'Thank you for clearing the table.'
食器を「下げる」のは 'to clear' または 'to clear up' と言います。
'Clear the table' はテーブル(食卓)から食器かほかの置物を取って、テーブルを何もおいていない、きれいな状態にするという意味です。これは食後に食器などをテーブルからシンクまで持っていくことを表します。
'Thank you for clearing up the dishes'
'Clear up the dishes' は「食器を下げる」意味です。どこかからシンクまで持っていくという意味です。
There are of course many phrases that suit this scenario...but in common English we normally say : Thanks for cleaning up."
"Clearing the dishes" and "Clearing the table" are also normally used phrases.
"Household chores" are better shared among the family group and well behave children are taught ..."to clear up after themselves!"
これはもちろんいろいろな言い方ができますが、一般的には "Thanks for cleaning up."(片付けてくれてありがとう)といいます。
"Clearing the dishes"(お皿を片付ける)と "Clearing the table"(テーブルを片付ける)はよく使われるフレーズです。
"Household chores"(家事)は家族で分担した方がいいですし、しつけの良い子は "Clearing up after themselves!"(後片付け)ができます。
Most parents encourage their children to take their own plates to the sink and wash them and not just dump them there, leaving the washing to somebody else. This is good education for the children because it teaches them to take responsibility for clearing and washing their own dishes. In addition to thanking them for what they have done, it helps a lot to give them pats on their backs and tell them to 'keep up the good work' or say: 'well done!' They will carry on with this good deed well into their adulthood.
So you may say:
Thanks for taking responsibility for your plates.
Thanks for clearing your own plates, please keep up the good work.
You did an excellent job clearing your own plates. Well done!
また、「ありがとう」に加えて、'keep up the good work'(その調子で頑張って) や 'well done!'(よくやった)などと励ましの言葉をかけてもいいでしょう。きっと、大人になるまで続けてくれると思います。
Thanks for taking responsibility for your plates.
Thanks for clearing your own plates, please keep up the good work.
You did an excellent job clearing your own plates. Well done!
DMM英会話講師 Teddy Zee(テディ・ジー)
Showing appreciation to your children is a wonderful thing to do because they will need these skills for their future. You can simply tell them “Thank you” when they bring the dishes in to the kitchen for you. You can also tell them “I appreciate your help”. Appreciation means to show how grateful you are of something. So, these are ways to show your gratitude for help that is given.
キッチンまでお皿を持って来てくれたときに、シンプルに“Thank you”と言えます。また、“I appreciate your help”と伝えてもいいです。
Thanks' and 'thank you' can be used interchangeably depending on the context (i.e. formality, culture).
"Cleaning the dishes' refers to washing the dishes in the kitchen after a meal.
"Clearing the table/dishes" refers to removing the dishes from the dinner table or wherever you were eating.
"Doing the dishes" refers to washing or cleaning the dishes.
The phrases are a sign of appreciation.
Thanks' と 'Thank you' は文脈(例えばフォーマルさや文化)に応じて置き換えることができます。
"Cleaning the dishes' は食事の後キッチンでお皿を洗うことをいいます。
"Clearing the table/dishes" は食事の後テーブルなどからお皿を片付けることをいいます。
"Doing the dishes" はお皿を洗うことをいいます。
Thank you for clearing the table and bringing your dishes. - this is a polite way to express to your children you appreciate them helping you clean the dinner table. This is a normal way to say thank you to someone. Normally people will not say thank you, so to be polite you can use this expression to show you are grateful for their help.
Thank you for clearing the table and bringing your dishes.(テーブルを片付けて、お皿を持って来てくれてありがとう)
これは、人に感謝をするときの一般的な言い方です。普通、"thank you" とは言いません。この表現を使うと、相手の手助けに対して丁寧に感謝の気持ちを伝えることができます。
Thanks for pitching in to tidy the kitchen.
To "pitch in" means to provide help or assistance
to others so that a job or task can get done
quickly.If you use the phrase ''pitch in", then it
usually means that there is already one or more
people doing the job and you therefore join in to help.
