(1)と(2)の共通点は both A and B という表現で「AもBもどちらも」という意味です。
(1)については 「mother も baby も well」 であるという意味です。
この文の場合は well が形容詞の役割で「健康で」という意味です。
How are you? に対しての返事として少しフォーマルですが I'm well. 「元気です」という言い方もします。
(2)については do を修飾する副詞として well が使われています。do well で「順調にでいる」「元気でいる」のような意味で、会話でもよく使われます。上記の解説にある例のように How are you? や How are you doing? に対して I'm doing well. 「元気にしてるよ」という返事はよく使います。
また(2)については、Both mother and baby are healthy and doing well. のように「健康で順調です」のような表現もよく使います。
This is often said by native speakers very soon after a birth is announced. The word ‘both’ assures the listener that both the mother and the baby are healthy after the birth. A speaker could also say ‘both mother and baby are fine’ or ‘doing fine’, which also means that they are healthy and well.
「Both mother and baby are fine」と言うこともできます。母子共に健康で元気だという意味です。
To express that the mother and her baby are okay and safe, you can say that they are fine, doing well, or are healthy. Saying they are healthy gives the idea that they currently are not dealing with any health complications. You can also say, "the mother and baby are both in good health."
母子ともに健康であることを表す場合、「fine」「doing well」または「 healthy」が使えます。
The mother and baby are both in good health.
The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express that a newly born baby and the mother are doing well. In the second sentence you will see the term pull through. If we pull through something that means we successfully managed a hard situation. This term would make a great addition to your vocabulary!
二つ目の例文では"pull through"(乗り越える)という言葉を目にすると思います。
"pull through something"で、困難な状況を乗り越える、という意味になります。是非、この表現を覚えておいてください。
All the sentences are great to use if we say everything went well it means that there were no problems at the birth and all is well with mother and baby