愚痴気味に言うなら「You always just say what you want to say」がいいと思います。
さらに「他人の言うことを聞かない」は「You never listen to other people」です。
It seems like you always say what you want to say without listening to the other person.
You never listen to people when they're talking. You just spit out whatever is on your mind.
1) It seems like you always say what you want to say without listening to the other person.
what you want to say で「あなたの言いたいこと」
without listening to the other person で「他の人の話を聞かないで」
2) You never listen to people when they're talking. You just spit out whatever is on your mind.
spit out で「言ってのける・吐き捨てる」
whatever is on your mind で「考えていること・思っていることなんでも」