I put in fabric softener and bleach. It just needs laundry soap.
I put in fabric softener and bleach. It just needs laundry soap.
柔軟剤 → fabric softener
漂白剤 → bleach
洗剤 → laundry soap、laundry detergent(laundry を抜いてただdetergentと言う人も多いです)
「入れる」はput inです。目的語はinの後でも、putとinの間でもいいです。
put in soap
put soap in
I've put in the fabric softener and bleach. We just need to add the detergent now!
例えば、 I've put in the fabric softener and bleach. We just need to add the detergent now! 『柔軟剤と漂白剤は入れたよ。あと洗剤を入れるだけ!』
もう少し丁寧に言うと、 The fabric softener and bleach are already in. We only have to add the detergent. という表現もできます。