世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/11/10 15:23
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  • It’s easier to understand English than Japanese

  • I find it easier to understand English than Japanese

  • English is easier to understand than Japanese

日本語より英語の方が - English 〜〜 than Japanese 日本語より英語の方が簡単 - English is easier than Japanese 猫より犬の方がいいかわいい - Dogs are cuter than cats 理解 understand 意味理解できない - cant understand the meaning しやすい - easy to 〜〜 食べやすい - easy to eat しにくい - difficult/hard to 〜〜 飲みにくい - hard to drink 日本語より英語の方が理解しやすい - English is easier to understand than Japanese
  • English is easier for her than Japanese.

  • She understands more English than Japanese.

  • She finds English less confusing than Japanese.

状況にもよりますが、こう言う言い方もあります。 ❶English is easier for her than Japanese. (彼女にとって、日本語より英語の方がわかりやすい)。 ❷She understands more English than Japanese. (彼女は日本語より英語の方が理解できる)。 ❸She finds English less confusing than Japanese. (彼女は日本語より英語の方がわかりやすいと感じている)。 My students always tell me that English is less confusing than Japanese because English is more direct. (私の生徒はいつも日本語より英語の方がわかりやすいと言います、 英語の方が直接的だから)。 参考までに!
  • My daughter has a keen understanding of English.

  • My daughter can comprehend English more than Japanese.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that your daughter can easily understand English more than Japanese. In the first sentence you will notice the word keen. Although this word has many different meanings in this sentence it means to be quick to understand something. This is a word that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
どちらの文を使っても、娘さんが日本語よりも英語の方が理解できることを伝えられます。 はじめの文では、'keen'という言葉に気づくと思います。この単語にはいろいろな意味がありますが、例文では「理解するのが早い」という意味です。日常会話でよく使われる単語なので、ボキャブラリーに加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • It is easier for her to understand English than Japanese.

  • She understands more English than Japanese.

  • Japanese is more difficult for her to understand than English.

These are 3 very natural ways of phrasing what you want to say that have the same meaning. They are all very common ways of phrasing comparisons. To understand means to know fully. Easier means that she would have no difficulty compared with the other option. More difficult means that she may struggle with understanding compared with the other option.
3例とも非常に自然な言い方です。意味はどれも同じです。これらはそれぞれ比較を表す非常に一般的な表現です。 "To understand" は「完全に分かる」という意味です。 "Easier" は「英語の方が理解しやすい」こと表します。 "More difficult" は「日本語の方が理解しにくい」ことを表します。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • She understands English better than Japanese.

This the standard form of making a comparison -- e.g.: 'She is better at English than Math.' 'Understand' means 'to know' or 'to comprehend.'
これは物事を比較するスタンダートな形式です。 例えば:'She is better at English than Math.' (彼女は数学より英語が得意です) 'to understand' は 'to know' (知る) や 'to comprehend' (理解する) という意味です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter is able to understand English better than Japanese.

By starting the sentence with "my daughter" it makes it clear who you are talking about. Using the verb "able" talks about your daughter's capability. I hope that this helps. :)
"my daughter" で始めると、それが誰についての話なのかが明確になります。 "able" は「娘」の能力について言っています。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • She understands English better than Japanese

  • She finds English easier to understand than Japanese

When talking about your daughter, you want to say that it's easier for her to understand English than Japanese.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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