世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/01 00:38
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  • It's great to wake up early and be on top of the day!

  • Think of all the things you can achieve while others are still sleeping.

  • Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy and wise

You would like to explain that there are many benefits of waking up early. In that case, you may like to mention an old English provern: 'The early bird catches the worm'. Alternatively you could try another proverb as detailed in the third example - or another suitable comment as shown above.
早起きにはたくさんのいいことがあることを説明したいのですね。その場合、英語のことわざ、 'The early bird catches the worm'(早起きは三文の徳)を使うといいでしょう。 また、3つ目の例にある別のことわざ、またはほかの表現も使うこともできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The early bird always catches the worm.

ことわざの変形です。 The early bird catches the worm. は、「早起きは三文の徳(得)」。 寝坊を戒めることわざで、朝早く起きれば何か良いことがある、という意味です。 ただし今回のご質問は「良いことしかない」なので、これではやや不十分。 そこで、always を付ければ、「必ず良いことがある」とさらに自分を励ますことができます。
  • Wake up early and you'll succeed

  • If you snooze, you looze

  • Early to bed, early to rise

You could use some of these phrases to explain the benefit of waking up early. Each of them all basically mean the same thing, if you wake up early, you will benefit the most out of that day. If you snooze you looze could mean two things: 1:If you do not pay attention and do not something quickly, someone else will do it instead of you. 2. If you do not wake up early you might miss out on something and "looze"
早起きはいいことしかないということを伝えるには、これらの例を使うといいでしょう。どれも基本的に同じ意味です。 If you snooze you loozeは、以下の2つの意味があります。  1.注意を払わずにあることをすぐにやらないと、誰かが代わりにやってしまうこと。 2.早起きしないと、何かを逃してしまったり、失くしてしまうこと。
Summer G DMM英会話講師
  • There are so many good reasons to wake up early.

  • The early bird always gets the worm and I'll tell you the reasons why!

  • There's so many benefits to getting up early

There are so many good reasons to wake up early. The early bird always gets the worm and I'll tell you the reasons why! Meaning = I'll tell you why (I'll give you some reasons) There's so many benefits to getting up early. benefits = good things, things that will make your life better. You could also say: *I love waking up early, I get so much more done in a day. *Waking up early means you are more productive throughout the day *Waking up early is scientifically proven to improve your productivity. Hope this helps! ^ ^
早起きするのにはたくさんのいい理由があります。 The early bird always gets the worm(早起きは三文の徳)  There's so many benefits to getting up early.(早起きにはたくさんのいいことがある。) benefits = いいこと、人生をよりよくしてくれること   以下のようにも言うことができます。 *I love waking up early, I get so much more done in a day. (早起きが大好きです。その日たくさんのことができるからです。) *Waking up early means you are more productive throughout the day. (早起きは、その日もっとたくさんのことができるということです。) *Waking up early is scientifically proven to improve your productivity. (早起きは生産性を向上するということが科学的に証明されています。) お役に立てると幸いです。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • The early bird catches the worm

  • It's better to start the day fresh

  • I will have a good day if I wake up early

There are so many benefits to waking up early, you feel better throughout the day, you can get more things done, you have more energy. There are many expressions to communicate this as well, the most well known is "the early bird gets the worm" or "a good day you can see from the sunrise". Other than expressions, you can simply express how good you feel by waking up early. When I wake up early I am ready to face the day, but when I wake up late, I feel groggy and even more tired sometimes. There is a freshness that comes with waking up early and a heaviness when it comes to waking up late.
早起きにはたくさんのいいことがあります。その日気持ちよく過ごせたり、たくさんのことを終わらせることができたり、エネルギーがたくさんあったりなどです。 これにはたくさんの表現がありますが、最もよく知られているのが "the early bird gets the worm"(早起きは三文の徳)や "a good day you can see from the sunrise"(日の出を見るといい日になる。)です。 他にもシンプルに早起きするとどんな気分かを表現するといいでしょう。私は早起きすると、その日の心構えができ、遅く起きるとフラフラしたり、疲れやすくなったりします。 早起きをするとフレッシュな気分になり、遅く起きると重い感じになります。 
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • Wake up early and finish your daiy tasks early.

  • If you wake up early, you will stay ahead of the pack.

  • Wake up early, get to work early, and be above reproach.

