I find it easier to understand English than Japanese
English is easier to understand than Japanese
日本語より英語の方が - English 〜〜 than Japanese
日本語より英語の方が簡単 - English is easier than Japanese
猫より犬の方がいいかわいい - Dogs are cuter than cats
理解 understand
意味理解できない - cant understand the meaning
しやすい - easy to 〜〜
食べやすい - easy to eat
しにくい - difficult/hard to 〜〜
飲みにくい - hard to drink
日本語より英語の方が理解しやすい - English is easier to understand than Japanese
❶English is easier for her than Japanese.
❷She understands more English than Japanese.
❸She finds English less confusing than Japanese.
My students always tell me that English is less confusing than Japanese because English is more direct.
My daughter can comprehend English more than Japanese.
The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that your daughter can easily understand English more than Japanese. In the first sentence you will notice the word keen. Although this word has many different meanings in this sentence it means to be quick to understand something. This is a word that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
It is easier for her to understand English than Japanese.
She understands more English than Japanese.
Japanese is more difficult for her to understand than English.
These are 3 very natural ways of phrasing what you want to say that have the same meaning. They are all very common ways of phrasing comparisons.
To understand means to know fully.
Easier means that she would have no difficulty compared with the other option.
More difficult means that she may struggle with understanding compared with the other option.
My daughter is able to understand English better than Japanese.
By starting the sentence with "my daughter" it makes it clear who you are talking about. Using the verb "able" talks about your daughter's capability. I hope that this helps. :)
"my daughter" で始めると、それが誰についての話なのかが明確になります。
"able" は「娘」の能力について言っています。