This is only for those who have a Japanese DMM account.
This is limited to those with a Japanese DMM account.
This is limited to users with DMM account in Japan.
日本の - Japanese, in japan
日本のユーチューバー - Japanese youtuber, youtuber in Japan
“In japan”は“日本にいる”の意味もあるから “Japanese”の方がいいと思います。
日本のdmmアカウント - Japanese DMM account
限定 - limited, special, limited to
ローソン限定 - limited to Lawson, Lawson special edition
春限定 - spring item, Spring limited edition
DMM限定 - DMM special, limited to DMM, DMM limited edition
アカウントを持つ - have an account
持つ - have
アカウントを持つユーザー - Users with an account, users with an active account
It's limited to those who own a Japanese DMM account.
You can't use this function unless you have a Japanese DMM account.
"It's limited to those who own a Japanese DMM account."
「日本のDMMアカウントを持つユーザー限定です」"limited" は「限定」という意味で、"to own"は「持つ」に相当します。
"You can't use this function unless you have a Japanese DMM account."