Two terms you could use are
1. Indian spice shop - this would be a shop that mainly sells spices from India.
2. Indian Grocery Store - This store will sell Indian Spices, but it may also sell drinks, baked goods, or other food items from India.
"Tom knows where all the Indian spice shops are located."
"Did you buy spices at the Indian spice shop while you were in the area?"
"We stopped by the Indian Grocery store on our way home."
"The Indian Grocery store had prepared curry we could buy!"
1. Indian spice shop - これは主にインドのスパイスを売る店です。
2. Indian Grocery Store - この店はインドのスパイスも売りますが、それに加えて飲み物や焼き菓子などインドの他の商品も売ります。
"Tom knows where all the Indian spice shops are located."(トムはインドスパイスの店がどこにあるか全部知っています)
"Did you buy spices at the Indian spice shop while you were in the area?"(その地域にいるときにインドスパイスのお店でスパイスを買いましたか)
"We stopped by the Indian Grocery store on our way home."(帰りにインド食品店に寄りました)
"The Indian Grocery store had prepared curry we could buy!"(インド食品店に調理済みのカレーが売っていました)
"Indian food shop" and "Indian Ingredient shop"
These are the terms/names given to a shop that will sell ingredients (the items put into a meal) and/or the food for Indian cuisine/Indian meals.
ex. "I am just going to go pick up some things from the Indian food shop"
they also have food shops for other countries such as Polish food shops, French food shops, Italian food shops etc.
"Indian food shop"(インド食品店)と "Indian Ingredient shop"(インド食材店)
"I am just going to go pick up some things from the Indian food shop"
Polish food shops(ポーランド食品店)
French food shops(フランス食品店)
Italian food shops(イタリア食品店)
In the UK, there are a lot of normal grocery stores run by Indian families. To specify that you are speaking about a shop which sells 'Indian food' it is necessary to describe the shop as an 'Indian food shop'.
'We need to get some spices from the Indian food shop.'
イギリスにはインド人家族の経営する普通の食料品店がたくさんあります。これがインド食品を販売する店であることを明確にするには、'Indian food shop' と伝える必要があります。
'We need to get some spices from the Indian food shop.'
Normally you would not refer to a shop as "Indian Spice Shop" if the shop has a name. Same with Western shops or any kind of shop. You would refer to the shop's name when talking about it and then, if the person you are talking to doesn't know which shop you are talking about, you would then go ahead and explain that it is an Indian spice shop.
For example: The Spice Emporium or The Chunari
If you are talking about Indian culture or referring to their spices, you would say:
"I like to go to The Spice Emporium. It is an Indian grocery store where you can buy many different Indian spices and it also sells other items from the Indian culture."
Emporium - market place
普通名前のあるお店のことは "Indian Spice Shop" とは言いません。これは、それが欧米の店でも、どんなお店でも同じです。
名前で呼んで、相手がその店について知らなかった場合には、"Indian Spice Shop" と説明できます。
例えば:The Spice Emporium または The Chunari
"I like to go to The Spice Emporium. It is an Indian grocery store where you can buy many different Indian spices and it also sells other items from the Indian culture."
「Spice Emporium に行くのが好きです。いろいろなインドのスパイスを売っているインド食材店です。他にもインドの商品を売っています」
Emporium - 市場
"Indian food shop" is the literal meaning of this. However, to say this would sound slightly unnatural. An "Indian food market" is a place that we can buy spices, foods, tea, sweets, etc. It would also likely have popular Indian magazines and newspapers. This is the term that would capture the meaning best.
Example for Indian food shop (literal translation):
"I wish our neighborhood had an authentic Indian food shop."
Example for Indian food market (natural interpretation):
"The Indian food market downtown is a great place to find spices that are not available in supermarkets."
これは直訳すると "Indian food shop" となりますが、響きが少し不自然です。
"Indian food market" では、スパイスやお茶、お菓子などが買えます。インドで人気の雑誌や新聞などもたぶん売られていると思います。これが最も近い言葉です。
Indian food shop(直訳)の例:
"I wish our neighborhood had an authentic Indian food shop."
Indian food market(自然な訳)の例:
"The Indian food market downtown is a great place to find spices that are not available in supermarkets."