで出かかってるんだけどなぁ Yukaさんの答えに追加して、 「喉まできてるんだけど、名前が出てこない!」 みたいな時に使えます!
  • Oh, what's it called again?

  • Oh, it's slipped my mind.

  • Oh, I can't remember what it's called.

These phrases are said aloud as if to yourself as an inner discourse. You do not expect a reply or response. They are said aloud when you want to show you are trying to remember the right word.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can't remember the name.

「思い出せない」= "I can't remember" 他の例) どうやって終わったのか思い出せない= I can't remember how it ended.
  • I know the name but I can't recall/remember it

You simply acknowledge that you know the name by saying "I know the name" but of course you can't remember or "recall" it.
「 I know the name」ということで、名前を知っていることを伝えることができます。 もちろん、覚えてないやもう一度教えてくださいと言うこともできます。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • The name has slipped my mind.

  • I'm sorry, I can not remember the name at the moment.

If something has slipped your mind it means you can not remember it. " I'm sorry, I can not remember the name at the moment." politely apologies that you just can not remember the name of something. If you are talking about a persons name you can replace "the" with his or her. Or if you are talking to a person whose name you can not remember you can replace "the" with "your"
"If something has slipped your mind 何かを思い出せないという意味です。 I'm sorry, I can not remember the name at the moment. 何かの名前を思い出せない時に謝罪する時に使う表現です。 人の名前について話している時はtheをhisやherにすること可能です。 又名前を思い出せない人の話をしている人のことを話している場合は、 theをyourにすることも可能です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • His name is slipping my mind right now

  • The name is slipping me at the moment

M Thornton ポール先生のLONE STARえいご学校共同創立者、バイリンガルデジタルマーケター
  • What was the name again? - it has slipped my mind.

Slipped my mind means you know it but cannot remember.
「Slipped my mind」とは、覚えていないということを意味します。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • I've forgotten the name

  • The name has escaped my mind.

  • The name has gone clean out of my mind.

"I've forgotten the name": This sentence means that you cannot remember the name. "The name has escaped my mind." Escaped means to get away or get out. if something has escaped your mind it means it is not in your mind at present. "The name has gone clean out of my mind." This is a common expression to mean that someone has forgotten something.
"I've forgotten the name":名前を忘れちゃった 名前が思い出せないときに使います。 "The name has escaped my mind."私の頭からすっぽりその人の名前が抜け落ちちゃった Escaped は脱げる、抜け落ちる。何かが今の時点では自分の頭にその名前がないといいたいとき。 "The name has gone clean out of my mind."その名前はきれいさっぱり忘れちゃった 何かを忘れたときに使う定番表現。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It's on the tip of my tongue

  • Sorry, I can't remember what it's called

There are two ways of expressing it. The first one is a commonly used expression, whereas, the second sentence has a direct explanation of the problem.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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