Thanks for pitching in to tidy the kitchen.(台所を片付けるの手伝ってくれてありがとう)
"To pitch in" は「手伝う/手を貸す」という意味です。"pitch in" は普通、既に仕事をしている人がいて、そこに加わる場合に使います。
Thanks for your help in clearing up.(片付け手伝ってくれてありがとう)
"To clear up" は「片付ける/部屋を元の整った状態に戻す」という意味です。
In some households it is common for children to clear the table and bring their plates to the sink after eating, but in some households it is less common. Sometimes the mother, or perhaps daughters are expected to collect all of the plates and clear the table for everyone. Therefore, it is nice and polite for a parent to teach their children to take their own plates to the sink when they are finished eating, and then to thank them for doing so. In this case, one appropriate way to thank them is "Thanks for cleaning up after yourselves." This encourages children to take responsibility for cleaning their own dirty plates.
Clearing the table could also refer to clearing the glasses, silverware and remaining food items as well. If the guests or children help to clear everything from the table, you could also say "Thanks for helping to clear the table." or "Thanks for clearing the dinner table." The last response is appropriate for dinner, but that word could also be replaced for whichever meal has just been served. These phrases both promote and acknowledge positive behaviors in children or dinner guests.
ですから、子どもに食べ終わったら食器を流しまで持って行くように教えて、それを子どもがしてくれたときには、「ありがとう」と伝えると丁寧です。この場合例えば "Thanks for cleaning up after yourselves."(片付けしてくれてありがとう)と言えます。これは、子どもに自分の使った食器は自分で片付けるよう促します。
"Clearing the table" は、グラスや、ナイフ、フォーク、残った食べ物を片付けることも表します。
もしゲストや子どもがテーブルを片付けるのを手伝ってくれたなら、"Thanks for helping to clear the table."(テーブルを片付けるのを手伝ってくれてありがとう)または "Thanks for clearing the dinner table."(夕食のテーブルを片付けてくれてありがとう)と言えます。最後の文は夕食について使いますが、"Dinner" を他の食事に置き変えることもできます。これらのフレーズはどちらも、子どもやゲストの前向きな行動を促し、またそれについて感謝します。
When talking about cleaning up the table, we would actually use the verb, "to clear up," which can mean to make things clean or organized when talking about this concept.
We can use it in two ways :
- Thanks for clearing up the table
- Thanks for clearing the table
However, we can also give a general thank you by saying, "Thanks for cleaning up."
「テーブルを片付ける」と言うときは、"to clear up" という動詞を使います。"to clear up" は「きれいにする/整頓する」という意味です。
- Thanks for clearing up the table
- Thanks for clearing the table
また、片付け全体を指して "Thanks for cleaning up."(片付けてくれてありがとう)と言うこともできます。
If after eating your children clear the table and bring their plates to the sink, and you wanted to thank them for clearing the table and bringing their plates, you could say any of the following: "Thanks for clearing the table", "Thanks for bringing your plates" or "Thank you very much for clearing the table and bringing your plates to the sink".
"Thanks for clearing the table"(食器を片付けてくれてありがとう)
"Thanks for bringing your plates"(食器を持ってきてくれてありがとう)
"Thank you very much for clearing the table and bringing your plates to the sink"(食器を流しまで持ってきてくれてありがとう)
After eating, when someone (for example your children) clear the table and bring their plates to the sink, you want to thank them for clearing the table and bringing their plates.
Either of the above comments would be great for that kind of situation.
Both of your examples can be used, I just recommend to put kids in the end because it makes it sounds better. For example - Thanks for helping, Dan! I think I will be fine on my own now.
あなたの考えた例はどちらも使えます。一つだけ、最後に "kids" と加えるとより優しい響きになります。
Thanks for helping, Dan! I think I will be fine on my own now.(手伝ってくれてありがとう、ダン。あとは一人で大丈夫だと思う)
It's actually good to encourage children for good behaviour, becasue this will have the effect of making them want to continue the good behavoiur. If you want to thank your children for removing the dishes from the table after dinner, here are two ways you can say that:-
Thank you for clearing the table.
You can use this simple sentence to let your child know that you apprecatie his/her action of removing the dishes from the table.
Thank you for having good table manners.
Good table manners include all the manners that you display at a table when you are having a meal, and also includes things like cleaning up after a meal.
Thank you for clearing the table.(食器を片付けてくれてありがとう)
Thank you for having good table manners.(行儀よくしてくれてありがとう)
'Good table manners'(良いテーブルマナー)には、食事中の作法のほか、食後の片付けなども含まれます。