世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/10 19:38
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  • There were open parking spaces, so I didn’t need to wait.

  • The parking lot wasn’t full so I didn’t need to wait.

❶Today there were open parking spaces, so I didn’t need to wait. (今日は駐車スペースが空いてたので、待たずに済んだ)。 ❷The parking lot wasn’t full so I didn’t need to wait. (駐車場が満車じゃなかったので、待たずに済んだ)。 I went to the supermarket today and surprisingly there were open parking spaces so I didn’t need to wait. (今日スーパーに行ったら、珍しく駐車スペースが空いてから、待たずに済んだわ)。 参考に!
  • There were no vacant parking spaces, so I decided not to wait

  • There was no parking, so I decided not to wait.

  • There was no space to park in the parking lot, so I decided not to wait.

All of these options are correct and valid when explaining that there was no parking available. You may also choose to explain at which parking lot you were waiting/looking for a space at, e.g. "The parking lot at the supermarket was full, so I decided not to wait" You may also decide to expand the sentence and say who or what you were waiting for, e.g. “The parking lot at the cinema was full, so I decided not to wait for my friends”
上記3例とも、駐車場が空いていなかったことを説明するときに使えます。 また、それがどこの駐車場だったのか伝えることもできます。 例えば: "The parking lot at the supermarket was full, so I decided not to wait" (スーパーの駐車場がいっぱいだったので、待つのをやめました) また、この文を広げて、誰あるいは何を待っていたのか伝えることもできます。 “The parking lot at the cinema was full, so I decided not to wait for my friends” (映画館の駐車場がいっぱいだったので、友達を待つのをやめました)
Ivana U DMM英会話講師
  • I was able to get a parking spot without waiting, today.

"I was able to get a parking spot without waiting, today." Get - you were able to obtain something Without waiting - There was no delay, it was quick. You could also say, "I was able to get a parking spot without circling the parking lot, today." Circling - meaning to drive around the parking lot until there was an opening for you to park.
"I was able to get a parking spot without waiting, today."(今日は待たずに駐車スペースを見つけられました) Get - 手に入れる Without waiting - 待つことなく、すぐに 次のように言うこともできます。 "I was able to get a parking spot without circling the parking lot, today."(今日は駐車場を回らなくても駐車スペースを見つけられました) Circling - 空いている駐車スペースが見つかるまで駐車場を車でくるくる回ることをいいます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • It's much quieter in the carpark today!

  • It was easy to get a space in the carpark today!

When talking about parking your car at a supermarket, and the parking lot is usually full and you have to wait a little to get a spot - but today there are many free parking spaces and it is not necessary to wait, then just use the abnove exampled sentence! The first is in the present tense, the second in the past tense. In the above sentences, the context - ie a carpark and you being the driver of a car, is already known to the speaker and listener.
いつもはいっぱいで駐車スペースが空くまで少し待たないといけないスーパーの駐車場がその日はすいていて待つ必要がないのなら、上記の文が使えます。一つ目の文は現在形で二つ目の文は過去形です。 上記の文は、状況(つまり、駐車場・話し手は車の運転手)が既に相手に伝わっているという前提です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Today the parking lot was empty so i didn't have to wait.

  • The supermarket was empty and so i got a parking spot immediately without waiting.

  • I didn't have to wait for a parking spot because the parking lot was empty today.

When explaining to someone that you did not have to wait for a parking spot at the supermarket because it was empty, you can say something like "The supermarket was empty and so i got a parking spot immediately without waiting." or "I didn't have to wait for a parking spot because the parking lot was empty today.". Both sentences mean the same thing and are polite ways of saying this.
スーパーの駐車場がすいていたのですぐに車を止めることができたと説明するなら、次のように言えます。 "The supermarket was empty and so I got a parking spot immediately without waiting." (スーパーの駐車場がすいていたので、すぐに車を止めることができた) "I didn't have to wait for a parking spot because the parking lot was empty today." (今日は駐車場がすいていたのですぐに車を止めることができた) これらはどちらも同じ意味です、丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Today there was alot of spaces so I didn't have to wait to park

  • I was able to get a parking space without waiting today

An opening you park your car in in a car park is also called a 'space' or 'car parking space' so to expain you didn't have to wait you would say 'I was able to get a parking soace without waiting today'
駐車場の車を停めるスペースは 'space' や 'car parking space' ともいいます。 ですから、すぐに車を停められたなら、 'I was able to get a parking space without waiting today'(今日はすぐに車を停められた) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Getting a park today was super easy.

  • There was no reason to wait around while finding a parking space.

Saying that getting a 'park' was super easy does not give the exact reason why parking was easy however; it does let the person listening know that you didn't have to wait. People who speak English assume allot of details. Therefore when you say that there was no reason to 'wait around,' it lets the person who is listening know that there was no difficulty in finding a parking spot.
"Getting a park today was super easy."(今日は駐車スペースがすぐに見つかった)では、なぜ駐車スペースがすぐに見つかったかは伝えていません。ただ、すぐに見つかったということは伝わります。 英語のネイティブスピーカーは、細かいことは察してくれます。ですから、"There was no reason to wait around"(待つ理由はなかった)と言えば、駐車スペースがすぐに見つかったことが伝わります。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
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