These expressions are very similar to each other. "Done" and "finish" are kind of like synonyms so they have the same meaning.
Both expressions mean something along the lines of 「これはいつ終われますか。」
Ask them "What's the latest you can get it done?" or "How soon can you get it done?"
And if you want to be more passive in your question you can ask "By when do you think you will have it done?"
"How late do you think you can finish it by?" - Saying "when do you think...." and so on can make it sound less demanding but it depends on how you say it too.
彼らに "What's the latest you can get it done?" または、 "How soon can you get it done?" と聞くことができます。
あなたの質問にもっと消極的にしたいのであれば、 "By when do you think you will have it done?"と聞くことができます。
"How late do you think you can finish it by?"- when do you think ... と言っているように、それほど厳しいものではありませんが、度合いはあなたの言い方によります。
When will you be able to have it done by? asks them for a date/time when they will be able to finish it.
How soon can you do this? Asks them how soon can they complete it.
"When will you be able to have it done by?
How soon can you do this?
Another word that can be used for "done" is "completed." To ask "how early" expresses that it is expected to be a task that takes priority, and the person doing the task is to have a sense of urgency.
If the task that must be done is not so urgent, then asking for a time-frame will give an idea of the amount of time that would be needed to complete the task. This expression may imply that the deadline is more flexible.
・When can you get it done by?
・What's the earliest I can expect it to be done?
get (something) done で「何かを終わらせる」「対応する」のような意味になります。
"When do you think you will be done?" this means that you want to know when they can finish/complete the task
"When should I expect it?" this means that you want to know when they will be done. Usually when you ask this way they can give you an estimated time.
"When do you think you will be done?" いつ頃終わりそうですが?この表現は、彼らがいつまでにその仕事を終わる、完成できるか聞く表現です。
"When should I expect it?" いつ頃終わると思っていたらいいですか?これはあなたが彼らがいつそれを終わるか聞いている表現です。それに対して、いつ終わるか予定時間をこたえてくれるでしょう。
When can you get it done by?
When will you be able to finish this?
When は「いつ」という意味の英語表現です。
get it done や finish で「終わらせる」という意味になります。
When will you be able to get this done?