世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/19 19:39
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  • Do you think my hair looks good?

  • Do you like my new hair cut?

  • Do you think this hair cut suits me?

1、2、3とも「髪型どう?」って聞く時に使える言い方です。 1) Do you think my hair looks good? 「僕の髪型似合ってる?」 2) Do you like my new hair cut? 「僕の新しい髪型好き?」 3) Do you think this hair cut suits me? 「この髪型僕に合ってる?」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • "Be honest, does my new hair cut suit me?

  • "Do you like my new hair cut?"

  • "Do you think my hair looks good?"

If you have just got a new haircut and you would like to ask someone if they think your new hair cut looks good on them, you could simply state "Do you like my new hair cut?" or "Do you think my hair looks good?". If you would like a further explanation, you can expand and ask "Be honest, does my new hair cut suit me?". This is a direct and open question.
髪の毛を切って、それが似合うかどうか人に確認したなら、次のように言えます。 "Do you like my new hair cut?"(新しい髪型どうですか) "Do you think my hair looks good?"(私の髪型、似合いますか) より詳しく聞きたいなら、次のように言うこともできます。 "Be honest, does my new hair cut suit me?"(正直に言ってください、新しい髪型似合いますか) これは単刀直入でオープンな(自由に答えられる)質問です。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Does my hair look good?

  • Do you like my haircut?

  • Do you like my new hairstyle?

"Does my hair look good?" "Do you like my haircut?" "Do you like my new hairstyle?" In English, we have a few different ways to ask or phrase the same question. To describe our hair when we have been to the hair salon, we can use haircut or hairstyle. "I like your hairstyle" "I love your haircut, it suits you"
"Does my hair look good?" "Do you like my haircut?" "Do you like my new hairstyle?" (髪型似合っていますか) 英語では同じ質問をするにしても聞き方はいくつかあります。美容医院に行った後の髪型は "haircut" や "hairstyle" で表せます。 "I like your hairstyle"(その髪型すごくいいですね) "I love your haircut, it suits you"(その髪型すごくいいですね、似合っています)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Do you like my hair?

  • What do you think of my hair?

If you have a new hairstyle and wish to enquire about the opinion of someone, then you may use one of the formats exampled above.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "What do you think of my new haircut?"

  • "Do you like my new hairstyle?"

  • "Does my new hairstyle suit me?"

If you want to get someone's opinion on your new hairstyle, then you could ask any of the three example questions above. The words "haircut" and "hairstyle" are really interchangeable, as they relate to the way your hair is "cut" or the way it is "styled." "Suit" used in this context means to enhance your features (e.g., "Does my new hairstyle make me more beautiful / handsome?").
新しい髪型について相手の意見を聞きたいなら、上記どの質問も使えます。 "haircut" と "hairstyle" は同じ意味です。どちらも髪の切り方(cut)やスタイル(style)について言います。 "Suit" はここでは、「外見をより良くする」という意味です。 例: "Does my new hairstyle make me more beautiful / handsome?" (新しい髪型は私をより美しく/ハンサムにしていますか)
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • Does my new hairstyle suit me?

  • Do you like my new hairstyle?

  • What do you think of my new hair cut?

1) Does my new hairstyle suit me? An easy and straightforward way to ask someone's opinion about your current hairstyle. 2) What do you think of my new hair cut? 3) Do you like my new hairstyle? This directly asks the other persons personal opinion about your hair cut.
1) Does my new hairstyle suit me?(私の髪型似合っていますか) 自分の髪型の感想を相手に尋ねるときのシンプルでストレートな言い方です。 2) What do you think of my new hair cut?(私の髪型どう思いますか) 3) Do you like my new hairstyle?(私の髪型どうですか) これは、自分の髪型をどう思うかストレートに尋ねています。
Anastasia DMM英会話講師
  • What's your opinion on my hair.

Opinion means judgement/view on something.
Opinion' は「(~についての)意見/考え」という意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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