現金は英語で cash と言います。
A lot of cash is needed.「たくさんの現金が必要だ」
その他、cash に関わる表現などは次のとおりです。
・pay in cash「現金で払う」
・cash up front「前金で」
・cash on delivery「代金引換で」
何かの購入の際には略して COD と表記されることがあります。
Money that is in coins and notes is usually referred to as "cash". You can use this word in a sentence in the following ways:
-I need to withdraw some cash from the ATM
-I do not have any cash on me. Can I pay with my card?
現金(硬貨と紙幣)のことは一般的に "cash" と呼ばれます。この単語は文の中では次のように使えます。
-I need to withdraw some cash from the ATM(ATMからお金を少し下ろさないといけない)
-I do not have any cash on me. Can I pay with my card?(現金を持っていないので、カードで支払ってもいいですか)
現金は英語では cash です。
I don’t have cash. (現金持っていません)。
Cash only please. (現金のみです)
Many foreigners don’t put their money in a bank
so they carry around cash.
"Cash" is often the more frequently used term for describing money (coins and notes).
ex. "Have you got any cash on you?"
"Money" often used in a sentence to describe this, ex, "Have you got any money on you?"
"Cash" は「現金(貨幣と紙幣)」を表す一般語です。
"Have you got any cash on you?"(現金を持っていますか)
"Money" もしばしば現金を表します。
"Have you got any money on you?"(現金を持っていますか)
Cash' refers to any money that is either notes or coins. 'Shrapnel' is an English slang term for coins, usually used by older men in bars.
Again, 'currency' refers to either paper money or coins.
Money that is in notes or coins is referred to as simply 'cash' in some shops they have tills where you can only use cash and not cards this is referred to as 'cash only'
In English, the general term for non-debit or credit is cash or cash-only .
Now ApplePay and Android Pay is sometimes viewed as cash because it doesn't use a card to pay and uses a QR scanner which most tellers have .
Cash can also be called bills and coins or change .
Cash-only places are becoming more rare because people in general use debit and credit more than cash . So much that people won't even go into stores that are cash-only. If a store is completely cash-on;y then they will have a huge sign in their front window to let people know what form of payment their store accepts .
「現金」は英語で cash と言うことができます。
I like to pay in cash.
I don't carry cash often.
We only accept cash.