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なんのお酒が好きと聞かれた時に何でもいいよ! ただアルコールさえ入っていればと言いたいとき! お願いします。
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2019/01/10 18:41
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  • Anything is fine as long as it has alcohol in it!

  • I’ll drink anything with alcohol.

What type of alcohol do you like to drink? (どんなアルコールを飲むのが好きですか?) と聞かれたなら、 I’ll drink anything with alcohol. (アルコールが入ってたらなんでも飲みます!) または、 I like any type of alcohol. (アルコールならなんでも飲みますよ)、と言えますよ。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー What would you like to drink? (何をお飲みになりますか?) と聞かれたなら、 Anything is fine as long as it has alcohol in it. (アルコールさえ入ってたらなんでもいいですよ)。 または、 Anything is fine as long as it’s alcohol. (アルコールなら、なんでもいいですよ)。 と言えますよ。1つの例として!
  • As long as it has alcohol, I'm okay.

  • I don't mind as long as it has alcohol in it.

Due to someones long day when they are asked what they would like to drink they may reply using one of the two statements above. This response is usually given when someone is stressed out or when they are going to a party with the intention of drinking alcohol. The first phrase is very casual and it is used among friends in London. However the second is a little less casual but is still used among friends.
長い一日が終わって、何を飲みたいか聞かれたときには、上記二つのどちらかを使って返答できます。 この返答は、普通疲れているときや、これからパーティーに行くというときに使われます。 最初のフレーズはとてもカジュアルで、ロンドンでは友達の間で使われています。 二つ目のフレーズはそれよりも少しフォーマルですが、これも友達の間で使われます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I like anything alcoholic!

  • I like anything with alcohol in it!

  • I love all alcoholic drinks!

"I like anything alcoholic!" "I like anything with alcohol in it!" "I love all alcoholic drinks!" The sentences above indicate that you love anything to drink as long as it has alcohol in it. Some people only like a certain alcoholic drink like beer or wine or spirits! I only like beer! I only drink wine! I only consume whiskey! (spirits)
"I like anything alcoholic!"(アルコールの入った物は何でも好きです) "I like anything with alcohol in it!"(アルコールの入った物は何でも好きです) "I love all alcoholic drinks!"(アルコールの入った飲み物は全部好きです) 上記の文はどれも、アルコールの入った飲み物は全て好きだという意味です。 ビール・ワイン・蒸留酒(spirits)など特定のお酒しか好きでない人もいますね。 I only like beer! (ビールしか好きではありません) I only drink wine! (ワインしか飲みません) I only consume whiskey! (spirits) (ウィスキーしか飲みません)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • "anything as long as it has alcohol in it"

  • "I will happily drink anything if it has alcohol in it"

  • "I like anything alcoholic"

If you were asked what alcoholic drinks you like and you would like to express that you like anything as long as it has alcohol in its content in it, you could say one of the following, "anything as long as it has alcohol in it", "I will happily drink anything if it has alcohol in it" or "I like anything alcoholic". All three of these sentences adequately convey your point which is that you like drinks if they have any alcohol in it.
何のお酒が好きかと聞かれ、アルコールが入っているものなら何でも好きだと答えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Anything as long as it has alcohol in it"(アルコールが入っているものなら何でも) "I will happily drink anything if it has alcohol in it"(アルコールが入っていれば何でも喜んで飲みます) "I like anything alcoholic".(お酒なら何でも好き) 上記三つどれを使っても、アルコールが入っている飲み物なら好きだと伝えることができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Any alcoholic drink

When asked what kind of alcoholic drinks you like, and you want to say that you like anything as long as it has alcohol in it, then the above sentence may be appropriate for your situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Anything! As long as its got alcohol in it.

  • I drink alcohol because I like the way it feels.

  • I love drinking ____________

Anything! As long as its got alcohol in it. 何でも!アルコホールが入って入れば! I drink alcohol because I like the way it feels. 酒を飲んだ時の気分が好きだから飲むの。 I love drinking ____________ _____飲むのが好き! I love drinking beer. 逆に飲めない場合: I can drink pretty much drink everything except for alcohol. アルコホール以外のものなら、だいたい何でも飲めるよ。 (これは会話文です。) シンプルに言う場合; I can drink non-alcoholic drinks. アルコホールフリーのものなら飲めます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • anything alcoholic

  • anything containing alcohol

"anything alcoholic" and "anything containing alcohol" These two expressions, widely and commonly used, these are mainly used when suggesting you will have a drink or want a drink with alcohol. 'Alcoholic' is the term used to describe a drink containing alcohol as well as someone who suffers from an addiction too alcohol. 'Containing' this is a term used when something has something else within in, ex. "This glass of orange juice contains vodka".
"anything alcoholic" や"anything containing alcohol"は、アルコールの飲み物を表す広く使われる表現です。  'Alcoholic' は、アルコール中毒の人を表す意味もありますが、アルコールを含む飲み物のことを指します。 'Containing' とは、何かが入っているという意味です。 例: "This glass of orange juice contains vodka" (グラスのオレンジジュースにはウォッカが入っている。)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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