It would be better to go to a hospital just in case.
It would be better to ~ ~したほうがいい
see a doctor 医者に行く
go to a hospital 病院に行く
just in case 念のため
It would be better to~という表現を使います。
学校ではhad betterというのを学習したかもしれませんが、
You had better to~は、親→子、先生→生徒、上司→部下に使います(上から目線)。
You might want to see your doctor to find out what is happening to your ankle.
(Maybe) you should go to the hospital to make sure your bone is not broken.
If your friend sprained/twisted his/her ankle, and you believe that the best course of action would be for them to go to the hospital and see a doctor, you could say "Just to be sure, you should go to the doctors" or "Maybe you should see your doctor". Both of these sentences explain that you believe it would be in there best interest to see a doctor to make sure there healthy is fine
"Just to be sure, you should go to the doctors"(念のために医者に診てもらった方が良い)
"Maybe you should see your doctor"(医者に診てもらった方が良いかもしれない)
Best if you get yourself to the hospital to get it checked out
If your friend sprained/twisted his/her ankle. and you want to tell him/her that they should go to the hospital and see a doctor, just in case, then you could use the above exampled sentence.
Best if you get yourself to the hospital to get it checked out
If your friend sprained/twisted his/her ankle. and you want to tell him/her that they should go to the hospital and see a doctor, just in case, then you could use the above exampled sentence.
As a matter of precaution, you should see a doctor.
It's better to be safe than sorry, and see a doctor for that sprain.
If you want to advise your friend to see a doctor for a sprain just in case, you can use these statememts:-
1. As a matter of precaution, you should see a doctor.
If you do something as a matter or precaution, you are doing it just be safe. The phrase "as a matter or precaution" is another way of saying "just in case."
2. It's better to be safe than sorry, and see a doctor for that sprain.
The expression "better safe than sorry" means it is wise to be careful and protect yourself against risk rather than be careless: Make sure you take an umbrella – I know it's sunny now, but better safe than sorry.
1. As a matter of precaution, you should see a doctor.(念のため医者に診てもらった方が良い)
"as a matter of precaution" は「念のために」という意味です。"as a matter of precaution" は "just in case" の別の言い方です。
2. It's better to be safe than sorry, and see a doctor for that sprain.(用心に越したことはないから、捻挫を医者に診てもらった方が良い)
"better safe than sorry" は「慎重にリスクに対して備えた方が軽率に行動するよりも賢い」という意味です。
Make sure you take an umbrella – I know it's sunny now, but better safe than sorry.
Please go to the hospital and see a doctor because it might be serious.
It'd be a good idea to see a doctor about that ankle.
When you want to explain to your friend that has sprained their ankle that they should go to the hospital and see a doctor, you may express this in the following ways:
-You should probably see a doctor.
-Please go to the hospital and see a doctor because it might be serious.
-It'd be a good idea to see a doctor about that ankle.
-You should probably see a doctor.(たぶん医者に診てもらった方が良いと思います)
-Please go to the hospital and see a doctor because it might be serious.(重傷かもしれないから病院に行って医者に診てもらってください)
-It'd be a good idea to see a doctor about that ankle.(足首を医者に診てもらった方が良いと思います)
・「You should see a doctor just in case.」
<例文>I think you should be fine but you should see a doctor just in case.
・vocabulary:hospital 病院