去年の12月から私(も派遣社員)の部署に、別な派遣会社から新人が入ってきている(今後も徐々に増える見込み)=Some other new dispatch employee has been starting to join in my department since last Dec. The joining seems to be continued after this.で可?
New people are coming from other dispatch agencies
新人は「new employees」でも良いし「new people」でも通ります。
派遣会社は「dispatch agency」と呼びます。「temp firm」の方が分かりやすい場合もありますが、僕は「dispatch agency」の方が正確だと思います。
僕が言うとしたら、「Since last December new people sent by other dispatch agencies have joined my department. It seems this trend will gradually continue for the forseeable future.」
"New temporary employees from another agency have been joining our department since last December, and this trend seems set to continue."
"New temporary employees from another agency have been joining our department since last December, and this trend seems set to continue."