Visiting a city or tourist spot once is enough, but I’ll never get tired of beach resorts.
十分 - is enough, satisfied
都市 - the city
観光名所 - tourist place, famous place
一度 - one time
ビーチリゾート - beach resort
飽きる - get tired, give up 飽きない - never get tired, never get tired
〜〜や〜〜 - andかorを使える
Cities and tourist spots , cities or tourist spots
Going to cities and/or tourist spots is enough (for me)
〜〜だが - but
何回行っても - no matter how many times I go (これはちょっとむずかしいけど”no matter”はよく使う表現) 動詞っても - no matter how many times I 動詞