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刺激的な食事が多く、胃がむかむかしているので、 薬を買いたいです。
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2016/04/16 19:18
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  • Do you have stomach medicine?

  • I'm looking for stomach medicine

「胃の薬」は"stomach medicine"と言います。 「胃の薬をください」は英語で"please give me stomach medicine"になりますが、あまり自然な聞き方ではないです。 店員さんの相手でしたら ①のように、「胃の薬はありますか?」と聞きます。 または、②のように、「胃の薬を探していますけど」という意味の表現を使います。
  • Do you have any stomach medicine?

  • I'm looking for stomach medicine.

  • I'm a little queasy, do you have any stomach medicine?

Hey there Kenji! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです。 胃の薬は簡単に言うと「stomach medicine」ですので、頼むときに Do you have stomach medicine? (胃の薬がありますか?) i'm looking for stomach medicine (胃の薬を探してるんですが) と頼むことができます。 しかし、胃の問題が複数あるので、特定な問題を伝えておけば正しい薬を選んでもらえます。 「ムカムカしている」とは「queasy」(発音:クィーゼィー)ですので、先に I'm a little queasy, というのをオススメします。 I'm a little queasy, do you have any stomach medicine? よろしくお願いします。 応援しています! アーサーより
  • Have you got any medicine for indigestion please?

  • Have you got any medicine for bloatedness please?

  • Have you got any medicine for diarrhoea please?

Well, it really depends what's wrong with your stomach! There is no one medicine that cures all stomach problems, so you must be specific and identify exactly what kind of medicine you need. The first step is to see a doctor, diagnose the problem correctly and take the doctor's advice as to what medicine you may or may not need. Above are listed some common problems which may not require a doctor such as indigestion or bloatedness, or diarrhoea - where you may believe you can identify the problem yourself. But generally, better to see a doctor.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have some medication for an upset stomach please.

  • Can I have medication for my stomach please.

>Can I have some medication for an upset stomach please. *medication=form of medicine. *upset stomach=a slight illness affecting your stomach This is asking for medicine for your stomach that does not feel well. >Can I have medication for my stomach please.
Can I have some medication for an upset stomach please. *medication=薬を意味します。 *upset stomach=胃に影響する軽い病気を意味します。 胃の調子がよくないので薬が欲しいということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My stomach is not feeling well. Could I get some medicine for my stomach.

  • What medicine do you have for a stomach ache?

  • I have a stomach ache. I would like some medicine please.

If you are suffering with a stomach ache or other kind of stomach issue, that requires medicine, you can go to a doctor or pharmacist and as for medicine that might help like this, "What medicine do you have for a stomach ache?"
薬がいるほどの腹痛や胃の問題に悩まされているのなら、病院か薬局に行くことができます。以下のように効く薬を聞いてみましょう。 "What medicine do you have for a stomach ache?" どんな胃痛の薬がありますか?
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any stomach ache medicine?

  • Do you sell stomach ache medicine?

If you are feeling pains in your stomach, then you have 'stomach ache', just like when you are feeling pain in your head, you have a headache and you would ask for or buy headache medicine. In this case, its your stomach that is aching and you must ask for or buy stomach ache medicine. So, you may ask as follows: Do you have any stomach ache medicine? or Do you sell stomach ache medicine?
「腹痛」は「stomach ache」と表します。「頭痛」は「headache」、「頭痛薬」は「headache medicine」になります。この場合は「stomach ache(腹痛)」なので「stomach ache medicine」をお願いしないと(買わないと)いけません。 以下のように言えます: Do you have any stomach ache medicine? (胃薬ありますか) Do you sell stomach ache medicine? (胃薬ありますか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'm feeling some pain in my stomach. Do you have anything for that?

  • I'd like some stomach medication please.

  • My stomach is a bit upset. Do you have some stomach medication?

All of these phrases can be used at the pharmacy when asking for some medication for your stomach pains. An upset stomach: is another way of saying stomach pain and is very commonly used with people who speak English. ache: means dull pain and not sharp pain. "Headache" is another way to use the word "ache" which can be treated easily. Also "Earache" Hope this helps!
三例とも、薬局で腹痛の薬をもらう時に使えます。 An upset stomach: 腹痛を表します。よく使われます。 ache:(鋭痛ではなく)鈍痛を表します。「Headache(頭痛)」でも「ache」が使われています。「ache」は深刻なものではありません。「Earache(耳痛)」も。 参考になるといいです!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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