世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




海外のレストランで友達と飲むとき。ビールを先に出して、と言わないと、後から食事を持ってくるタイミングで持ってきたりするので、困る。 「beer first ! 」 でも通じますが、ちゃんとした英語でなんて言いますか?
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2015/11/19 12:32
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  • We will start off with beer.

  • We will have beer first (or, before dinner/lunch/meal)

  • Could you serve us beer right away? We're so thirsty!

"Start off with〜" は「〜から始める」です。覚えておくと便利なフレーズです。 3番目のフレーズは「ビールをすぐ持って来てくれますか?すっごく喉が渇いちゃってるんで!」です。これを言ったらサーバーさんきっと急いでくれますよ!
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Can I have the beer right away please?

  • If you could bring the beer straight away, please.

Can I have the beer right away please? = すぐにビールを頂いてもいいですか? If you could bring the beer straight away, please. = すぐにビールを持ってきて(くれたら助かります) If you could bring the beer straight away, I'd appreciate it =感謝します、を略して言ったものが二つ目の回答です。 Beer firstでもいいですけど、pleaseを付けると尚いいです。アメリカではウェイターに気遣うとサービスがぐんとよくなるので言葉はなるべくやわらかく使いましょう。
  • Please bring beer first.

Beer first. でも悪くないと思いますよ^^ さらに動詞で bring が使えるとバッチリです。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • We will start off with beer.

  • Can you serve the beer first please.

後藤さんの仰るように「start off with~」だと「〜で始める」なので良く使う表現です。 Can you serve 〜first?ですと〜を先に出してくれますか?ですのでこれも使いやすいです。
  • Could you bring my drink first

  • Please bring my drink before the meal.

Any of these can we used to ask for a drink before your meal.
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please bring my drink right away?

  • Please serve the drinks now.

  • We're ready for our drinks now.

Right away = now The softest of the above expressions is, 'We're ready for our drinks now.' It is neither an instruction nor a question - just a statement that you want your drinks immediately.
Right away =今すぐ 一番上記で柔らかい表現は、'We're ready for our drinks now.' で、これは支持でも質問でもなく、飲み物が欲しいことを述べる言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I order a beer before I order my meal.

  • Can You bring me a beer to drink while I wait for my food.

  • Can we order some beers while we wait for our food?

All sentences are appropriate to use in this situation. It clearly indicates that you want to have a beer to drink while you wait for your food. Example You: Hello waiter, Can I order a beer before I order my meal? Waiter: Yes sure. Example You:Hello waiter, Can You bring me a beer to drink while I wait for my food? Waiter: Yes sure.
このような状況では、これらの文章で大丈夫です。 それは、あなたが食べ物を待つ間にビールを飲みたいと示しています。 例 You: Hello waiter, Can I order a beer before I order my meal?ー食べ物をオーダーする前にビールをオーダーできますか? Waiter: Yes sure.ーわかりました 例 You:Hello waiter, Can You bring me a beer to drink while I wait for my food?ー私は、食べ物を待つ間にビールを持って来てもらえますか? Waiter: Yes sure.ーわかりました
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Bring the beers out first, please.

  • Bring the drinks out first, please.

These are very clear ways to say this.
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Please serve our drinks first.

  • I'd like to have my drinks before my meal please.

  • Could you serve our drinks first?

When asking for something politely, remember to use "please" and "thank you."
何かを丁寧にお願いする時は、"please" と "thank you" を忘れないようにしてください。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • Could I order a beer first?I am really thirsty.

  • I'd like to have a cold beer before you bring my food ,please.

"Could I order a beer first?I am really thirsty." Framing your request as a question is a common way to let your waiter know what your preference is. Explaining the reason for your request is optional but many people do this as a polite way of requesting awkward things in a restaurant. "I'd like to have a cold beer before you bring my food ,please." This is a polite way of letting the waiter/waitress know that you would like to be served a beverage before you eat. beverage: Any liquid that can quench the thirst are called beverage. Water, tea, coffee, milk and any kind of drinks are listed as beverages.
"Could I order a beer first?I am really thirsty." リクエストを質問にして聞くのが一般的です。 リクエストの理由を説明するのは個人次第なのですが、たくさんの人々は大抵リクエストが失礼に聞こえないように説明します。 "I'd like to have a cold beer before you bring my food ,please." 食事の前に飲み物が欲しいと言う丁寧な言い方です。 beverage: 喉を癒す液体のことを表します。 水、お茶、コーヒー、牛乳などがbeveragesです。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • May I please have my drink before my meal gets here?

  • Can I have my beer first, please?

Both of these sentences can be used to ask if you can have your drink first before your meal.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Could we have the drinks straight away please?

  • We'd like the drinks now, thanks.

Could we have the drinks straight away please? - This is polite and direct. In Ireland and the UK drinks are usually brought out first. However there is no harm in making sure by using either of the expressions above.
Could we have the drinks straight away please? - 丁寧でストレートな言い方です。 アイルランドとイギリスでは普通、飲み物は最初に出されます。ただ、上記の言い方(例1・2)でそれを確認しても問題ありません。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Please serve the beer before the food?

  • I would like the beer first please.

  • Please serve the beers immediately.

If you would like to have your drinks first before your meal arrives, use the examples above. You might be really thirsty or you might not feel patient enough to wait till the food is ready to enjoy your drink. "Please bring the drinks now before the food." "We are ready to have our drinks now."
飲み物を食事の前に出して欲しいなら、上記の文が使えます。 「すごく喉が渇いている」とか「食事ができるまで飲み物を待てない」ということかもしれませんね。 "Please bring the drinks now before the food."(食事の前にとりあえず飲み物を持って来てください) "We are ready to have our drinks now."(とりあえず飲み物を持って来てください)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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