世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/31 15:54
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  • What kind of food do you like?

  • What's your favorite food?

①は、「どんな食べ物が好きですか?」 ②は、「一番好きな食べ物は何ですか?」という意味です。
  • ① What do you like to eat?

「① What do you like to eat?」 「好きな食べもの何ですか?」 ↑ こう言って、好きな食べものを分かれば、「Can I take you to a xxxx restaurant?」と言えばバッチリだと思います!  もし「全部好き」と返されたら、「Ok. Let me take you to a xxxx restaurant then!」と自分から提案するのも一つのアイデアかもしれないですね。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • What is your favorite food?

favorite food: 好物 I know a good restaurant. Why don't we go now? 良いところ知ってるよ。これから行かない?
  • What is your favorite food?

Sometimes you can pick up the type of food someone like from the stories they share.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What's you favourite food, baby?

  • What do you usually like to eat, honey?

  • Whats your normal diet, sweetie?

In love or not, the question is basically the same :-) Terms of endearment: Honey, Sweetie, Sweetie Pie, Love, Darling etc
この質問の場合愛しているかはあんまり関係ないです:-)  呼びかけに使われる言葉は、Honey, Sweetie, Sweetie Pie, Love, Darlingなどがあります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What do you like to eat?

  • What kind of food do you like?

  • What is you favorite dish?

The first two questions ask what kind of food the listener likes in general. The third question is more specific and asks about the listeners most liked food.
最初の2つは、一般的にどんな食べ物が好きかを尋ねる表現です。 3つ目は、より具体的に好きな食べ物を尋ねるときの表現です。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of food do you like?

  • Do you like Japanese or Italian cuisine?

In the first line, you have been precise in your question by asking the person what kind of food the person likes. However, in the second question you have decided to mention the cuisines of two countries, Japan and Italy. The noun cuisine means 'a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment.' For example, Japanese cuisine might include Sushi and Italian cuisine might include Pizza. So, you may ask: What kind of food do you like? or Do you like Japanese or Italian cuisine?
1番目の文では、ストレートに相手に好きな食べ物を尋ねています。 2番目の文では、日本とイタリアの2か国の料理について述べています。cuisineという名詞は、ある国、地域等の料理、料理法という意味です。 例えば、日本のcuisineといえば寿司で、イタリアのcuisineといえばピザ等ですね。 そのため、以下のような文で尋ねてみるといいですね。 What kind of food do you like? (どんな食べ物が好きですか) Do you like Japanese or Italian cuisine? (日本料理かイタリア料理は好きですか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What kind of food do you like

これはまず、What kind of food do you like?(どのような食べ物が好き) と聞けます。それで、もし答えが例えば I like steak(ステーキが好き)でしたら、Oh, I LOVE steak(自分もステーキ大好き)と言えます。それから I know of a great steakhouse called ○○ Have you heard of it(○○というステーキハウス知っている?)と言えます。もし、答えが no でしたら Oh, it's really good. We should go sometime(すごく美味しいよ。今度行こう)と言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • What kind of food do you like?

  • Is there something that you like to eat more than anything else?

  • What is your favorite thing to eat?

If you want to ask someone that you like about what kind of food they like to eat, it's the same as asking anyone else. Here are some ways that you can ask that question:- 1. What kind of food do you like? 2. What is your favorite thing to eat? 3. Is there something that you like to eat more than anything else? Here are some examples of these questions in use :- Example 1:- Jonh: Let me take you to dinner tonight, what do you say? Jenny : Sure, I'd love to go out tonight. John: Ok, no problem, what kind of food do you like? Example 2:- Wendy: Hmm, I'm so hungry Paul:Really, then let's get something to eat, is there something that you like to eat more than anything else? Wendy: I really like Italian food, that's my favorite!
これらは好きな人に、好きな食べ物が何かを聞くときのフレーズです。   1. What kind of food do you like? (どんな食べ物が好きですか?9 2. What is your favorite thing to eat? (好きな食べ物は何ですか?) 3. Is there something that you like to eat more than anything else? (他の何よりも好きな食べ物はありますか?)   例1: Jonh: Let me take you to dinner tonight, what do you say? ジョン:今夜ディナーに連れていってもいいかな? Jenny : Sure, I'd love to go out tonight. ジェニー:もちろん。今夜行きたいわ。 John: Ok, no problem, what kind of food do you like? ジョン:わかった。どんな食べ物が好き? 例2: Wendy: Hmm, I'm so hungry ウェンディー:あぁ、すごくお腹がすいた。 Paul:Really, then let's get something to eat, is there something that you like to eat more than anything else? ポール:本当に?じゃあ何か食べ物を買いに行こう。他の何より好きな食べ物はある? Wendy: I really like Italian food, that's my favorite! ウェンディー:イタリア料理がすごく好きなの!それが私の大好きなものだわ!
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • What's like your favorite food?

  • What kinda food do you enjoy?

  • What do you like to eat?

Keiさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - What's like your favorite food? - What kinda food do you enjoy? - What kinda food do you like? - What do you like to eat? - So, what's your dish of choice? ^^ --- = なんか(特に意味のないカジュアル表現です) --- ... kinda = kind of の略となり、カジュアルな表現です。 --- dish of choice = 「よく選ぶ料理」 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • "What food do you enjoy the most?"

  • "What is your favourite food?"

  • "What are your favourite food dishes?"

