I was really into that song but I got bored of it.
I used to love listening to that song over and over again but I had enough of it.
1) I was really into that song but I got bored of it.
into には「〜に関心を持って・〜に夢中になって」という意味です。
get bored で「飽きる」
2)I used to love listening to that song over and over again but I had enough of it.
over and over で「何度も」
had enough で「飽きた」とも言えます。
「熱心に」はpassionatelyですが、「一時は熱心に~していた」という表現を英語で伝えたいなら他の言い回しをします。 used to loveがいいと思います。「~をするのが大好きだった」という意味です。
I used to love listening to that band.