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2019/01/03 19:56
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  • Because it's a wonderful weather and I recieved a letter from him/my boyfriend

  • Becuase it's we've got such wonderful weather and I got a letter from him/my boyfriend

最初の例は「だって天気は良いし彼から手紙をもらったから」になります。「彼」が男性の知人を指す場合なら「him」、彼氏/恋人の意なら「my boyfriend」で。 次の例は「なぜなら素晴らしい天気に恵まれたし彼から手紙が来た」と少々表現を変えてます。
  • I had a great day today, because the weather is quite nice and I received a letter from my boyfriend.

We can use the word "quite" to say the same thing as "very." In American English, we say that you have a good day so it's good to say that you had a great day. I hope that this helps! :)
"quite" は "very" と同じ意味で使うことができます。 アメリカ英語では、"have a good day"(良い日を過ごす)と言うので、"I had a great day" と言うこともできます。 参考になれば幸いです! :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Today was a good day, the weather is nice and my boyfriend wrote to me!

  • What a terrific day! The weather is awesome and I got a letter!

"Today was a good day, the weather is nice and my boyfriend wrote to me!" when somebody wrote a letter, we don't have to say "My friend wrote me a letter" we can also say "My friend wrote to me" "What a terrific day! The weather is awesome and I got a letter from my boyfriend!" There are many different adjectives that we can use to describe a good day or weather. Examples: good, terrific, fantastic, great, excellent, splendid
"Today was a good day, the weather is nice and my boyfriend wrote to me!"(今日はすごくいい日でした。天気が良くて、彼氏から手紙が届きました!) 誰かが手紙を書いてくれたときには、"My friend wrote me a letter" の他に "My friend wrote to me" と言うこともできます。 "What a terrific day! The weather is awesome and I got a letter from my boyfriend!" (今日はなんて素晴らしい日でしょう!天気は最高で、彼氏から手紙が届きました) 素晴らしい一日あるいは天気を表すのに使える形容詞はたくさんあります。 例えば: good, terrific, fantastic, great, excellent, splendid
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • "Today is a very good day, because it's very nice weather outside and I received a letter from my boyfriend"

  • "I really enjoyed myself today, because the weather is very nice and I received a letter from my boyfriend"

If you wanted to explain that you have enjoyed your day because of two things, the weather is very nice outside and you received a letter from your boyfriend you could say the following: "Today is a very good day, because it's very nice weather outside and I received a letter from my boyfriend" or "I really enjoyed myself today, because the weather is very nice and I received a letter from my boyfriend".
天気が素晴らしかったこととボーイフレンドから手紙が届いたこと、この二つの理由でその日が素晴らしい1日だったことを説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Today is a very good day, because it's very nice weather outside and I received a letter from my boyfriend"(今日は天気が良くて彼氏から手紙も届いたので、素晴らしい1日です) "I really enjoyed myself today, because the weather is very nice and I received a letter from my boyfriend"(今日は天気が良くて彼氏から手紙も届いたので素晴らしい1日でした)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Because the weather is great and my boyfriend sent me a letter, I'm feeling on top of the world!

If it's great weather outside and you receive a letter from your boyfriend, then you may express this by using the above exampled sentence. To feel on top of the world - to feel positive, energised, happy.
天気が素晴らしく、そしてボーイフレンドから手紙が届いたなら、これは上記の文で表せます。 To feel on top of the world - 前向きで、幸せ、元気になった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The sun is shining and my boyfriend wrote to me today -- life is good.

  • I'm in high spirits -- my boyfriend's letter just arrived and the weather is perfect.

In American English, the phrase 'life is good' is a common one, and there are even bumper stickers on cars that say 'life is good'. It is similar to the phrase 'All things tend toward the good.' 'I'm in high spirits' is a phrase that means that we feel light, buoyant and happy perhaps because we are getting what we want in life. Instead of saying 'my boyfriend's letter just arrived' we could also say 'my boyfriend's letter just came.' I hope this is useful to your study.
アメリカ英語では 'life is good' はよく使われるフレーズです、'life is good' と書かれた車のバンパーステッカーもあります。これは 'All things tend toward the good.'(全てのことは良い方に向かっている)というフレーズに似ています。 'I'm in high spirits' は「(物事が思い通りに行って)上機嫌で幸せな」という意味です。 'my boyfriend's letter just arrived'(彼氏からの手紙が届いた)の代わりに 'my boyfriend's letter just came.'(同)と言うこともできます。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • My day Is getting better and better, Good weather and I received a letter from my boyfriend

"My day Is getting better and better, Good weather and I received a letter from my boyfriend" 'Getting better and better' is a commonly used phrase expressing that something ex. your day, is becoming more and more enjoyable as the day goes on.
"My day Is getting better and better, Good weather and I received a letter from my boyfriend"(今日は天気もいいですし、彼から手紙も届きました。すごくいい日になっています) 'Getting better and better' は、日などが「どんどん良くなる」ことを表します。よく使われるフレーズです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I've had a very good day

  • Today has been so good

  • I've had such a good day

If you are describing how good your day has been you can say "I've had a good day" or "I've had such a good day". Both of these are basically the same but such makes it a bit stronger. "Today has been so good" adds emphasis to so which makes it the strongest of the three statements.
とてもいい日を過ごしたなら、"I've had a good day" や "I've had such a good day"と言うことができます。 どちらも基本的に同じですが、suchはより強調の意味になります。 "Today has been so good" (今日はとてもいい日だ)は、soをつけることで強調の意味を込め、この3つの中で一番強い意味になります。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
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