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A「そこまで行くのに電車とバスどっちの方が安いかな?」 B「バスの方が安いけど、10円しか変わらないよ。」
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2019/01/15 08:53
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  • The bus is cheaper but only by 10 yen.

Which way is cheaper to get there, by train or bus? 「そこまで行くのに、電車とバスどっちが安い?」 Which way is cheaper? は「どっちの手段が安い?」という意味です。 「そこまで行く」は get there The bus is cheaper but only by 10 yen. 「バスの方が安いけど、10円だけだよ。」 only by 10 yen で「10円だけの差で」という意味で「10円しか変わらない」というニュアンスになります。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • It is only 10 yen cheaper to take the bus.

  • The bus is cheaper than the train, but only by 10 yen.

  • The bus is 10 yen cheaper.

"It is only 10 yen cheaper to take the bus." is the simplest way to continue the conversation if you are already talking about other forms of transportation like trains or driving a car or flying. It doesn't have a comparison to another form of transportation so it's a good response to a comparative question such as: Q: What is cheaper, the train or the bus? A: It is only 10 yen cheaper to take the train. If you are making a clarification between the costs it is best to use "The bus is cheaper than the train, but only by 10 yen.". NOTE: using the word 'only' means that you see it is a small amount. If you want to not comment on whether it is a lot or a little amount of money, the best way to say this statement is "The bus is 10 yen cheaper".
既に電車・車・飛行機など交通手段について話していたなら、最もシンプルな言い方は "It is only 10 yen cheaper to take the bus."(バスに乗っても10円しか変わらない)です。これは比較する対象(もう一方の交通手段)を含んでいません。ですから、比較質問に対する返答として使うことができます。 例えば: Q: What is cheaper, the train or the bus?(電車とバス、どちらが安いですか) A: It is only 10 yen cheaper to take the train.(電車ですが10円しか変わりません) 料金の違いを説明するなら、"The bus is cheaper than the train, but only by 10 yen."(電車よりバスの方が安いですが、10円しか変わりません)がいいでしょう。 注意: 'only' は、話し手がその金額を小さいと見なしていることを表します。金額について感想を表したくないなら、"The bus is 10 yen cheaper."(バスの方が10円安いです)と言うのがいいでしょう。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • The bus is cheaper by 10 yen

  • There is a 10 yen difference

"The bus is cheaper by 10 yen" This sentence is suggesting that by taking the bus compared to another mode of transport such as train,bicycle etc. is cheaper buy 10 yen. When the difference is 10 yen this is implying that the price between two options is separated by 10 yen, ex. "the shoes I want are 200 yen compared to the ones my friends want that are 210 yen".
"The bus is cheaper by 10 yen"(バスの方が10円安いです) この文は、バスに乗ると電車・自転車など他の交通手段よりも10円安くなるという意味です。 'by 10 yen' は、二つの差額が10円であることを表します。 例: "The shoes I want are 200 yen compared to the ones my friends want that are 210 yen" (私が欲しい靴は200円です。友達が欲しい靴は210円です)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The bus is cheaper by 10 yen

  • The bus is just slightly cheaper - by 10 yen

When asked whether using the bus or train is cheaper to get to a certain destination., you want to say that the bus is cheaper, but the difference is just 10 yen. The above examples are suitable for this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You can take the bus for just 10 yen cheaper.

  • The bus is 10 yen cheaper than the train.

"You can take the bus for just 10 yen cheaper." "The bus is 10 yen cheaper than the train." Here are two additional ways to express that taking the bus will cost you 10 yen less than if you or someone else were to take the train. These examples are common expressions when you want to compare two the cost of two different things. I hope this helps!
"You can take the bus for just 10 yen cheaper."(バスには10円安く乗れます) "The bus is 10 yen cheaper than the train."(バスは電車よりも10円安いです) 「バスに乗ると電車よりも10円安くなる」は上記のように言うこともできます。 これらは、二つのものの価格を比較するときによく使われる表現です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • The bus is cheaper but only by 10 yen

When saying that something doesn't cost as much money as something else we call this 'cheaper' only by suggests it is not a large amount of money 'the bus is cheaper but only by 10 yen'
あるものの値段が別のものよりも安いなら、これは 'cheaper' で表すことができます。 'only by' は、その金額が小さいことを表します。 'the bus is cheaper but only by 10 yen' (バスの方が安いですが、10円しか変わりません)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The bus is only 10 yen cheaper.

  • The bus is slightly cheaper by 10 yen.

When you want to talk about a small amount of something or that something is less than something else by a little, you can use the vocabulary of "only", "slightly", or "just" when talking about the amount. "The bus is slightly cheaper by 10 yen."
わずかな量やわずかな差について言う場合、"only" や "slightly" "just" が使えます。 "The bus is slightly cheaper by 10 yen."(バスの方が10円だけ安いです)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • The bus is cheaper by 10 yen.

  • The bus is 10 yen more affordable.

  • You can save 10 yen if you take the bus.

Each of the sentences above expresses that the bus is cheaper than the train by 10 yen. Some modes of transport are less expensive than others for different factors like speed, convenience, and space. In some countries, the bus is more affordable than the train. "If you take the bus you can save ten yen." "The bus is cheaper by ten yen, you should use it rather than the train."
これらはどれも「バスの方が電車よりも10円安い」と伝えます。 交通機関によって値段が高かったり安かったりすることがあります。これは速さや利便性、広さの違いが理由です。 国によって、バスの方が電車よりも料金が安いことがあります。 "If you take the bus you can save ten yen."(バスに乗ると10円安くなる) "The bus is cheaper by ten yen, you should use it rather than the train."(バスの方が10円安いから、電車よりもバスの方がいいですよ)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The bus is cheaper than the train just by 10 Yen!

  • It is 10 Yen cheaper to take the bus!

Which is cheaper? The bus or the train? It is 10 Yen cheaper to take the bus! What is the cheaper option(choice)? The bus or the train The bus is cheaper than the train just by 10 Yen!
Which is cheaper? The bus or the train?(バスと電車どちらが安いですか) It is 10 Yen cheaper to take the bus!(バスの方が10円安いです) What is the cheaper option(choice)? The bus or the train(バスと電車どちらが安いですか) The bus is cheaper than the train just by 10 Yen!(バスの方が10円安いです)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Using the bus would save you 10 yen.

"Using the bus would save you 10 yen" - This would be expressing that by going on the bus instead of the train would save you spend the extra 10 yen. "Colin biked to work to save himself from spending money on buses" .
"Using the bus would save you 10 yen"(バスを使うと10円安くなる) →これで「電車の代わりにバスを使うと10円安くなる」という意味を表せます。 "Colin biked to work to save himself from spending money on buses" . (コリンはバス代を節約するため、会社まで自転車で行った)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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