世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




コーヒーとお茶を飲みながら授業を受けるクラスがあります。 授業開始前にどちらを飲みたいかをクラスメイトに英語で尋ねたいです。 「コーヒー飲みたい人?」「紅茶がいい人は?」とクラス全体に問いかける時の言い方は何て言ったらいいでしょうか?
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2019/01/06 04:31
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  • Who would like to drink coffee?

人に尋ねたいとき、このフレーズはとても便利と思います。 "Who would like to drink coffee?" とは「コーヒーを飲みたい人は?」という意味です。じつは、これは丁寧な言い方です。もっとカジュアルな言い方を使いたい場合、"Who wants to drink coffee? と言えます。 あとは、「紅茶がいい人は?」の場合、同じように "Who would like to drink black tea?"と言えます。 その上、英語でよく使える表現があります。このシチュエーションで、"Please raise your hand" も言えます。日本語で「手を上げてください」という意味です。 使い方: Please raise your hand if you want to drink coffee 「コーヒーを飲みたい人、手を上げてください」 *でも、多すぎたら、Please raise your handと言わなくても大丈夫です。 "Who would like to drink..."で十分です。
  • Would anyone like coffee?

If no one is saying anything, this is a good question to see if there is any interest at all to drink coffee. This sentence can be used in both American and British English. I hope that this helps! :)
もし誰も何も言っていないなら、この質問はコーヒーを飲みたい人がいるかどうか確認するとても良い言い方です。 この文章はアメリカ英語でもイギリス英語でも使うことができます。 お役に立てると嬉しいです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Please, raise your hand if you would like coffee.

  • Who would like coffee?

  • Would you like coffee or tea?

If you need to know how many people would like to drink coffee you could say, "Please, raise your hand if you would like coffee." This way you will know how many coffees to order or prepare. This is good for a large group. You could also ask, "Who would like coffee?" And give everyone time to respond. If you are talking to an individual, you could ask, "Would you like coffee or tea?" You are giving them the options and asking which they would like at the same time.
コーヒーを飲みたい人が何人いるのか確認する必要があるなら、次のように言えます。 "Please, raise your hand if you would like coffee."(コーヒーを飲みたい人は手を挙げてください) このように言えば、コーヒーを何個注文、あるいは作ればいいのか分かります、これは大勢の人たちに尋ねるときに使えます。ほかに、"Who would like coffee?"(コーヒー飲みたい人いますか)と聞いて、みんなの返答を待ってもいいです。 一人の人に対して言うなら、"Would you like coffee or tea?"(コーヒーかお茶はいかがですか)と聞けます。選択肢を示してどちらがいいかも同時に尋ねています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Coffee anyone? Or would anyone like tea?

  • Who would like black coffee?

  • Who would like coffee with milk?

A very useful question to know and because it is used so much you can ask this question very casually, even in a business meeting. For example, "Coffee anyone?"
知っておくととても便利な質問ですね。これはしょっちゅう使われる質問なので、たとえ商談であったとしても、とてもカジュアルに聞けます。例えば: "Coffee anyone?"(コーヒー飲む人?)
Claire Gi DMM英会話講師
  • A) Would you like some coffee/tea?

  • B) Would you like a warm beverage ?

  • C) Who would like some coffee / tea?

A) Would you like some coffee/tea? B) Would you like a warm beverage ? *Beverage - a drink other than water. C) Who would like some coffee / tea? any of the following sentences above would be appropriate to use in this situation . I hope this helps :-)
A) Would you like some coffee/tea?(コーヒー/お茶飲みませんか) B) Would you like a warm beverage?(温かい飲み物はいかがですか) *Beverage - 水以外の飲み物 C) Who would like some coffee / tea?(コーヒー/お茶飲みたい人いますか) 上記のどの文もこの場面で使うことができます。 参考になるといいです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like? Coffee or tea?

  • Would you like a cup of coffee?

Whenever you ask your co-workers about a drink, you need to make sure to use "Would you..." as it is the polite way of asking someone. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" It is common for Native speakers to add a cup of something to signify a drink or beverage. The same way you would say "A glass of wine/beer," or "A pint of beer," and so on. I hope this helps.
同僚に飲み物について尋ねるときは、必ず "Would you..." を使うようにしましょう。これが丁寧な聞き方です。 "Would you like a cup of coffee?"(コーヒー一杯いかがですか) ネイティブスピーカーはよく、"a cup of ___"という言い方をします。これは「一杯の___」という意味です。 同様に、"A glass of wine/beer"(ワイン/ビール一杯)や "A pint of beer"(1パイントのビール)などとも言います。 参考になれば幸いです。
Joaquin DMM英会話講師
  • Anybody up for some coffee or tea?

  • Excuse me, coffee or tea anybody? Anybody here wants coffee or tea?

"Anybody up" is an informal way of saying "is anybody wanting" something. The second is based on the situation. If you are informally addressing a group of people who are busy talking among each other it is good to address the group with "Excuse me" then say "coffee or tea anybody?" so they are aware of what is going to be said. Then say it again by saying "Anybody here wants coffee or tea?" By repeating yourself, this allows you to communicate clearly to anybody who might not have been paying attention because they were busy.
"Anybody up"は、"Is anybody wanting"(~を欲しい人はいますか)と尋ねるインフォーマルな言い方です。 二つ目の例はこの状況に基づいています。忙しく話をしている人たちに向かってインフォーマルに言うなら、まず、"Excuse me"と声を掛けて、それから"Coffee or tea anybody?"と聞くといいです。"Excuse me"と言うことでその後話すことに注意を向けられます。その後もう一度"Anybody here wants coffee or tea?"(コーヒーかお茶欲しい人いますか)と聞きます。繰り返し言うことで、忙しくて聞いていなかった人にもしっかり伝わります。
Wolfgang DMM英会話講師
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