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ファストフードではなくてレストランで料理をテイクアウトしたい時は何て言えばいいですか? 席に案内される前に店員に持ち帰りを注文したい事を伝えたいです。
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2019/03/01 17:16
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  • Take-out please

  • Takeaway

テイクアウト([お持ち帰り](は英語でも「Take-out」になります。 店員にお持ち帰りを望むことを伝えるなら「Take-out please」と一言言えば伝わります。 また、「Takeaway」でも大丈夫です。 例文: - Big Mac and Fries please. Take-out.
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Can I order takeaway here?

  • Will you take my takeaway order, please?

: Can I order takeaway here? > You can ask this question if you are not sure whether the restaurant allows for takeaways. Will you take my takeaway order, please? >When you ask this question, the waiter will know that you are not going to be having your meal there. They might direct you to a seat to wait for your order.
Can I order takeaway here?(ここでは[テイクアウト](は[できますか]( > これは、そのレストランでテイクアウトができるかどうか分からないときに使うことができます。 Will you take my takeaway order, please?(テイクアウトで注文したいです) > この質問をすると、レストランで食べるつもりがないことがウェイターに伝わります。注文を待つための席に案内してくれるかもしれません。 アメリカでは to-go という表現もよく使われます。
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • I would like a takeaway!

  • I would like a to-go meal!

  • I want a take-out meal, please!

When we don't want to eat at the restaurant, those meals are called takeaway or to-go or take-out meals. "I would like a takeaway,please!" "I would like a to-go meal!" "Can I have my meal to-go, please?"
レストランで食べたくないとき、それらの食事は "takeaway"(持ち帰り用の食事)や "to-go"(同)"take-out meal"(同)と呼ばれます。 "I would like a takeaway,please!"(持ち帰りで注文したいです) "I would like a to-go meal!"(持ち帰りで注文したいです) "Can I have my meal to-go, please?"(持ち帰りで注文できますか)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to make a take-out order.

"I would like to make a take-out order." This is a useful expression to use when the first server/waiter approaches you. This lets them know you do not want to dine in the restaurant, but want to leave with a meal. This is called a take-out meal, to-go meal, takeaway, etc.
"I would like to make a take-out order."(持ち帰りで注文したいです) これはレストランで一人目のウェイター/ウェイトレスが近づいてきたときに使えます。レストランで食事をするのではなく食べ物を持ち帰りたいことを伝えます。 「持ち帰り用の料理」は 'take-out meal' 'to-go meal' 'takeaway' などといいます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Takeaway

  • To go

  • Takeout

"Takeaway" and "Takeout" are the most frequently used phrases when asking if you would like to take your food away with you. "Can I have my food to go" "I'd like to take this away" "Tonight we will get takeout!"
"Takeaway" と "Takeout" が、「持ち帰り用の食べ物」の最も一般的な言い方です。 "Can I have my food to go"(持ち帰りでお願いできますか) "I'd like to take this away"(持ち帰りでお願いします) "Tonight we will get takeout!"(今夜はテイクアウトにしよう)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to order to take away please ?

  • I would like my food to go please

When you don't sit in a restaurant to eat but instead go elsewhere to eat this is called to 'tale away' or 'to go' as you take the food away from the restaurant or it goes with you
食べ物をレストランで食べるのではなく、持ち出してどこか他の場所で食べることは、'take away' または 'to go' といいます。食べ物を 'take away'(持ち帰る)、あるいは、'go'(持って行く)からです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I want to order carry-out.

  • I would like to order take-out.

  • I need to make a to-go order.

"I want", "I would like", and "I need" are very common ways to start a sentence like this, and "carry out", "take out", and "to go order" all have the same meaning and are very common phrases.
"I want", "I would like", "I need" は、何かをしたいことを伝えるのにとても一般的なフレーズです。 "carry out", "take out", "to go order" は全て、持ち帰りという意味の同じ意味の言葉です。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
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