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2015/11/21 15:44
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  • exclusively for ~

  • only for ~

  • dedicated to ~

様々な言い方がありますので、いくつかピックアップして例文を書かせていただきます。 ① exclusively for ~ (〜に限る/〜[限定]( 例) This discount is exclusively for people under 20 years of age = この割引は20歳以下の人に限ります。 ② only for ~ (〜[のみ]( 例) This hot spring is only for women = この温泉が女性のみとなります。 ③ dedicated to ~ (〜に専用) 例) These seats are dedicated to senior citizens. = この席はご年配の方専用となります。
  • for ~ only

for women only 女性専用 [女性専用車両](はWomen-only passenger carsになります。 Website for Japanese only 日本人専用HP 日本人専用HPとはどのようなものでしょうか?そのHPには日本人だけしか適用されないような特典や情報が載っているのでしょうか?日本人だけが特別扱いされているようにとらわれてしまうので使うときは注意が必要です。日本人専用(日本語の表記がある)と言う意味であればWebsite in Japaneseという表現が良いかと思います。
  • Specifically for...

  • Exclusively for...

  • Set apart for..

If something is used for a particular purpose or a specific set of people, you can say that it is: 'Specifically for...' To be specifically for something, it means to be aimed at a particular set of people. These options are specifically for children. Exclusively for... These tables are exclusively for VIP guests. Set apart for.. These menus are set apart for weekend dining. To set something apart is to reserve it or to separate it for something peculiar. I hope that helps!
それが特別な目的のためのものや、特定の人々のためのものだったら、こう言うことができます。 Specifically for ... specifically for ... は、特定の人々を目的としたものであるという意味です。 These options are specifically for children. (これらの選択肢はお子さま専用です。) Exclusively for ... These tables are exclusively for VIP guests. (これらのテーブルはVIPゲスト専用です。) Set apart for ... These menus are set apart for weekend dining. (これらのメニューは週末の食事専用です。) set 〜 apart は、特別なもののために予約されていたり、取り分けてあることを言います。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • This is exclusively for.....

  • This is designated for......

This area is exclusively for the VIP members of the club This area is designated for smokers, so you cannot eat food here sorry
このエリアはクラブのVIP会員専用です。 このエリアは喫煙者用で、ここで食べることはできません。
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • specifically for....

  • specially designed for....

Specifically designed for means it was made in a way that is exact and clear for something. For example: The car was specifically designed for handicapped people.
"Specifically designed forとは、特別に設計(デザイン)されたという意味です。 例えば: The car was specifically designed for handicapped people. この車は、障害がある人の為に設計された車です。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Restricted

  • Only for

When something is restricted then its use is limited to a specific purpose. For example: Restricted access/restricted area means that only certain persons are allowed to enter a particular area (e.g. Employees etc.). However, it should be noted that the verb restrict and its related adjective have strong connotations. Only for is a phrase referring to specific or exclusive use of something. For example, one could say Sorry, this train car is only for women. This would mean that men are not allowed to ride that particular car.
物事がrestricted(制限されて)されている時は、それを使うことは特定の目的に限られます。 Restricted access(アクセス制限)/restricted area(制限地域)は、特定の人(従業員等)が特定の場所に入ることを許可されているということです。 しかし、”restrict”という動詞とそれに関連した形容詞は強い意味合いがあるということは、注意すべきです。 Only forは、特定の又はあるものを独占して使えるということを表す表現です。例えば、こう言うことができます。 例文 Sorry, this train car is only for women. すみません。この電車は女性専用です。 男性はこの電車には乗ることが許されていないということです。
Lashawn DMM英会話講師
  • Discrete

  • Tailor made

Discrete = Separate; distinct; individual; non-continuous. " A government with three discrete divisions." "A railway carriage with discrete seating for women." Tailor made = made, adapted, or suited for a particular purpose or person. "He was tailor-made for the job."
Discrete の類義語は、Separate; distinct; individual; non-continuous.があげられます。 " A government with three discrete divisions."三権分立している政府 "A railway carriage with discrete seating for women." 女性専用の電車車輛 Tailor made とは、特別の目的、特定の人のために適合している、作られたという意味です。 "He was tailor-made for the job." 彼にとってその仕事は天職だろう
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This is designed specifically for you.

