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2015/11/03 02:44
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  • ① We regret to inform you that, after careful consideration of

  • the documents you have provided, we are unable to offer you

  • the position at this point.

レターやメールで[求人](応募の方をお断りする時は一般的に以下のような文書を送ります: ① We regret to inform you that, after careful consideration of the documents you have provided, we are unable to offer you the position at this point. 直訳:大変[残念ですが](、ご提供いただいた書類を綿密に考慮したうえ、現時点では貴殿にこの職をオファーすることはできません。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • After a screening of the documents. . .

After a screening of the documents, we are unable to offer you a position at this point. 直訳すれば、 「書類[選考](の結果、あなたにこのポジションをオファーすることはできかねると判断致しました。」 となります。 書類選考: a screening of the documents 文尾にat this point in timeと加えることで、現時点では・・・と加えることができます。 尚、Regretfullyを文頭に付け、「[残念ながら](」という意味合いを持たせることもあります。 書類選考ではなく、面接などその他の過程の結果でというニュアンスを示したい場合は After careful consideration of our current requirements などと変えても使うことができます。
  • Following our screening process, unfortunately you have not been selected.

もちろん「selected」とは「chosen」と大体同じ意味ですが、もうちょっと上品なニュアンスがありますね。 「unfortunately」とは「残念ですが」という意味です。
Tim Young 主催
  • Your application is unfortunately unsuccessful due to insufficient documentation.

  • We regret to inform you that after we have screened your documentation your application was found unsuccessful.

>Your application is unfortunately unsuccessful due to insufficient documentation. *Insufficient=not enough; inadequate. This sentence can be used when they did not provide all the documentation. >We regret to inform you that after we have screened your documentation your application was found unsuccessful. This sentence can be used when the documents did not meet the expected requirements.
Your application is unfortunately unsuccessful due to insufficient documentation. *Insufficient=十分ではない、不十分なことを意味します。 全ての書類を提出しなかったときに使われる表現です。 We regret to inform you that after we have screened your documentation your application was found unsuccessful. 書類が期待した要件に合わなかったときに使われる表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • We regret to inform you that you have been unsucessful in your application

  • After consideration of documents submitted we regret to inform youthat you have been unsuucessful in your application

You have been unsuccessful in youir appliocation = you did not get the job. We regret to inform you = a standard phrase when about to impart bad news to someone. Both of the above phrases are very standard when informing an applicant that they have not been accepted for a job. Usually, the prospective employer gives little or no detail about why the candidate has been unsuccessfull.
"You have been unsuccessful in your application" (選考に不合格となりました) = 仕事を得ることが出来なかった "We regret to inform you" (残念ながら~) =これは何か悪いお知らせをする時に使われる一般的なフレーズです。 上記のこれらの表現は選考に不合格だったことを知らせる時に使用されるをとても一般的なフレーズです。 通常雇用者は不合格になった理由などの詳細はほとんど応募者に伝えません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • After screening your documents, we have decided not to move forward with your application.

"After screening your documents, we have decided not to move forward with your application." This means after looking through the applicants documents the company has decided not to hire him/her. This may be because he/she does not have the required experience or qualifications for the job.
"After screening your documents, we have decided not to move forward with your application."という例文について この文は、応募者の書類を一通り見た結果、その会社が彼または彼女を採用しないと決定したことを意味します。 これは、その仕事のために必要とされた経験または資格をその人がもっていないことが理由かもしれません。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • After review of your documents your application wasn't successful.

*After review of your documents your application wasn't successful.- To review means to analyse/evaluate something carefully. This means that the documents they provided didn't meet the required requirements/standards.
*After review of your documents your application wasn't successful.という例文について reviewというのは、何かを慎重に分析したり評価したりすることを意味します。この文では、彼らが提供した書類は要件や求められた基準を満たしていないことを意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Insufficient documentation for this post.

  • Unfortunately you do not hold the required legal documentation for me to progress your application

When employing someone in England they usually have to provide legal documentation to prove who they are, who they bank with and also previous educational qualifications. Sometimes if these documents do not meet the companies requirements an application or job position can be refused. Hope this is helpful Teacher Jemxi
イングランドで人を雇う時には普通、それがどんな人物で、どこにお金を預け、どこの学校を出たのかがわかる法的な書類を提出しなければなりません。 これらが会社の求めるものと一致しないと、申し込みが断られることがあります。 参考になるといいです Teacher Jemxi
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • After scrutiny of documentation...

  • After scrutiny of documentation...I regret to inform you, your application was rejected..

Scrutiny: "critical observation or examination." "after close inspection, study, perusal! If the documentation does not support your application will be unsuccessful. "After scrutiny of documentation...I regret to inform you, your application was rejected."
Scrutiny (吟味する) "critical observation or examination." (厳選に調査する) "after close inspection, study, perusal! (厳密な検査、調べ、熟読の後) "documentation"(書類選考)がうまくいかなかったらあなたの応募は上手くいきません。 【例】 "After scrutiny of documentation...I regret to inform you, your application was rejected." (厳密な書類選考の結果、残念ながら不合格となりました)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry but we can't hire you due to your screening documents.

  • We're unable to offer you a job due to your screening documents.

We can say that, "we can't hire you due to," to say that someone is not hire-able due to a particular document. We can also say, "we are unable to offer you a job due to," to have the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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