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saori saoriさん
2018/12/04 09:44
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  • Excuse me, we have a no-photo policy here but you may take pictures of your food.

  • Excuse me, you aren't allowed to take photos in here unless it's of your food.

Excuse me, we have a no-photo policy here but you may take pictures of your food. - This sentence can be used to express the rules and regulations of photography in public settings. Excuse me, you aren't allowed to take photos in here unless it's of your food. - This sentence can also be used to express the rules and regulations of photography in public settings.
Excuse me, we have a no-photo policy here but you may take pictures of your food.(すみません、当店では写真撮影は禁止となっております。食べ物の写真であれば撮影していただいて結構です) この文は、公共の場で写真撮影のルールについて説明するときに使うことができます。 Excuse me, you aren't allowed to take photos in here unless it's of your food.(すみません、当店では食べ物の写真を除いて、写真撮影は禁止となっています) この文も、公共の場で写真撮影のルールについて説明するときに使うことができます。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • You'll get one of the other customers in the shot, so taking photos of the restaurant is prohibited.

他のお客様 = other customers / other diners 写る / 撮影 = to shoot / to take a picture of から = because / so 店内全体の = the entire inside of the shop -> the (whole) interior of the restaurant 禁止 = forbidden / prohibited 料理が大丈夫なら、 You can take pictures of the food, but not of the interior (of the restaurant). の言い方も使えます。
  • You may take photos of the food but not the restaurant!

  • We don't allow photos of the restaurant but you can take photos of your food!

Many restaurants will allow you to take photos if the place is empty but if they have clients/diners/customers inside, then it is prohibited/banned. They don't have any problems with you taking pictures of your food because they do not want you to take any pictures of other diners. "prohibited/banned" - not allowed "diners" - other people eating at the restaurant
店内にお客さんがいないときには写真を撮ってもいいけどいるときにはダメだというレストランが多いです。料理の写真を撮ることは問題ありません、他のお客さんの写真を撮ってもらいたくないのです。 "prohibited/banned" - 許されていない "diners" - レストランで食事をする人
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • "We don't allow you to take photos of the interior of our restaurant, as you may take a photo of a customer by mistake." "However, we do allow you to take photos of the food."

To "allow" or "not allow" ("don't"), gives a clear message to the customer of what type of behavior you expect in your restaurant. You back this up by giving them the reason why you "don't allow" it ("as you may take a photo of a customer by mistake"). By using "by mistake," you are telling them you understand it wouldn't be their fault if this happened, especially if they didn't know the rules on taking photos beforehand. You finish on a positive note by informing them what you do "allow" in your restaurant ("However, we do allow you to take photos of the food"). There could be no misunderstanding between you and the customer, if you said it like this.
"allow" または "(do) not allow" を使うと、レストランで規則について明確に伝えることができます。 この後、なぜそれができないのか理由を説明します("as you may take a photo of a customer by mistake" = 他のお客さんが写真に写る可能性があるから)。 "by mistake" は、「仮にこれが起きたとしても(特にそのルールを事前に知らなかった場合)お客さんには非はない」という話し手の気持ちを表します。 最後は肯定的に、レストランでできることを伝えています("However, we do allow you to take photos of the food" = ただ、料理の写真を撮ることはできます)。 このように言えば、お客さんとの間に誤解が生まれることはないでしょう。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • You may take photos of the food, but not the restaurant as other people might appear in the photo.

  • You are allowed to take photos of the food, but not of the interior of the restaurant.

"You may take photos of the food, but not the restaurant as other people may appear in the photo." May - You are being given permission to take photos of the food you ordered. Might - This word expresses the possibility that something may happen. For example, people appearing in your photo. "You are allowed to take photos of the food, but not of the interior of the restaurant." Allowed - another way of saying you have permission to do something. Interior - the inside of a building, restaurant, home, etc.
"You may take photos of the food, but not the restaurant as other people may appear in the photo." (食べ物の写真を撮ることはできますが、レストランはだめです。写真に他のお客様が映ってしまうかもしれません) May - 食べ物の写真を撮ることは「許可されている」。 Might - この単語は何かの起こる可能性(例えば、写真に人が写り込む)を表します。 "You are allowed to take photos of the food, but not of the interior of the restaurant." (食べ物の写真を撮影することはできますが、建物の内部は駄目です) Allowed - 「許可されている」という意味です。 Interior - 建物、レストラン、家などの「内部」
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Our policy strictly limits photography to pictures of the food only as to respect the privacy of our patrons.

  • Please limit your photos to pictures of your food in order to avoid taking pictures of our guests.

1. Mentioning that the request is policy can help to avoid causing the visitor of the restaurant to assume that he/she is being singled out. A patron is a word that is used for customers in a restaurant or hospitality service and is used to show the value of and respect for the customers. 2. It is also very respectful to refer to a restaurant customer as a guest. Using the word "limit" is a good way to express to the person taking the photos that he/she still may take photos, but there are guidelines for what is acceptable.
1. 「これはレストランの "policy"(方針)です」という言い方をすると、「自分だけが狙い撃ちされた」との誤解を与えずに済みます。 "patron" は「〔レストラン・ホテルなどの〕客」のことです、お客さんへの感謝や敬意を表すときに使われます。 2. "guest" はレストランの客を呼ぶときの丁寧な言い方です。「写真は撮れるが規則がある」と伝えるときには、"limit"(限定する)が使えます。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • You can take photos of the restauarant but please avoid snapping any of the customers

You work at a restaurant. When a customer is trying to take a photo of the interior of the restaurant, you want to tell them that they can take photos of the food, but not the interior because they might get another customer in the shot. The above suggestion deals with that point.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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