My boyfriend and I watched a movie at the movie theater yesterday.
1) I went to the movies with my boyfriend yesterday.
ここの movies が複数形なのは、映画館では複数の映画を上映しているからで、映画を一本しか見なかったとしても movies となります。
2) My boyfriend and I watched a movie at the movie theater yesterday.
watched a movie で「映画を見た」
at the movie theater で「映画館で」
I went to see a movie with my boyfriend yesterday.
My boyfriend and I went out to a movie yesterday.
Yesterday I went to a movie with my boyfriend.
go to see a movie/go out to a movie/go to a movie: 映画を見る
yesterday: 昨日
boyfriend: 彼氏
I went to see a movie with my boyfriend yesterday.
My boyfriend and I went out to a movie yesterday.
Yesterday I went to a movie with my boyfriend.
go to a movie theater: 映画館に行く
watch at the movie theater: 映画を映画館で見る