Even though I paid for many apps, I can't transfer them (across platforms)
I have to buy iPhones because I bought a lot of paid apps that can't be transferred to Android.
I'm stuck buying Apple products since I already bought a lot of (paid) apps that can't be transferred to Android.
Even though I paid for many apps, I can't transfer them (across platforms)
I have to buy iPhones because I bought a lot of paid apps that can't be transferred to Android.
I'm stuck buying Apple products since I already bought a lot of (paid) apps that can't be transferred to Android.
I can’t recover a lot of the apps that I purchased.
I can’t carry over the apps that I purchased in the app store.
「引き継ぐ」の英語は確かに “inherit” で正しいですが、アプリやデータの引継ぎの場合は “recover” や “carry over” の方が使いますね。
“recover” の意味は「回復」、「取り戻す」や「回収」などという意味があります。”carry over” というのは「持ち越す」です。
I'm locked into buying an iPhone permanently because I made a lot of app purchases that can’t be carried over into android smartphone apps.
I'm locked into buying an iPhone permanently because I made a lot of app purchases that can’t be recovered on android smartphone apps.
アプリの購入はアンドロイドで引継ぎできないため、「ずっとiPhoneを買わないとだめ」という余儀なくされる状態は “I’m locked into”のフレーズで伝えます。このフレーズは悲惨な状況から抜け出せない時によく使います。