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There was a time when everyone believed in God.でどうでしょう? everyoneをanyoneと言っても問題はないですか?
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2019/03/08 22:31
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  • There was a time when everyone believed in God.

  • There were days when everybody believed in God.

大丈夫だと思います。あえて違う言い方をあげるなら There were days when everybody believed in God. 誰もが神を信じていた時(日々)があった。 という言い方もありますが、個人的にはやはりtimeの方がいいと思います(感覚として days はもう少し近い過去で、自分もその頃に生きていて昔はそういう時もあったと言っているように感じます)。 anyoneやanybodyは基本的に否定や疑問形の時に使います。 Does anyone here believe in God? ここに、神を信じている人は誰かいる? I've never met anybody who believes in God like this. こんな風に神を信じる人に今まで出会ったことがない。 今回の文章を否定にして「誰も〜しなかった時代」となる場合はno oneやnobodyになります。 There was a time when no one believed in God. 誰も神を信じなかった時代があった。
  • There was a time when the whole world believed in God.

  • Everyone used to believe in God.

These are both common ways to express this idea in American English. 'Used' means 'a way a certain thing was in the past'. 'Whole world' refers to everyone on the planet Earth. 'World' is usually a word that limits scope to the planet Earth, and people will often use 'universe' or 'cosmos' to widen that scope to include other planets beyond Earth. The philosopher Nietzsche once wrote something like 'God is dead, we have killed him, and there will never be enough water to wash the blood from our hands.'
これらはどちらもアメリカ英語でこの意味を表す一般的な言い方です。 'Used' は「昔は~だった」という意味です。 'Whole world' は地球上の全ての人を指します。'World' は普通地球について使われます。地球以外の惑星を含めるときには 'Universe' または 'Cosmos'が使われることが多いです。 哲学者のニーチェはかつて次のようなことを書きました。 'God is dead, we have killed him, and there will never be enough water to wash the blood from our hands.' (神は死んだ。私たちが殺したのだ。どれだけの水を使ってもこの手についた血を洗い流すことはできない)
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • Christianity was the main belief

  • The most common religion was christianity

  • Nowadays, christianity is not as popular as it was before

Christianity is a faith based on a holy book called the bible which has many scriptures about the word of God and His love for the world.
Christianity'(キリスト教)とは、'the Bible'(聖書)に基づく宗教です。 'the Bible' は神の言葉や神の世界に対する愛について書かれています。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • There was a time when everyone believed in God!

  • In the past, everyone believed in God!

  • Back in the day, everyone believed in God!

"There was a time when everyone believed in God!" "In the past, many people believed in God!" "Back in the day, everyone believed in God!" "there was a time" "in the past" " back in the day" all of these expressions are used to refer to things in the past. Sometimes it is used to remember fond memories or traumatic experiences
"There was a time when everyone believed in God!"(誰もが神を信じていた時代もあった) "In the past, many people believed in God!"(かつては多くの人が神を信じていた) "Back in the day, everyone believed in God!"(かつては誰もが神を信じていた) "there was a time"(~という時代があった) "in the past"(昔は) "back in the day"(昔は) これらは全て過去のことについて言うときに使える表現です。懐かしい思い出やトラウマになっていることについて語るときにも使われます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • God was believed by everyone worldwide

  • Everyone used to believe in god

  • the world used to believe Christianity was the main religion

using the term 'worldwide' incorporates everyone living on earth. Christianity is the religion in which 'god' is their main god like figure.
worldwide' を使うと、「地球上に住む人全て」の意味になります。 キリスト教(Christianity)は、唯一の真の神だけが本当の神であると教えています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • People used to be so religious, but times have changed

  • The influence of the church upon society has dramatically declined

If you want to explain that there was a time when everyone believed in God, then you can use one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There was a time when everyone believed in God

There was a time when everyone believed in God. There isn't as many people that have a belief in God as in previous times. Not everyone believes in God now whereas this is different to a previous time.
There was a time when everyone believed in God.(誰もが神を信じていた時代もありました) There isn't as many people that have a belief in God as in previous times.(昔ほどは神を信じている人はいません) Not everyone believes in God now whereas this is different to a previous time.(以前と違い今は全ての人が神を信じているわけではありません)
Daviid M DMM英会話講師
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