世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




It was too lateが出てきたのですが、it was too late to study englishですと、英語の勉強をすることは遅過ぎた。になってしまいますよね。
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2019/01/10 11:31
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  • I started learning English in my later years.

  • Unlike most others I started learning English much later.

This first phrase is especially useful if you are above the age of 20. As you later years would mean anything from 16 upwards. However if you are younger than that and you would like to say that you started learning later than most of the people in your class/country you should be able to say the second phrase. The use of the words much later implies that other people started much earlier than you did and the words "Unlike most others" implies that most other people do something that you did not do.
一つ目のフレーズは特に二十歳を過ぎている人に有効です。"my later years"は16歳以上を指すからです。 それよりも年齢が若い人は、二つ目のフレーズを使えば、クラス・国のほどんどの人よりも英語の勉強を始めるのが遅かったと表せます。 "much later"は「他の人たちは自分よりもずっと早く始めていた」というニュアンスです。 "Unlike most others"は「他のほとんどの人たちは自分のしなかったことをしていた」というニュアンスです。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • My English studies started later in life!

  • I started learning English much later than others!

  • I am a late bloomer!

"My English studies started later in life!" "Later in life" is a reference that you did not start learning English at the same age as other people did. If someone started learning at 14, you started at a later age. "I started learning English much later than others!" "Much later" has the same reference as the above explanation. You can also use the phrase: "I am a late bloomer!" it means that you started something at an older age
"My English studies started later in life!"(年を取ってから英語を始めました) "Later in life" は、英語を始めた年齢が他の人よりも遅かったことを表します。例えば、他の人が14歳で始めたなら、それよりも年を取ってから始めたということです。 "I started learning English much later than others!"(英語を始めたのが他の人よりもずっと遅かったです) Much later" は上の説明と同じことを表します。 次のフレーズも使えます。 "I am a late bloomer!"(私は大器晩成です) これは、年を取ってから何かを始めたという意味です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I started studying/learning English later than others.

そのまま英語にすると、  I started studying English late. になりますが、これだけだとどういう意味で「遅い」のか少し曖昧ですね。 他の人より、ということなら  I started studying English later than others. となります。 もっとも、一般に日本人なら「英語」それ自体は学校で同時に始めることが多いですが、たとえば、小学校から習っていた人が多いのに、自分は中学で初めて勉強した、というケースなら、上の文があてはまります。 また、学校で習う一般的な「英語」に限らず、「英会話」というようなことについて、  I started learning English conversation rather late.  (英会話の勉強を始めたのは比較的遅かった。) のように言う場合もあるでしょう。  
  • I got a late start studying English

  • I wish I had started studying English earlier

I got a late start studying English this is a more casual way to say you started studying English late in life. I wish I had started studying English earlier this shows your regret for not starting to study earlier
I got a late start studying English(英語の勉強を始めるのが遅かったです) これは、年を取ってから英語の勉強を始めたと伝えるカジュアルな言い方です。 ---- I wish I had started studying English earlier(もっと早く英語の勉強を始めればよかったです) これは、早く勉強を始めなかったことへの後悔を表します。
Michael Hu DMM英語講師
  • I didn't start studying English until I was older.

  • I started my English study later than average.

  • I started studying English later than most people.

There are many many other ways to say this, for example, instead of using "-er than", you can also use "", for example I didn't start studying English as early as others
これは他にもいろいろな言い方ができます。例えば、"-er than" の代わりに、"" も使えます。 例: I didn't start studying English as early as others (私は英語の勉強を始めるのが他の人よりも遅かったです)
David McA DMM英会話講師
  • I started learning English later than most

  • My English studies started later than most

If you want to expreess that you started learning English later than others, you may use one of the above exampled questions. 'Later than.....something/someone'.
他の人よりも英語を学び始めるのが遅かったと言いたいなら、上記の文の一つが使えます。 'Later than.....something/someone' (~よりも遅く)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I began learning English when I was older.

"I began learning English when I was older." Began - to start doing something. When I was older - This can be used when someone is in their 50s or at an older age. (I was older when I learned to play the piano.) But it is also used when you do something outside of the normal age. (Most people learn to swim as a child, but I learned when I was older.)
"I began learning English when I was older."(私は英語の勉強を始めたのが遅かった) Began - 何かをし始める When I was older - これは50代あるいはそれ以上の年齢のときに使えます(I was older when I learned to play the piano. = 年を取ってからピアノを覚えました)。もしくは、通常の年齢よりも年を取っていたときにも使えます(Most people learn to swim as a child, but I learned when I was older. = ほとんどの人は子どもの頃に泳ぎを覚えますが、私はそれよりも遅かったです)。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I started learning English later than usual.

  • Unlike most, I started learning English later.

“Later than usual” means later than most or the majority of people. “Unlike most”, means not like others or different than others. Ex: I actually started learning English later than usual.
“Later than usual” は「ほとんどの人より遅く」という意味です。 “Unlike most” は「他の人と違って」という意味です。 例: I actually started learning English later than usual. (英語の勉強を始めるのが他の人よりも遅かったんです)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
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