- I bought thirty-three apples yesterday.
- thirty-three plus two is thirty-five.
This is the way to pronounce thirty-three (33)
Thir - ty - three (ther tē thrē)
Example sentences
"Did you say you invited thirty-three people?"
"There were thirty-three people on the bus."
"thirty-three (33)"は以下のように発音します。
Thir - ty - three (ther tē thrē)
"Did you say you invited thirty-three people?"
"There were thirty-three people on the bus."
The number 33 is pronounced 'THUR tee three'. Irish people may differ and pronunce it: 'Tur tee tree' due to home pronounciation or difficulty in pronouncing the 'th' sound.
数字の「33」は'THUR tee three'と発音します。
アイルランドの人は、方言として(あるいは'th'がうまく発音できないので)'Tur tee tree'と発音することがあります。
Thirty-three (33) is the number before thirty-four (34) and after thirty-two (32). For example. My mom's favorite number is 33. I hope that this helps. :)
Thirty-three (33) は、 Thirty-four (34) の前に来て、 Thirty-two (32) の後に来る数字です。
例:My mom's favorite number is 33.
It is really important to poke your tongue out of your teeth when pronouncing 'th' sounds. 'ir' sound is made by opening your mouth really wide, but this time keep your tongue at the bottom of your mouth. The last part of the word sounds like 'tee' and is made by starting with your tongue at the back of your mouth, pushing it forward to touch the back of your front two teeth and then taking it away again. 'th' 'ir' 'tee'. Then create that same 'th' sound again but follow it with 'ree". This is created by pushing your bottom lip up and your top teeth down and then sliding your teeth up your lip and into a wide, thin mouth for the 'ee'. Put these two sections together to create 'thirty-three'.
You can say : "thirty three"
He is thirty-three years old.
His lucky number is thirty-three.
I saw thirty-three ducks at the park.
thirty-three = 33
thirty-four = 34
thirty-five =35
thirty-six = 36
"thirty three"(33)と言えます。
He is thirty-three years old.(彼は33歳です)
His lucky number is thirty-three.(彼のラッキーナンバーは33です)
I saw thirty-three ducks at the park.(公園で鴨を33羽見ました)
thirty-three = 33
thirty-four = 34
thirty-five =35
thirty-six = 36
「33」は英語で thirty-three と言います。
thirty は「30」という意味の英語表現です。
three は「3」という意味の英語表現です。
I only have thirty-three dollars.
I am thirty-three years old.