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前の仕事が英語を使わなかったので 英語を使える仕事に変えました。
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2019/01/04 15:24
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  • I changed to a job where I can use English.

  • I switched to a job where I use English.

「転職する」動詞は英語で「to change job s」です。この場合、もう一つの言い方が使えます。それは「switch to a job」のような表現です。 なぜならば、続いてはどんなような仕事の説明する部分です。 to change to a job where I can use English to start working at a place where they use English to switch jobs to a workplace that allows me to speak English 等
  • I have changed job that I can use English at work.

  • I have changed job to use English at work because my previous job didn't need it.

I have changed my job that I can use English at work. 職場で英語を使える仕事に転職しました。後半の that 以降がどのような仕事かを説明しています。この形で言い換えて、 I have joined DMM that I can learn English online at anytime! ”いつでもオンラインで英語が学べるDMMに入ったよ”等、いろいろと応用ができますね。 ”前の仕事では英語を使わなかったので”も含めるならば、 I have changed job to use English at work because my previous job didn't need it. 少し長くなりますがこのようにも言えますね。
Kaoru A 英語講師
  • My old job did not let me use English but my new job does.

  • I have to use English at my new job but I didn't at the old one.

  • I changed jobs so I could use English at work.

My old job did not let me use English but my new job does. I have to use English at my new job but I didn't at the old one. I changed jobs so I could use English at work. I couldn't use English at my old job so I changed jobs to one that uses English. I get to use English at work at my new job. I moved to a job that allows me to use English at work. I wanted to use English at work so I changed jobs.
My old job did not let me use English but my new job does.(前の仕事では英語を使いませんでしたが新しい仕事では使います) I have to use English at my new job but I didn't at the old one.(新しい仕事では英語を使わないといけませんが、前の仕事では使わなくてよかったです) I changed jobs so I could use English at work.(仕事で英語が使えるように転職しました) I couldn't use English at my old job so I changed jobs to one that uses English.(前の仕事では英語が使えなかったので、使える仕事に転職しました) I get to use English at work at my new job.(新しい仕事では英語を使います) I moved to a job that allows me to use English at work.(英語が使える仕事に転職しました) I wanted to use English at work so I changed jobs.(仕事で英語を使いたかったので、転職しました)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I changed to a job that uses English

  • My new job involves me using English

If something makes or gets you to do something then we say that it 'involves' you to do that So by saying 'my new job' this expresses that you have changed jobs although you can also say 'i changed to a job' 'uses/using English' means you have to speak/read English to do it
あることをしてほしいと言われることを、 'involves'と言います。  'i changed to a job'(転職したんだ。)を言うこともできますが、'my new job' (新しい仕事)と言うことで転職したことを伝えることができます。 'uses/using English' とは英語を使うという意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I changed my job to one where I am applying my English language skills.

  • I changed jobs so that I could be able to use my English language skills.

  • I changed to a new job where my English language skills are now being utilized.

There are always reasons why people change jobs. In this case, you changed jobs because in the previous one, you were unable to speak English because it was not a requirement. This definitely restricted your ability to apply your English language skills. To be good at speaking a foreign language, you must be in an environment where it is spoken. You can only become a fluent English speaker if you often communicate in it, especially in the workplace. The absence of this environment at your previous job made you quit. You are now 'utilizing' your English language skills. The verb to 'utilize' means to 'practically and effectively make use of something', in this case, your English language skills. So, you may say to a friend: I changed my job to one where I am applying my English language skills. or I changed jobs so that I could be able to use my English language skills. or I changed to a new job where my English language skills are now being utilized.
人が転職するときには必ず理由があります。ここでは、前の仕事で英語を使えなかったので転職したわけです。これでは英語力を伸ばすことはできませんね。外国語がうまくなるにはそれが話される環境に身を置く必要があります。特に職場において英語で頻繁にやりとりをしないと、流ちょうに話せるようにはなりません。このような環境になかったために前の仕事を辞めたわけです。 今はあなたは英語を 'utilize' していますね。'utilize' は「~を活用する」の意味の動詞です。この場合は「英語を」ですね。 友人に次のように伝えることができます。 I changed my job to one where I am applying my English language skills.(転職して今の仕事では英語を使っています) I changed jobs so that I could be able to use my English language skills.(英語が使える仕事に転職しました) I changed to a new job where my English language skills are now being utilized.(転職して今の仕事では英語が役に立っています)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I just switched to a new job opportunity where I can communicate in English.

  • My new job requires me to speak English, whereas, my last job didn't.

  • I gave up my prior job in order to work where English is used.

1. Switching to something else typically indicates that changes were made in order to have better or more appropriate accommodations. 2. If the new job expects a person to use the English language in the workplace, then indicating that it is required will highlight that fact. "Whereas" is a conjunction word to use in a sentence in order to present a contrast between two circumstances. In this case, it states that English is used in one job and not the other. 3. To give up something is a way of saying that changes needed to be made in order to have another and likely better opportunity.
1. "switching to something else" はたいてい、より良いものあるいはより適切なものに替えることを表します。 2. 新しい職場で英語力を期待されているなら、"required" を使うとそれについて強調できます。"Whereas" は二つの状況を対比するときに使われる接続詞です。ここでは、一方の職場では英語を使い、もう一方では使わないと伝えています。 3. "to give up something" は、「別の(より良い)ものを手にするため、あるものを諦める」ことを表します。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I changed jobs, now I work at an English based company.

  • I now work at a company that uses English to communicate.

It's great discovering new languages because you learn more about yourself and the world around you. Changing jobs can be exciting especially if it includes new things that benefit you, like speaking more English. English is widely spoken, it is a great tool for communication that leads to success. Learning this language can be a great benefit when it comes to finding great jobs and meeting people from all over the world. The words "I NOW work" tells us that this is a recent change in jobs.
新しい言語を学ぶのは楽しいですね、外の世界やあるいは自分自身についても知ることができます。 仕事を変えるのは刺激的ですね。今までやりたかったことができるようになるならなおさら(例えば、英語がもっと話せるとか)。 英語は世界中で話されていて、これは成功の鍵を握るコミュニケーションツールにもなります。 英語が話せると、仕事を探すときの武器になりますし、また世界中の人とも友達になれます。 "I NOW work" は転職したのがまだ最近であることを表します。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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