世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/16 00:38
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  • I want a girlfriend who likes music.

  • I want a girlfriend I can go to concerts with.

"I want a girlfriend who likes music"は 「音楽好きな彼女が欲しい」になります。 一緒にライブ行きたいって言うのも入れるなら "I want a girlfriend I can go to concerts with" 「一緒にライブに行ってくれる彼女が欲しい」 がいいと思います。 是非使ってみてください!
  • I want to get a girlfriend who loves music.

  • I hope to find a girlfriend who is crazy about music.

  • I want to get a girlfriend who is into music.

こんにちは Seiyaさん、 1) I want to get a girlfriend who loves music. 音楽好きの彼女が欲しい 音楽好きの彼女 = girlfriend who loves music 彼女が欲しい = I want to get a girlfriend 2) I hope to find a girlfriend who is crazy about music. 音楽好きの彼女が欲しい 音楽好きの彼女 = a girlfriend who is crazy about music (crazy about ~~ = ~~が大好きです。) 彼女が欲しい = I hope to find a girlfriend 3) I want to get a girlfriend who is into music. 音楽好きの彼女が欲しい 音楽好きの彼女 = a girlfriend who is into music.  (into ~~ = ==が好き。) 一緒にフェスやライブにいきたい = I want to go to concerts and festivals together. ご参考になれば幸いです。
Johnny M 横浜在住イギリス人英語講師
  • I'm looking for a special girl who likes the same kind of music as I do.

  • I would like to find a special girl who likes to go to concerts.

  • I need a girlfriend that would like to go to concerts with me.

I'm looking for a special girl who likes the same kind of music as I do. I would like to find a special girl who likes to go to concerts. I need a girlfriend that would like to go to concerts with me. My next girlfriend will be one that likes music like I do. I want a girlfriend who I can take to concerts with me and likes music.
I'm looking for a special girl who likes the same kind of music as I do.(自分と同じ音楽が好きな彼女を探しています) I would like to find a special girl who likes to go to concerts.(コンサートが行くのが好きな彼女が欲しいです) I need a girlfriend that would like to go to concerts with me.(私と一緒にコンサートに行ってくれる彼女が欲しいです) My next girlfriend will be one that likes music like I do.(次の彼女は私のように音楽が好きな人がいいです) I want a girlfriend who I can take to concerts with me and likes music.(音楽が好きで一緒にコンサートに行ける彼女が欲しいです)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I want my girlfriend to be into music.

  • My girlfriend must really like music for me to be into her.

  • It's attractive when a girl like music.

If you are saying that it is a requirement for your girlfriend to like music, you can state that you only like girls who are into music. You can say that it is one of the qualities that she must have in order for you to be attracted to her.
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I want a girlfriend who shares my taste in music.

  • I would like a girlfriend who has an interest in music.

  • I hope to find a girlfried who likes music tyhe way I do.

If your desire is to have a girlfriend that likes to listen to music, like you do, you can express this using any of the following statements:- 1. I want a girlfriend who shares my taste in music. If your girlfriend shares your taste in music it means that she likes the same kind of music that you do. 2. I would like a girlfriend who has an interest in music. This is another way of saying that you want a girlfriend that likes to listen to music. 3. I hope to find a girlfried who likes music tyhe way I do. This is a simple and direct way to express what you want your girlfriend to like.
自分と同じように音楽が好きな彼女が欲しいということなら、以下のように言えます。 1. I want a girlfriend who shares my taste in music.(音楽の好みが同じ彼女が欲しいです) これは、自分と同じ種類の音楽が好きな人と付き合いたいという意味です。 2. I would like a girlfriend who has an interest in music.(音楽に興味のある人と付き合いたいです) これは、音楽を聞くのが好きな人と付き合いたいという意味です。 3. I hope to find a girlfried who likes music the way I do.(音楽の好みが同じ彼女が欲しいです) これは、自分の彼女に好きであって欲しいものをシンプル、ストレートに伝えています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I want a girlfriend who likes music.

To explain that you want a girlfriend that also likes music, you can say: "I want a girlfriend who likes music."
「音楽好きの彼女が欲しい」は次のように言えます。 "I want a girlfriend who likes music."(音楽好きの彼女が欲しい)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to date a girl who loves music.

  • I want to date a girl who loves music.

when telling someone that you would like to date someone who likes music you could say something like "I hope to date a girl who loves music." or "I want to date a girl who loves music.". You can use this to explain the kind of person you wish to date in the future.
「音楽が好きな人と付き合いたい」は次のように言えます。 "I hope to date a girl who loves music."(音楽が好きな人と付き合いたい) または、 "I want to date a girl who loves music."(音楽が好きな人と付き合いたい) これは、付き合いたいタイプの人を説明するときに使うことができます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I'd really like to meet someone who has an interest in music

  • It would be so nice to have a girlfriend I can share my love of music with

You want a girlfriend who likes music and wish to explain this point. Above are a few suggested comments which may be appropriate for your situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want a girlfriend who shares my love for music.

  • I would like a girlfriend who is interest in music.

I want a girlfriend who shares my love for music. I would like a girlfriend who is interest in music.
I want a girlfriend who shares my love for music. (音楽好きの彼女がほしい。) I would like a girlfriend who is interest in music. (音楽に興味のある彼女がほしい。)
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • I would prefer to have a girlfriend who likes music.

  • A like of music is something I look for in a girlfriend.

"I would prefer to have a girlfriend who likes music." can be used when talking about wanting a girlfriend who enjoys music.
"I would prefer to have a girlfriend who likes music."は、音楽好きの彼女が欲しいという意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I want a girlfriend who likes music.

  • I want to date someone who likes music.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のように表現できると思いました(*^_^*) 先ず一番素直にそのまま直訳すると、 I want a girlfriend who likes music. 「音楽が好きな彼女が欲しい」 ですが、 I want to date someone who likes music. 「音楽が好きな誰かと付き合いたい」 のように表現することも可能です。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • I want a girlfriend who has good taste in music

  • I want a girlfriend into music

I want a girlfriend who has good taste in music example sentence: I don't have much time now but in the future I want a girlfriend who has good taste in music. I want a girlfriend into music example sentence: My next girlfriend needs to be into music just like I am.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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