世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




What would you like?, What can I get for you? も使えますか?よく使われる表現が知りたいです。
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2018/11/26 14:22
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  • What would you like to order?

  • What do you want to order?

  • What would you like?

日本語みたいこのsituationは敬語レベルがいっぱいあります。 What do you want? What do you want to order? What would you like? What would you like to order? [注文](はorder 注文はなんですか?- what is your order?/what do you want? これは普通ですね。失礼じゃないけどレストランのスタッフだったらちょっと良くないです。 注文は何にいたしますか? - what would you like to order? 敬語的にこれは1番良いですよ。 注文決まりましたか?- Have you decided you order?/have you decided what you would like to order? 決めるはdecideです。
  • What can I get you?

  • What would you like to order?

  • What would you like?

When in the right context, for example, when ordering at a restaurant, if you were to ask the person, "What can I get you?" it is assumed you are asking what food you would like. The same would apply to "What would you like?" When a person is waiting to order and are asked "What would you like?", they know you are talking about what food they would like to order.
文脈があれば、例えば[レストラン](で[注文](を取っているときなら、"What can I get you?" で、それが「注文は何にしますか」の意味だと伝わります。 "What would you like?" についても同じことが言えます。これから注文をしようとしている人に "What would you like?" と聞けば、それが「注文は何にしますか」の意味だと伝わります。
Derrick M DMM英会話講師
  • Can I take your order?

  • May I take your order?

  • Are you ready to order?

お客さんの注文を受け取るときは下記の言い方がおすすめです: ①Can/may I take your order? →ご注文を受け取ってもよろしいでしょうか? ②Are you ready to order? →ご注文の準備はいかがでしょうか?
  • Are you ready to order? What would you like to order?

Sometimes, customers take a while to decide what they want to order so it is probably a good idea to first ask them if they are ready to order. Then, the word "would" is the most polite to ask a customer what they want. I hope that this helps. :)
注文を決めるのに時間がかかるお客さんもいますから、まず「ご注文はお決まりですか」と確認するといいと思います。 お客さんの注文を確認するときには、"would" が最も丁寧です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • What can I get you?

  • What would you like to order?

  • What would you like to have?

What can I get you? - The waiter is the person who gets customers things from the kitchen and brings them to the customers so the waiter can ask what he/she can get the customer. What would you like to order? - this is probably the most common way of asking what someone wants to order for their meal as it is very direct. What would you like to have? - customers have meals at restaurants and it is the waiter's job to get those things for them so the waiter can ask what the customer would like to have.
What can I get you?(何をお持ちしましょうか) →ウェイターはキッチンからお客さんの所までものを持って来る人です。ですから、"What can I get you?"(何を持って来ましょうか)という聞き方ができます。 What would you like to order?(ご注文はどうなさいますか) →たぶんこれはお客さんに食事の注文を確認する最も一般的な表現です。非常に単刀直入です。 What would you like to have?(何にをお召し上がりになりますか) →お客さんはレストランで食事を 'have'(食べる)します。そしてその食事を持って来るのはウェイターの仕事です。ですから、ウェイターはお客さんに "What would you like to have?" と尋ねることができます。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like to have, Sir/Mam?

  • How can I help you, Sir/Mam?

  • Are you ready to order, Sir/Mam?

There are a number of ways you can ask a customer at a restaurant what he/she would like to order. You may include the word 'order' in your question or choose to exclude it. Because the customer is at the restaurant to eat, he/she knows that in order to have food on his/her table, he/she has to place an order. To show politeness and respect to the customer, as is always required in restaurants, you may end your question with 'Sir/Mam'. You can end with 'Sir' if your customer is male, or 'Mam' (short for madam), if your customer is female. So, you may ask your customer as follows: What would you like to have, Sir/Mam? or How can I help you, Sir/Mam? or Are you ready to order, Sir/Mam?
レストランでお客さんに何を注文するか尋ねる言い方はたくさんあります。'order'(注文する)は加えることも加えないこともできます、レストランでは 'order' をしなければ食事ができないことをみんな知っていますからね。 レストランではお客さんに敬意を持って接することが求められますね。ですから、質問の最後に 'Sir/Mam' を加えることもできます。お客さんが男性の場合には 'Sir'、女性の場合には 'Mam'('madam' の省略)が使えます。 次のようにお客さんに質問できます。 What would you like to have, Sir/Mam? (ご注文は何にいたしますか) How can I help you, Sir/Mam? (いらっしゃいませ) Are you ready to order, Sir/Mam? (ご注文はお決まりですか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What would you like to order?

  • What would you like to drink and eat?

  • Can I get you anything to drink? And what can we get you to eat?

When you want to ask a customer what they would like to order (food/drinks); then you may ask in the following ways: -What would you like to order? -What would you like to drink and eat? -Can I get you anything to drink? And what can we get you to eat?
「注文は何にしますか」とお客さんに尋ねるなら、次のように言えます。 -What would you like to order?(注文は何にしますか) -What would you like to drink and eat?(飲み物と食べ物はどうなさいますか) -Can I get you anything to drink? And what can we get you to eat?(飲み物をお持ちしましょうか。食べ物はどうなさいますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Good evening/afternoon sir/ma'am. Would you like to order something to drink?

  • May I take your order? Would you like a side dish with that?

  • Are you ready to place your order sir/ma'am?

Good evening or Good afternoon - it is always polite to welcome customers with a greeting before taking orders. Referring to a man as "sir" or a woman as "ma'am" is respectful especially when speaking with customers. "Would you like to order something to drink," when arriving at a restaurant people normally start by ordering drinks before placing orders for starters, the main meal and dessert. An order for the main meal usually includes an order for a side dish like a salad or vegetables. "Are you ready to place your order?" can be said instead of "May I take your order?" A customer would usually respond by placing their order or requesting for some time to decide.
Good evening(こんばんは)または Good afternoon(こんにちは) →注文を取る前には、まずお客さんにあいさつをすると丁寧です。 特に相手が客の場合、男性は "sir"、女性は "ma'am" で呼ぶと敬意を表せます。 "Would you like to order something to drink?"(お飲み物は注文されますか) →レストランでは普通、前菜・メイン料理・デザートの前にまず飲み物を注文します。 メイン料理を注文するときには普通、サラダや野菜などのサイドディッシュも合わせて注文します。 "May I take your order?"(ご注文はお決まりですか)の代わりに "Are you ready to place your order?"(同)と言うこともできます。 これに対して、客は普通注文をするかあるいは「もう少し時間をください」と伝えてきます。
Onica DMM英会話講師
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