Big hitと言う表現は映画だけでなくファッションアイテムや料理等にも、幅広く使える便利で覚えやすい表現です。
Blockbuster filmと言うと大きな予算で制作したヒット作品です。
That movie was a total flop = あの映画は完全に駄作だったね
That movie was a one-off and there'll never be another like it!
A one off =adjective:done, made, or happening only once.
"the children staged a one-off benefit show"
Noun: something done, made, or happening only once.
"The meeting between the queen and the duke was a one-off"
Eg. "What did you think of 'The Titanic' film?"
" Brilliant. I love James Cameron, but that movie was a one-off and there'll never be another like it!"
one off =形容詞:一度だけある事が起る、または作られるの意味。
例:"the children staged a one-off benefit show"
one off =名詞:一度だけ起こる事、または一度だけ作られる物。
例:"The meeting between the queen and the duke was a one-off"
他の例: "What did you think of 'The Titanic' film?"
" Brilliant. I love James Cameron, but that movie was a one-off and there'll never be another like it!"
A “blockbuster”, when used talking about a film indicates that the movie has brought in a huge audience. You can use this to describe a highly successful movie.
A more personally expressive statement could be “its one in a billion”; suggesting there is one in every billion like it, so it belongs to a small group. This expression is almost always used in a positive way.
もっと個人的な感想を言う表現として「It's one in a billion」。10億の中に一つしかない、すごく小さなグループに入るということで、ほとんどの場合良い意味で使われます。
In the first statement, the phrase 'by far' means 'by a large amount or 'by a lot'. In the second statement, 'of all time' has been used. What this phrase means 'that has ever lived or existed'. In this case, the movie is being referred to as the biggest hit that has ever existed or that has ever been made.
So, you may say:
The movie was by far the biggest blockbuster.
The movie was the biggest hit of all time.
最初の例文では、"by far"(とても)という単語を使いましたが、"by a large amount" "by a lot"のように「たくさんの」「とても大きな」という意訳になります。
2番目の例文には、"of all time"(史上~)とありますが、「今までの中で~」「空前絶後の」という意味です。
The movie was by far the biggest blockbuster.
The movie was the biggest hit of all time.(この映画は空前絶後の大ヒットです。)
>That movie was the bomb.
*This sentence explains that the movie was the best and was a great hit.
>Greatest movie of all time.
*This sentence explains that this was best movie so far in history.
That movie was the bomb.
Greatest movie of all time.
The movie was such a blockbuster hit I can't imagine how they could make a sequel.
Although the movie was a hit I can't see them making a sequel.
The two sentences above are great ways to express that you think a big hit movie will not have a sequel. In the first sentence you will see the word blockbuster. We use this word to describe a film that has a lot of success. You will also see the word sequel, which is a movie that continues the story of the previous movie.
The phrases "one-off" and "one of a kind" are both British informal.
The phrases are used to describe things like films that are totally unique.
You can use the phrases to describe a person or a thing.
e.g The movie is a one-off there will never be another like it.
Elon Musk is a brilliant man he's a complete one-off.
Facebook is one of a kind.
この "one-off"(ユニークな)と "one of a kind"(独特の)
The movie is a one-off there will never be another like it.
Elon Musk is a brilliant man he's a complete one-off.
Facebook is one of a kind.