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このツアーだと、空港からの観光施設までの送迎は含まれないみたいです。 ツアー会社が定めた6つのホテルにしか迎えに来てくれなさそうです。. よろしくお願い致します(>_<)
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2018/12/15 10:41
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  • This tour does not include transportation from the airport.

  • This tour does not include shuttling from the airport.

transportation単体ですと「交通手段」という意味ですが from the airport (空港からの)をつけると「空港からの送迎」という意味になります。「観光施設までの」を付け加える場合は文末に to the theme park (遊園地までの)のようにto の後に施設内容をいれて下さい。 includeで含む、込み、という意味です。 またshuttlingで「シャトルバス」という意味なのでこちらもおすすめです。
  • This tour does not include transfers from the airport!

  • This tour only collects us from the hotel!

This tour does not include transfers from the airport! "transfer" this means that you will not be picked up or collected from the airport, you have to find your own way to your hotel This tour only collects us from the hotel! we will only be collected from the hotel and not any other place
This tour does not include transfers from the airport!(このツアーに空港からの送迎は含まれていません) "transfer" これは、空港に迎えが来ないという意味です。自力でホテルまで行かないといけないということ。 This tour only collects us from the hotel!(このツアーはホテルにしか迎えが来ません) これは、ホテル以外の場所に迎えは来ないという意味です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Please arrange your own transportation.

  • Please see the following contact cards to arrange transportation.

Please arrange your own transportation' is a good way of informing people that no transport will be provided.
Please arrange your own transportation'(交通手段は自ら手配してください)は、交通手段が提供されないことを伝えるすごく良い言い方です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • This particular tour does not offer transportation.

This particular tour does not offer transportation. Particular - exact, individual, etc. This tour does not have that option, but others may. Offer or provide - to make something available. You could also say, This tour does not offer transportation to and from the airport. (to and from meaning from point a to point b, you must get yourself there.) This particular tour does not offer transportation to the train station.
This particular tour does not offer transportation.(このツアーには送迎は含まれていません) Particular - 正確な(exact)、個別の(individual)、など。このツアーにはそのオプションはないということです、他のものにはあるかもしれません。 Offer or provide - 提供する 次のように言うこともできます。 This tour does not offer transportation to and from the airport.(このツアーには空港までの送迎は含まれていません) ※ "to and from" は「A地点からB地点まで自分で行かないといけない」という意味。 This particular tour does not offer transportation to the train station.(このツアーには駅までの送迎は含まれていません)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • This tour does not include transportation

  • Transportation is not included with this tour

  • Transportation needs to be arranged independently

This tour does not include transportation - the most common and effective way to explain. Transportation needs to be arranged independently - highlights that guests should arrive by themselves if transport is needed but is not provided. You can also add location for example: This tour does not include transportation from/to the airport - to add more detail and to be more specific.
This tour does not include transportation(このツアーには送迎は含まれていません) 最も普通の言い方です。的確に説明しています。 Transportation needs to be arranged independently(送迎は各自でお願いします) 送迎はないのでもし必要なら各自で行うよう伝えています。 場所を加えることもできます。 例えば: This tour does not include transportation from/to the airport(このツアーには空港から/までの送迎は含まれていません)
Katie C DMM英会話講師
  • This tour does not include any transportation.

  • This tour excludes transportation.

  • Please arrange your own transportation.

You can use the term 'excludes' meaning it is not included or add a note to inform people to arrange their own. These are some ways you can let people know: -This tour does not include any transportation. -This tour excludes transportation. -Please arrange your own transportation.
「含まない」という意味の 'excludes' を使うこともできます。 また、「送迎は各自でお願いします」という一言を添えてもいいでしょう。 例えば、次のように言えます。 -This tour does not include any transportation.(このツアーには送迎は含まれていません) -This tour excludes transportation.(このツアーには送迎は含まれていません)(このツアーには送迎は含まれていません) -Please arrange your own transportation.(送迎は各自でお願いします)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Transportation isn't included in this tour.

When you pay for a service and want to talk about the details of it, you talk about what is "included." In this case, transportation is not one of the services that is included. I hope that this helps. :)
受けられるサービスの詳細について確認するときには、"included"(含まれる)という言葉が使われます。 この場合は、送迎サービス(Transportation)はないということ。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The tour doesn't include transportion

  • Please arrange your own transport

When talking about traveling from one place to another we call this 'transportation' transport refers to being takne by a bus/coach/car etc If you don't get something then you would say it's not included to sort something out means to arrange it
ある場所から別の場所に移動することは、'transportation' で表すことができます。 'transport' は、バス・車などによる移動を指します。 何かが提供されないなら、これは 'not included'(含まれない)で表すことができます。 'arrange' は「手配する」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • That tour does not include transport

When talking about a certain travel tour, you want to explain that the tour doesn't include transportation. The above suggestion is suitable for that scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Transfers are not included with this tour.

  • You have to make your own transport arrangement's.

"Transfers are not included with this tour" - This is a way of saying there is no transportation included. Example - Transfers are not included from airport. "You have to make your own transport arrangement's" - This is a way of telling someone they have to find there own transport to the tour either by bus,car,plane or train. Example - "Please find your own transport to the music concert" .
"Transfers are not included with this tour" (送迎はこのツアーに含まれていません。) 例:  Transfers are not included from airport. (送迎は空港からは含まれていません。) "You have to make your own transport arrangement's" (自分で送迎の手配をしなければいけません。) これは、バスや車、飛行機や電車など自分でツアーの送迎の手配をしなければいけないことを伝えています。   例: "Please find your own transport to the music concert" (ミュージックコンサートへの送迎を自分で手配してください。)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • This travel package does not include transportation.

  • There is no transportation included in this travel deal.

  • The tour has no transportation deals attached.

To explain that there is no transportation assistance in a travel package, you can use the sentences above. This means that the traveler needs to make his or her own arrangements to get to the hotel and anywhere else. attached: joined, stuck to, added to deal: special, bargain "Sorry sir, this tour package doesn't have transportation included, I can suggest some great car rental companies."
旅行のパッケージに送迎が入っていないことを伝えるには、これらの例がぴったりです。これは、旅行者は自分でホテルやその他の場所に行く移動手段を見つけなければいけないということです。   attached: 付いている deal: 特別な、バーゲン "Sorry sir, this tour package doesn't have transportation included, I can suggest some great car rental companies." (申し訳ございませんが、このツアーのパッケージには、送迎が含まれておりません。レンタカー会社を紹介することができます。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • You have to arrange your own transport from the hotel.

Transportation is not included in the tour package.
Transportation is not included in the tour package. (送迎はツアーに含まれていません。)
Kweena DMM英会話講師
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