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2016/04/26 06:34
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  • I hate to say this, but …

  • I hate to bring this up, but …

  • Forgive me, but …

「本当は言いたくないのですが、でも伝えますね。。。!」 という表現ですが、 上記3つのフレーズが、 よく映画やドラマなどで使われています。 相手に失礼にならないように、 でも言いにくいことを伝えなければならない時は、 上記のフレーズを前置きのフレーズとして使ってみて下さい☆
  • I don't want to have to tell you this.

「I don't want to 」=「〜したくない」と「to have to tell」=「言わなければならない」がくっついた表現。二つがくっつくことにより、言いたくないけど言わないといけないというニュアンスになります。
Yuki JapanLanguageLovers主催者
  • I hate to be the the one to say this...

  • I'm sorry to say this...

  • I'd rather not say this but...

Saying things that you don't want to, but feel like you have to is something nobody wants to do. Actually, it's totally okay to say that you "hate" to say something: - I hate to be the the one to say this... - I hate to tell you this... - I hate to bring this up... - I hate to be the bearer of bad news... Hopefully, it will soften what you are about to say. You can also use: - I'm sorry to say this... It never hurts to start with an apology if you know you're going to say something harsh. When you have to say something harsh to someone, but if you had any other choice, you wouldn't, you can use: - I'd rather not say this but... - I'd rather not be the one to tell you this but... - I'd rather not tell you, but...
誰も言いたくことことなので、言わなければならかったが言いたくなかったことを伝える表現です。 実際に、言いたくないことを伝える時に可能な表現です。 - I hate to be the the one to say this... - I hate to tell you this... - I hate to bring this up... - I hate to be the bearer of bad news... うまくいけばあなたの言いたいことを柔らかくしてくれます。 このように言うこともできます。 I'm sorry to say this... 厳しいことを言おうとしているときは、謝罪から始めることで傷つけることはありません。 誰かに厳しいことを言わなければならない時で、言わないという他の選択肢がない場合以下の表現を使うことができます。 - I'd rather not say this but... - I'd rather not be the one to tell you this but... - I'd rather not tell you, but...
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I regret to have to say this....

The word regret, states that you are saying this , but you don't really want too.
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to have to tell you this..

  • I wish I didn't have to inform you about this..

  • I don't want to be the one to say this..

The above examples are used to soften the blow of the news to come. We give the listener a warning that something that they are not going to like is about to be told to them. "I don't want to have to tell you this, but gray is not your color." "I wish I didn't have to inform you about this, John is marrying Lisa." "I don't want to be the one to say this, Martha doesn't like you."
上記の回答がダメージを和らげるために使うフレーズです。 "I don't want to have to tell you this, but gray is not your color." "I wish I didn't have to inform you about this, John is marrying Lisa." "I don't want to be the one to say this, Martha doesn't like you.
Boris S DMM英会話講師
  • This may be hard to take, but I must tell you.

  • I have something that may be troubling, but it's important that you hear it.

1. To establish that one's intentions are not to be unkind with what is being said, it is good to acknowledge that the information may be unpleasant or "hard to take." It warns the hearer that the news may be undesirable. 2. "Troubling" is another way to describe something that may be bad to hearer. It indicates that the news may cause negative emotions.
1. 相手を傷つける意図がないことを明確にするため、前もって "This may be hard to take" などと伝えておくといいでしょう。「この知らせはあなたにとって好ましくないことかもしれない」と予告します。 2. "troubling" でも「耳障りなこと」を表すことができます。「この知らせはあなたを動揺させるかもしれない」と伝えます。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I wish this could go unsaid, but...

"I wish this could go unsaid, but..." lets the person that it pains you to have to say this to them.
"I wish this could go unsaid, but..."を使う事によって何かを伝える事だけで胸が痛むという意味です。
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • I hate to say this, but....

  • I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but .....

  • I regret to inform you that ......

If you are talking to your friend then you can say 'I hate to have to tell you this but I saw your daughter drinking alcohol last night' or 'I hate to say this, but you are wearing the exact same dress as the birthday girl!'. If you are talking to a stranger or a boss you can be more formal by saying 'I regret to inform you that there has been a problem with the delivery'.
友達に言う場合は、 'I hate to have to tell you this but I saw your daughter drinking alcohol last night' (言いにくいんだけど、昨日の夜、あなたの娘がお酒を飲んでいるのを見たの。) 'I hate to say this, but you are wearing the exact same dress as the birthday girl!' (言いにくいんだけど、お誕生日の女の子と全く同じドレスを着ているよ。) 知らない人や上司に言うときは、もっとフォーマルに言う必要があります。  'I regret to inform you that there has been a problem with the delivery' (申し上げにくいのですが、配達に問題がありました。)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I don't really want to have to tell you this but....

  • What I'm about to say is not good news but...

  • I hate to say this but....

You can use any of these phrases to precede something that is not really pleasant for the other person to hear:- 1. I don't really want to have to tell you this but.... Example: I don't really want to have to tell you this but you didn't pass your driving test. 2. What I'm about to say is not good news but... Example: What I'm about to say is not good news but I have to say it anyway. Our father passes away last night. 3. I hate to say this but.... Example:-I hate to say this but you are being demoted becasue of your bad performance in the last project.
これらのフレーズは相手にとって耳障りなことを伝えるときに使うことができます。 1. I don't really want to have to tell you this but....(言いづらいんだけど) 例: I don't really want to have to tell you this but you didn't pass your driving test. (言いづらいんだけど、運転免許試験は不合格です) 2. What I'm about to say is not good news but...(これはいい知らせではないんだけど) 例: What I'm about to say is not good news but I have to say it anyway. Our father passes away last night. (これはいい知らせではないんだけど言わないといけないから。お父さんが昨日の夜逝きました) 3. I hate to say this but....(言いづらいんだけど) 例: I hate to say this but you are being demoted becasue of your bad performance in the last project. (言いづらいんだけど、この前のプロジェクトの出来が悪かったから、あなたは降格になる)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • There is no good way of saying this, but...