If you wanted to ask someone that you like/have a crush on what kind of food they like, you could ask any of the following: "What food do you enjoy the most?", "What is your favourite food?" or "What are your favourite food dishes?".
好きな人に好きな食べ物を聞きたいなら、次のように言えます。 "What food do you enjoy the most?" "What is your favourite food?" "What are your favourite food dishes?" (好きな食べ物は何ですか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • What's your favorite food?

  • What kind of food do you like?

  • Do you have a favorite food?

Favorite- most desired Do you have a favorite food? - Not everyone has a favorite food, some find it too difficult to choose. The answer to this question could be 'Yes, my favorite food is pizza', or it could be 'No, I don't have a favorite food'.
Favorite- 一番好きな Do you have a favorite food?(好きな食べ物はありますか) → みんながみんな好きな食べ物があるわけではありません、なかなか選ぶことができないという人もいます。この質問に対する答えとしては、例えば: 'Yes, my favorite food is pizza'(あります、私が好きな食べ物はピザです) または 'No, I don't have a favorite food'(いいえ、好きな食べ物はありません)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • What kind of food do you like?

  • Please tell me, what kind of food do you like?

It's a very simple phrase to say. Just ask a person about kind of food (which means the same as type of food) do they like and use the word please to make it more polite.
これはとてもシンプルに言えます。 'please' を使って丁寧に尋ねましょう。 ※ 'kind of food' は 'type of food'(食べ物の種類)と同意。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of food do you like?

  • What is your favorite food?

What kind of food do you like? The word 'what' introduces a question. 'you' - this indicates that the question is directed at someone specific Example A: What kind of food do you like? B: I love Chinese food. A: What kind of food do you like? B: I love Pizza. ____________________________________________________________________________ What is you favorite food? The word 'what' introduces a question. 'your' - the question is directed at someone specific 'favorite' - you are asking which food he prefers Example A: What is your favorite food? B: Thai food.
What kind of food do you like?どんな食べ物が好き? Whatは質問を始める形。 'you' - 特定の誰かを指す 例 A: What kind of food do you like?どんな食べ物が好きですか? B: I love Chinese food.中国料理が好きです。 A: What kind of food do you like?どんな種類の食べ物が好き? B: I love Pizza.ピザが好きです ____________________________________________________________________________ What is you favorite food?一番好きな食べ物は何ですか? Whatは質問を始める形です。'your' -誰か特定の。 'favorite' - お気に入りの 例 A: What is your favorite food?一番何が好きな食べ物なの? B: Thai food.タイ料理
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What's your favorite food?

favorite = best "What's your favorite food?" "What food do you like best?" "What do you like to eat?" "What food do you like to eat?"
favorite = best  一番好き "What's your favorite food?"どの料理がお気に入りですか? "What food do you like best?"どの料理が一番好きですか? "What do you like to eat?"何を食べるのが好きですか? "What food do you like to eat?"どの料理を食べるのが好きですか?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) What's your favorite food ?

  • B)What do you enjoy eating the most ?

Hello Kei :-) I hope this helps ! A) What's your favorite food ? *Favorite - Best-loved B)What do you enjoy eating the most ? *Enjoy -take delight or pleasure in / Like /love
こんにちは Keiさん :-) 回答がお役に立てば幸いです ! A) What's your favorite food ?(一番好きな食べ物は何ですか?) *Favorite - 一番好きな B)What do you enjoy eating the most ?(何を食べるのが好きですか?) *Enjoy -喜びを感じる / 好む /とても好む
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Where do you fancy going to eat?

  • What's your favourite dish?

  • What food are you keen on?

Where do you fancy going to eat? - This is brilliant as it is an indirect question, you can say it and get an idea of what they like and whether you would like to try it. e.g. 'Where do you fancy going to eat?" "I want to check out that Thai place" - If you like Thai food you can say "lets go"or "No, I'm not keen, lets go to that sushi bar" What's your favourite dish? - You can make a judgement on this question e.g. "What's your favourite dish?" "I like steak" - maybe they will like an American style restaurant, burgers steak etc. What food are you keen on? - More than likely they will answer this question by saying the food they hate, so you are on a winner e.g. "What food are you keen on?" "I hate seafood! Anything except seafood"
Where do you fancy going to eat? (どこに食べにいきたい?) これは直接的な質問ではないので、とてもいい質問です。この質問を言って、相手が何が好きなのか、試してみたいかどうかを知ることができます。 会話例 'Where do you fancy going to eat?" (どこに食べにいきたい?) "I want to check out that Thai place" (タイ料理屋さんをチェックしてみたいな) あなたもタイ料理が好きなら、"lets go"(行こう)と言ってもいいですし、好きでないなら "No, I'm not keen, lets go to that sushi bar"(いや、気が向かないから、寿司屋さんに行こう)と言ってみるといいですね。 What's your favourite dish?(好きな食べ物は何?) この質問をすれば、相手のことが判断ができるようになるでしょう。 会話例 "What's your favourite dish?" (好きな食べ物は何?) "I like steak"(ステーキが好き) この場合なら、ハンバーガーやステーキなどがあるアメリカレストランが好きかもしれませんね。 What food are you keen on? (どんな食べ物を食べたい気分?) この質問に対して、相手は嫌いな食べ物を言うことが多いでしょうね。そうすれば、物事を進めやすいので、あなたの勝ち、もうこっちのものです。 "What food are you keen on?" (どんな食べ物を食べたい気分?) "I hate seafood! Anything except seafood"(シーフードは嫌い!シーフード以外ならいいよ。)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
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