世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




2月にマンハッタンにひと月滞在することになって、冬のNYは寒すぎて楽しめないと聞いてるけど、それでも何かおすすめの場所やレストランやクラブなど、何かあれば教えて欲しいな。 と、ニューヨーク出身の友人に聞きたいです。
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2018/12/14 19:19
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  • I'll be in New York for the month of February. Do you know any good spots to visit?

  • I'm going to New York in February for a month. Any recommendations?

To say we'll 'be' somewhere is to say we will be present there. To stay 'for the month of February' indicates you will be staying the entire month, but not before (January) or after (March). If you are not staying 'for the month of February', then it would be more accurate to say 'I'm going to New York in February for a month.' This indicates that you will arrive sometime in February and will leave a month later (almost certainly sometime in March).
I'll be + 場所'で「〔場所〕にいる」という意味になります。 'for the month of February'は「2月の丸一カ月(滞在する)」を表します。 2月丸一カ月滞在するのでないなら、 'I'm going to New York in February for a month'(2月に一カ月間ニューヨークに行きます) の方が正確でしょう。これは、2月の何日かに到着して、その一カ月後(ほぼ間違いなく3月の何日か)に立ち去ることを表します。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • I'm coming to New York, can you recommend things to do/see?

  • I'm coming to New York in February, can you suggest some places to see?

By saying 'I'm coming' means you are going to be going there you could also say 'I'm visiitng' if you add 'in February' the person would know the time of year and what the weather would be like to suggest things to do To recommend/suggest means you want there ideas of things that you could go to or see
I'm coming'は「そこに行く」という意味です。'I'm visiitng'(訪れる)と言うこともできます。 'in February'(2月)と時期を伝えると、その時の天気を考慮した上でおすすめの場所を紹介してくれるかもしれません。 'To recommend/suggest'で、相手のおすすめの場所を尋ねています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Hey, I'll be in NY for the month of February. What recommendations do you have for me?

Since this is a friend, it's okay to greet them with "hey." "For the month of February" means that you will be in NY for the entire month. I hope that this helps. :)
相手は友達ということなので、"hey"(やぁ)とあいさつして大丈夫です。 "For the month of February"で、2月中ニューヨークにいるという意味になります。 お役に立てると幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do and where I can eat?

Hi, I am coming to New York in February and I am staying for a month. Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do and where I can eat? Will you recommend some sights and restaurants, please? Do you have any ideas on how I can fill my time and good eating spots? What do you propose I do with all my free time?
Hi, I am coming to New York in February and I am staying for a month. (こんにちは、2月に1カ月間ニューヨークに行きます) Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do and where I can eat? (何かおすすめの場所や食べ物はありますか) Will you recommend some sights and restaurants, please? (おすすめの観光地や飲食店はありますか) Do you have any ideas on how I can fill my time and good eating spots? (おすすめの場所や飲食店はありますか) What do you propose I do with all my free time? (おすすめの場所はありますか)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Any recommendations for places to visit in New york?

  • Anywhere in NY worth seeing when I visit?

"Any recommendations for places to visit in New York?" this question is asking if there are any 'recommendations' places someone would insist on going to because they are nice/worth seeing, often these are tourist attractions. "Anywhere in NY worth seeing when I visit?" Again this question is asking if there is anywhere good/nice to visit/explore while in NY.
"Any recommendations for places to visit in New York?"(ニューヨークでおすすめの場所はありますか) ここでは 'recommendations'、つまり「相手のおすすめの場所」を尋ねています。これは観光地のことが多いです。 "Anywhere in NY worth seeing when I visit?"(ニューヨークでおすすめの場所はありますか) こちらも同様、ニューヨークで行った方が良いおすすめの場所を尋ねています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to New York in February, Where are the best places to visit.

This would be a way of asking where the best places are to visit/eat.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Where are the best places to visit in NY, in February?

  • Is there any place in NY, in February, you'd like to recommend I see

  • Where are the must-see places in NY in February?

You are going to New York for a month in February, and want to ask a friend who is from NY if they have any recommendations (of places to go/restaurants/etc.). There are a few suggestions above.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • In February, I'll be in New York for a month, do you have any suggestions about what I can do there?

  • I need some sightseeing recommendations for a trip I will be making to New York in February, do you have any?

  • What great places do you know of in New York? I will be visiting there for a month in February, I'd like to try some good food and see scenic places.

If you would like to get some tips about a specific place you have never visited before, it is great to ask others that have been there. You can ask for suggestions/recommendations. "Do you know of any great bars in New York? I'd like a drink as soon as I arrive there!" "I heard New York has great food! Where would you recommend I eat?" "I can't wait to go sightseeing, where do you recommend I start?"
行ったことがない所に行くときは、そこに行ったことがある人にアドバイスを求めるのが一番ですね。 "suggestions/recommendations"(提案/アドバイス)を求めることができます。 "Do you know of any great bars in New York? I'd like a drink as soon as I arrive there!" (ニューヨークでおすすめのバーはありますか。向こうに着いたらすぐにお酒を飲みたいです) "I heard New York has great food! Where would you recommend I eat?" (ニューヨークの食べ物はおいしいと聞きました。おすすめのレストランはありますか) "I can't wait to go sightseeing, where do you recommend I start?"(観光に行くのが楽しみです。まずどこに行けばいいですかね)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • In February, I'll be stayin in NY for a month, any places you'd recommend?

iさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 上の文脈を英語で表現したい場合は、下記の表現ではいかがでしょうか。 ・In February, I'll be staying in NY for a month, any places you'd recommend? --- recommend = 進める ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
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