My tooth was sore so I had a dentist look at it today.
1) I had a toothache so I went see a dentist today.
「歯痛」は toothache と言い、have a toothache で「歯痛がある」=「歯が痛い」と言えます。
go see a dentist で「歯医者に会いに行く」=「歯医者に行く」
2) My tooth was sore so I had a dentist look at it today.
「歯が痛い」は my tooth was sore とも言えます。sore で「痛い」
have a dentist look at it (my tooth) で「歯を診てもらう」と言う言い方です。
Today, I went to the dentist because my tooth hurt.
Today, I went to the dentist because my tooth hurt.
dentist = 歯医者
go to the dentist = 歯医者に行く
ちなみに「虫歯」は英語で cavity と言います。
複数形は cavities です。