Indeed, there are many advantages of waking up early.If you are a person that wakes up early on a daily basis, it means that you start your daily tasks early and finish them early.That's quite an advantage because you can have enough time to relax and also go to bed early.If you are an early riser, you must always be ahead of the pack, because, while others are still in bed, you are already on the road, way ahead of the rest of them.This means that because of waking up early, you are always ahead of the pack.People who wake up late and get to work late are always repremanded by their bosses and eventually lose their jobs.However, if you always wake up early and get to work early, you never get repremanded, you are actually above reproach and that's a huge benefit.You may even get promoted. So, you may say: Wake up early and finish your daiy tasks early. or If you wake up early, you will stay ahead of the pack. or Wake up early, get to work early, and be above reproach.
実際、早起きにはたくさんのいいことがあります。a person that wakes up early on a daily basisとは、日課を早くはじめ、早く終わらせるという意味です。これはリラックスできる時間をたくさん確保でき、早く寝ることもできるので、かなりいいことです。 早起きをする人なら、他の人がまだ寝ている中、他の人よりも先に出かけるなど、先取って動くことができます。寝坊したり、仕事に遅刻したりする人は、上司に叱責されたり、もしかしたら仕事を失ってしまうかもしれません。 しかし、常に早起きして、仕事にも早く行き、叱責されることもないので大きな利点となります。もしかしたら昇進することもあるかもしれません。   例: Wake up early and finish your daiy tasks early. (早起きし、日課を早く終わらせる。)   If you wake up early, you will stay ahead of the pack. (早起きしたら、みんなより先に行動できる。)   Wake up early, get to work early, and be above reproach. (早起きし、仕事に早く行き、非の打ちどころがないようにしよう。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Waking up early is a good way to get your day started.

  • There are so many benefits to getting up early.

"Waking up early is a good way to get your day started." is a great way to make a statement about your opinion on how good getting out of bed and starting your day is really good for the rest of your day. "There are so many benefits to getting up early." is another option for expressing that you have many ideas about why you think that getting up early is beneficial. The noun 'benefits' means that you get something out of it.
"Waking up early is a good way to get your day started." (早起きは、一日を始めるいい方法だ。) これは、早起きすると、一日が気持ちよく始めることができることを表すフレーズです。   "There are so many benefits to getting up early." (早起きにはたくさんのいいことがある。) これは、早起きするといいことがたくさんあることを表すフレーズです。名詞 'benefits'は、何かを得ることという意味です。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • The early bird catches the worm.

  • Waking up early is very beneficial.

  • Waking up early can lead to a productive life.

The most common idiom that explains this benefit of waking up early is, "the early bird catches the worm," which refers to the idea that those who wake up early, have a better chance of achieving results and getting what they want from life. However, if you wanted to just explain it more literally, here are some example sentences : - Waking up early is very beneficial. - Waking up early can lead to a productive life.
早起きするといいことがあることを表すイディオムは、"the early bird catches the worm," で、早起きは三文の徳という意味です。 しかし、よりこの文字のまま伝えたいなら以下の例がぴったりです。  - Waking up early is very beneficial. (早起きはとてもいいことがある。) - Waking up early can lead to a productive life. (早起きは有益な生活につながる。)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"-Ben Franklin

  • The early bird catches the worm.

Adults should try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Getting enough rest promotes better concentration and a host of other health benefits. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise is referencing the thought that a good night's rest will allow the body to rest, you will be more productive at work, and knowing this and following this will make you smart. The early bird catches the worm often means that the one arrives first has the best chance at success.
大人は少なくても1日7時間は睡眠をとるべきです。十分な睡眠をとることには、集中力のアップなどさまざまな健康上のメリットがあります。 "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"(早寝早起きは、人を健康に、豊かに、また賢くする) は、「十分な睡眠をとることで体が元気になり、仕事がはかどり、また、これを実践することでより賢い人にもなれる」という意味です。 "The early bird catches the worm"(早起きは三文の得) は「最初に来た者が得をする」という意味合いで使われることが多いです。
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • Waking up early is good for you.

Another way to say that something is beneficial is to say that it is "good for you."This is a nice way to recommend something to someone without making them feel bad. I hope that this helps. :)
"beneficial"(有益な)の意味は "good for you" でも表すことができます。"good for you" は、人に何かを勧めるときの遠回しな言い方です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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