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2019/02/17 14:53
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  • I didn't have any work today so I stayed home all day just relaxing

  • I spent the whole day at home today just relaxing because I had a day off at work

"to have a day off" = 休む = "do not have work" "to relax" = ゆっくりする "to spend the whole day" = 一日を過ごす "to stay home" = 家にいる "all day"="the whole day" =一日
  • Today was my day off

  • I spent the whole day relaxing

"Today was my day off" A simple, casual and easy way of explaining that you did not have a work day, usually saying this phrase relates to not doing anything, a day off is often used to describe a day off of work and/or a day of not doing anything. "I spent the whole day relaxing" 'I spent' or 'to spend' is describing how you had spent your time and depending on the context, money. ex. "I spent my whole weekend in bed because I was sick" "I'll spend my whole paycheck on a new car". 'Whole' is referenced when describing something complete or an entire thing, in this case the whole day.
"Today was my day off"(今日は仕事が休みでした) = 仕事が休みだったことを伝えるシンプルでカジュアルな言い方です。たいていこのフレーズは、その日何もしなかったことを表します。'day off' はしばしば、その日仕事が休みで何もしなかったことを表します。 "I spent the whole day relaxing"(一日ゆっくり過ごした) = 'I spent' あるいは 'to spend' は時間の使い方、あるいは文脈によってお金の使い方も表します。 例: "I spent my whole weekend in bed because I was sick"(風邪を引いて週末はずっとベッドで過ごしました) "I'll spend my whole paycheck on a new car"(給料は全部新車に使います) 'whole' は「完全体/全体」の意味です。ここでは、'whole day'(丸一日)と言っています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I took the day off and hung out at home.

"I took the day off and hung out at home."You could also say that you, Relaxed, rested, or recharged, All of these words say that you were spending your time not working, but just resting and enjoying yourself. I took the day off and relaxed at home. I took the day off and rested at home. I took the day off and recharged at home.
"I took the day off and hung out at home."(今日は休みを取って家でゆっくりしました) また、"relaxed" や "rested" "recharged" も使うことができます。これらの語は、全て仕事をしないで体を休めリラックスしていたことを表します。 I took the day off and relaxed at home.(今日は休みを取って、家でのんびりしました) I took the day off and rested at home.(今日は休みを取って、家で休養しました) I took the day off and recharged at home.(今日は休みを取って、家で元気を回復しました)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I was off today and just chilled at home

  • I had a day off and just lounged around the house

When asked what you did today, you want to explain that you had the day off work and relaxed at home. The above suggestions explain that.
「今日は何をしましたか」と聞かれ「仕事が休みだったので家でゆっくりしました」と答えたいということですね。 上記の文を使うことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "I had the day off and relaxed at home."

  • "I spent the whole day relaxing, as I had the day off work."

  • "I had no work today, so I just chilled-out at home."

"I had the day off and relaxed at home," implies you not being at work, even though it is not mentioned in this statement. "I spent the whole day relaxing, as I had the day off work" – here the sentence structure (syntax) is completely opposite to the first example. However, the second example gives more detail than the first example ("whole," implies you relaxed for the entire day, and "work" is mentioned to clarify why you stayed at home "relaxing"). The third example uses "chilled-out," which can be used instead of any variant of the word "relax." Younger people seem to use this informal adjective a lot when describing some form of relaxation.
"I had the day off and relaxed at home"(休みだったので家でゆっくりしました)は「仕事」を休んだという意味合いです。 "I spent the whole day relaxing, as I had the day off work"(仕事が休みだったので、一日ゆっくり過ごしました)は、一つ目の例とは真逆の構文です。ただ、二つ目の例は、一つ目の例よりも具体的です("whole" は「一日ゆっくりした」のニュアンスで、"work" は家にいた理由をより明確にします)。 三つ目の例は "chilled-out" を使っています。これは「ゆっくりした/リラックスした」の意味です。これは若者がよく使うカジュアルな言い方です。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • Chill - informal

  • Relaxed

  • Hang out

"Chill"- is an informal way of saying that you relaxed at home I had the day off, so, I just chilled at home. "Relaxed" I relaxed at home because l did not have to work today. "Hang out" I had the day off, so, I hung out on my sofa.
"Chill" -「家でリラックスした」のカジュアルな言い方。 I had the day off, so, I just chilled at home.(今日は仕事が休みだったので家でリラックスしました) "Relaxed" I relaxed at home because l did not have to work today.(今日は仕事がなかったので家でリラックスしました) "Hang out" I had the day off, so, I hung out on my sofa.(今日は仕事が休みだったので、ソファでのんびりしていました)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I spent my day at home in relaxation mode.

  • Today was my day off, I stayed home and unwinded.

  • I spent my day unfurling at home, it was my day off.

We all work so hard in the 21st century, a break is necessary and we need to make sure we get resting points so we don't experience burn out. To explain that you spent your day off relaxing at home, you can make use of the sentences above. Unfurl: to open up to the wind, to unwind Unwind: to relax, destress, be carefree Burn out: severe exhaustion caused by overworking. Relaxation mode: in the state of relaxation
21世紀は忙しい時代です。燃え尽きないよう、休みを取るようにしないといけません。 「仕事が休みだったので家でゆっくりした」は、上記のように言えます。 Unfurl:〈帆などを〉を広げる、くつろぐ Unwind: リラックスする、ストレスを解消する、のんきな Burn out: 働き過ぎによる極度の疲労 Relaxation mode: リラックスした状態
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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