声帯 =vocal cords
右側 =right side
麻痺している= paralysed
A long time ago, I had my thyroid removed due to surgery for thyroid cancer. It had the effect of paralysing the right side of my vocal cords and it is difficult to manage the volume of my voice when speaking loudly.
The right side of my vocal cords have become numb from thyroid surgery.
Since undergoing thyroid surgery I have experienced paralysis on the right side of my vocal cords.
1) The right side of my vocal cords have become numb from thyroid surgery.
2) Since undergoing thyroid surgery I have experienced paralysis on the right side of my vocal cords.
「声帯」は vocal cords
「麻痺する」は become numb や be paralyzed
「麻痺」は numbness や paralysis
「甲状腺」は thyroid や thyroid gland