  • I really didn't want to bring this up, but....

  • There is something I need to tell you and I don't want you to overreact.

1. You are introducing the idea that whatever follows is not going to pleasant to hear and that it is difficult for you to express it in a nice way. 2. In this sentence, you are implying that you've been wanting to say something for a while and you finally decided to speak up. 3. This sentence introduces the idea that you have something diffucult and unpleasant to say but you are asking the person to listen and relax.
1. 「これから言うことはあなたにとって耳障りなことで、なかなかうまい言い方ができない」と伝えています。 2. これは「ずっと言いたかったことをいよいよ言うことにした」というニュアンスです。 3. 「伝えにくいことだが落ち着いて聞いてほしい」と伝えています。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm hesitant to tell you this, but it has to be said.

  • I can't think of a better way to phrase this, but....

1.I'm hesitant to tell you this, but it has to be said. To be hesitant means to be reluctant.It means that you are going to do/say something that you wish you didn't have to."It has to be said," means that you are about to say something that the person may not like, but that you have to tell them. 2.I can't think of a better way to put this, but.... " to phrase this" means to put this or tell you this. The sentence as a whole means that you wish you could tell the person in a kinder way but there is no better way than the truth.
1. I'm hesitant to tell you this, but it has to be said.(これは言いたくないけど言わないといけない) "To be hesitant" は「乗り気がしない」という意味です。「したくないことをする/言いたくないことを言う」という意味を表します。"It has to be said" は「(言いたくないが)言わなければならない」という意味です。 2. I can't think of a better way to put this, but....(いい言い方が思いつかないんだけど...) "to phrase this" は「表す/伝える」という意味です。 文全体では「もっと思いやりのある言い方がしたいが他に言いようがない」と伝えています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I am really sorry but you should know that...

  • I hate to say this, but...

These two are the most common way of saying some unpleasant information, in my view. For example - I hate to say this but you get a really low score in the test which we wrote yesterday.
この二つは言いにくいことを伝えるときの最も一般的な表現だと思います。 例: I hate to say this but you get a really low score in the test which we wrote yesterday.(言いづらいですが、あなたは昨日のテストの点がとても低かった)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I hate to say this, but I have to under the circumstances

  • What I am about to say may make you uncomfortable but I have to.

The idiom 'under the circumstances' used in the first line has been used with reference to what is about to be said. The circumstances demand that what has to be said must be said regardless of the the fact that the it will not please the listener. For example, I may about to reveal that the listener has been suspended from work.. So, you may say: I hate to say this, but I have to under the circumstances. or What I am about to say may make you uncomfortable but I have to.
最初の行で使われている'under the circumstances'というイディオムは、これから言おうとしていることに関連して使われます。 これから言うことは、聞き手にとって不快なことかもしれないけれど、事情が事情だから、言うべきことを言わなければいけないということです。 例えば、聞き手が停職になるということを言わないといけないかもしれません。ですからこう言うことが出来ます。 例文 I hate to say this, but I have to under the circumstances. このことは言いたくないけれど、事情が事情だから言わないといけない。 What I am about to say may make you uncomfortable but I have to. これから言うことを聞いて、不快な気分になるかもしれないけれど、私は言わないといけない。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'm going to mention something a little negative now......

  • It's just my personal opinion, but.......

  • Please don't take offence, but.....

You feel you have to say something you don't really want to say? For example when it's something bad for whoever you're talking to. There are three possible phrases above. Another possibility here: Eg "Sorry to have to tell you, but you do have quite smelly breath." It will help if you soften any criticism by using a moderating adverb such as, 'quite' or 'rather' or 'a little'. You could also offer an advance apology as in that example, or flag the forthcoming comment in advance with phrases such as:'Please don't take offence...'
言いにくいことを言わないといけないわけですね。相手にとって耳障りなことなど。上に三つ例をお示ししました。 次のように言うこともできます。 "Sorry to have to tell you, but you do have quite smelly breath."(言いにくいんだけど、口臭が少しきついです) 相手の欠点を指摘するときは、'quite' 'rather' 'a little' など表現を柔らかくする副詞を使うといいです。 また、この例のように前もって謝っておいたり、あるいは 'Please don't take offence...'(怒らないでね)などのフレーズで事前にシグナルを送っておくのもいいでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't want to bring this up but..

  • This isn't my place to say but...

  • I can't believe I'm about to say this but..

Use the expressions above when you are about to say something you don't feel comfortable saying. "I didn't want to bring this up but I saw you stealing my money yesterday, please give it back." "This isn't my place to say but I don't think he was good for you." "I can't believe I'm about to say this but I can't marry you!"
言いづらいことを言うときは、上記の表現を使いましょう。 "I didn't want to bring this up but I saw you stealing my money yesterday, please give it back." (これは言いたくなかったんだけど、昨日あなたが私のお金を盗むのを見ました、返してください) "This isn't my place to say but I don't think he was good for you." (これは私の言うことではないけど、彼はあなたに合ってなかったと思う) "I can't believe I'm about to say this but I can't marry you!" (こんなことを言うことになるなんて思わなかったけど、あなたとは結婚できない)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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