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2018/12/06 08:47
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  • time table

1.) time table (時刻表) 「時刻表」は英語でtime tableと訳せます。Time tableは電車やバスに乗れる時間が書いてあるリストです。 例えば、 I checked the timetable for train times. (電車の乗れる時間は時刻表を確認しました) The timetable says I can ride the bus at 9 o'clock in the morning. (時刻表は朝の9時にバスを乗れると書いてあります)
  • schedule

「時刻表」の似ている言い方は「schedule」です。「〇〇 schedule」と言います。「timetable」よりそんなフォーマルのレベルがありません。 The bus hasn't arrived yet, so let's check the bus schedule. バスはまだ来てないので、バス時刻表を確認しましょう。 According to the schedule, the bus should have arrived. 時刻表による、バスが来たはずです。
  • train schedule

  • flight schedule

In American English, we use the verb and noun schedule. For example: The train schedule says that the next one takes off at 6:00. This plane is scheduled to arrive at LA in 15 minutes. I hope that this helps :)
アメリカ英語では"schedule"は動詞と名詞として使われます。 例文: The train schedule says that the next one takes off at 6:00. [訳]時刻表によると次の電車は6時発になっています This plane is scheduled to arrive at LA in 15 minutes. [訳]この飛行機は15分後にLAに到着する予定です お役に立てば幸いです:)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • schedule

  • timetable

Most often, the word schedule is used to refer to the list that shows the times when a train/airplane/bus will arrive and/or depart. You can also use the word timetable. Examples: I need to check the bus schedule to find out when the next bus is coming. Did you check the schedule for her plane to see when she is arriving? They need to update the timetable for the train because it is inaccurate.
電車/飛行機/バスが到着/出発する時間を示したリストは、たいてい "schedule" と呼ばれます。ほかに、"timetable" も使えます。 例: I need to check the bus schedule to find out when the next bus is coming.(次のバスがいつ来るのか時刻表で確認しないと) Did you check the schedule for her plane to see when she is arriving?(時刻表で彼女の飛行機がいつ到着するのか確認しましたか) They need to update the timetable for the train because it is inaccurate.(あの電車の時刻表は不正確だから、書き直さないと駄目だよ)
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • A timetable is a way in which one can see important dates of events, exams or tests.

  • It is a schedule that lists the various times meetings or appointments are happening.

  • A timetable is also used for all methods of transportation as it tells you what time you leave and arrive with various forms of transport.

A timetable is used as a way to display the time slots for various things such as transport, meetings, exams or personal schedules.
"timetable" はあらゆる交通機関の時刻表を表します。 "timetable" は、交通機関やミーティング、試験、個人の予定など、いろいろなものの時間割をいいます。
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • timetable

timetable - 時刻表 「時刻表」は英語で timetable と言います。 time は「時間」、table は「表」の意味です。 例: Where can I find a timetable for this bus? このバスの時刻表はどこで見れますか? Is there a timetable available? 時刻表はありますか? ぜひ使ってみてください。
  • Flight/Train/Bus schedule

"Flight/Train/Bus schedule" In the U.S. when talking about arrivals of train, buses and airplanes you can use the above. It is the most common way. It is more with Train and Bus. However, when talking about ariplanes usually is describe as Departure/Arrival schedule. For example, I went to check the arrival schedule to see at what time the plane comes in.
"Flight/Train/Bus schedule"(飛行機/電車/バスの時刻表) アメリカで電車やバス、飛行機の到着時刻について言うときには、上記のフレーズが使えます。最も一般的な言い方です。これは電車とバスについて使われることが多いです。飛行機について言うときには、たいてい "Departure/Arrival schedule"(出発/到着時刻表)と表します。 例えば: I went to check the arrival schedule to see at what time the plane comes in. (飛行機がいつ来るか到着時刻表を確認に行きました)
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Timetable

  • Time schedule

  • schedule

"What time does the train get here?" "I do not know, let me check the timetable." "It says the next train arrives at 5pm" "Hello, I would like to book a flight to London. May you help me with the schedule?" "Sure, currently we have three direct flights. The first is at 4pm, and then 4.30pm, and the last one is at 6pm. "Perfect I would like to book the 6pm please." "All done, enjoy your flight." "I'm on my way to work, but I have missed the bus and the next one on the bus schedule is in 30 minutes" All three are correct use to describe a kind of time schedule for different modes of transport such as a bus, train, or plane.
"What time does the train get here?"(電車は何時に来ますか) "I do not know, let me check the timetable."(分かりません。時刻表を調べてみます) "It says the next train arrives at 5pm"(次の電車は午後5時に来ると書いてあります) "Hello, I would like to book a flight to London. May you help me with the schedule?"(こんにちは、ロンドン行きの便を予約したいです。スケジュールを教えていただけますか) "Sure, currently we have three direct flights. The first is at 4pm, and then 4.30pm, and the last one is at 6pm.(はい、現在直行便が3便ございます。最初が午後4時、次に午後4時半、最後が午後6時です) "Perfect I would like to book the 6pm please."(そうですか。では、午後6時の便を予約したいです) "All done, enjoy your flight."(完了しました。空の旅をお楽しみください) "I'm on my way to work, but I have missed the bus and the next one on the bus schedule is in 30 minutes"(今出勤途中なのですが、バスに乗り遅れて、その次のバスが30分後なんです) 三つはどれも、バスや電車、飛行機などさまざまな交通機関の時刻表を表す正しい言い方です。
Qu DMM英会話講師
  • train timetable

  • train schedule

The item which shows the times for when your transport will arrive and depart is usually called a schedule or timetable. You may use these phrases in a sentence in the following ways: -I have to check my train timetable every other day, so I don't miss my train. -I have to keep checking the train schedule because the times of arrival and departing differ base on the day.
交通機関の発着時刻を記した表のことは普通、schedule か timetable と呼ばれます。これらは文の中では次のように使えます。 -I have to check my train timetable every other day, so I don't miss my train. (電車に乗り遅れないように、一日おきに時刻表を確認しないといけません) -I have to keep checking the train schedule because the times of arrival and departing differ base on the day. (電車の発着時刻は日によって違うので、毎回時刻表を確認しないといけません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • timetable

timetable - 時刻表 「時刻表」は英語で timetable と言います。 time は「時間」、table は「表」です。 例: You can check the timetable on the official website. 公式ホームページで時刻表を確認することができます。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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