  • This car was designed exclusively for Kayne West.

  • This suit was tailor-made for my Dad.

This is designed specifically for you. This car was designed exclusively for Kayne West. This suit was tailor-made for my Dad. *Designed for- usually for clothes, houses, building projects- anything creative *Exclusively- this is usually used for when companies want to brand a product as 'luxurious' *tailor-made- this is usually when talking about clothes but can be used for plans for houses etc as well *Specifically- means very accurately or exact *You can also say* *This is made just for you *This is designed/made for you *This was made only for you *This was purpose built... *Dedicated design Hope this helps !^ ^
This is designed specifically for you. This car was designed exclusively for Kayne West. This suit was tailor-made for my Dad. *Designed for -通常洋服や、家、建造物など 、何か創造的なものに使われます。 *Exclusively - これは大抵会社が商品を'luxurious'(高級品)として印象付けたい時に使われます。 *tailor-made - これは服について話す時に使われますが、家やその他の計画についても使われることがあります。 *Specifically - とても正確で適確なことを意味します。 また、以下のようにもいうことができます。: *This is made just for you *This is designed/made for you *This was made only for you *This was purpose built... *Dedicated design Hope this helps !^ ^
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Custom-made = means specially made for a particular purpose

  • Purpose-built = means designed and built for a particular use

  • tailor-made = means specially made for a particular purpose

Made-to-order = A situation that is made to order is perfect. Specially made = made to suit a special purpose. Customize = to make or change something according to the buyer's or user's needs Personalize = to make something suitable for the needs of a particular person
Made-to-order = 完璧にぴったり合う状況 Specially made = 特別な目的に合わせて作られた Customize = 買う人や使う人の要求にしたがって作られたり変更したりすること Personalize =特定の人の要求に適応して何かを作ること
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Reserved for

  • Exclusively for

The adjective 'reserved' is derived from the verb to 'reserve' which has several meanings ,but, in this context, it means to 'arrange for (a room, seat, ticket, etc.) to be kept for the use of a particular person.' You may say: These coaches are reserved for women only. You may also label the coaches 'Reserved for Women Only' 'Exclusively' is an adverb derived from the adjective 'exclusive'. which means 'to the exclusion of others; only'. However, 'Reserved for' is the more commonly used phrase. .
形容詞'reserved'は幾つかの意味を持つ'reserve'に由来しています。 しかし、この文脈では、'arrange for (a room, seat, ticket, etc.) to be kept for the use of a particular person.' (特定の人のために部屋、席、チケットなどを 手配する)ことを意味しています。 あなたは以下のようにいうこともできる。: These coaches are reserved for women only. ーこの車両は女性専用に予約されています。 また、その車両を'Reserved for Women Only'とラベルを貼り付けることもできます。 'Exclusively'は’その他の人からの除外;たった一つの’を意味する'exclusive'と言う形容詞からきた副詞です。 しかしながら、'Reserved for'はより一般的に使われています。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Tailor-made for

  • exclusively for

  • designed to suit

Tailor-made for To "tailor-make " something is to create a garment or product that has been specially made for a particular customer.It also means that something has been made, adapted, or suited for a particular purpose or person. e.g. he was tailor-made for the job Exclusively for This means that something is specifically made for a particular type of customer or market designed to suit This is when you do or plan (something) with a specific purpose in mind
Tailor-made for ~にぴったりの To "tailor-make " somethingは、特定の顧客のために 特別に仕立てた洋服や製品を作ることです。 又特定の目的又は人の為に作られた、 適合した、合せた物を意味することも あります。 例文 he was tailor-made for the job 彼はその仕事にぴったりだ。 Exclusively for ~専用の この語は、何かが特定の顧客や市場のために 特別に作られたという意味です。 designed to suit 合うように設計された この語は、特定の目的を念頭に 置いて、何かをしたり、計画する時に 使われます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Designated...

  • We wanted to get on to the train but it was designated as first class only...

When a thing is designated it has been created and given a sepcific purpose. In this case a women only carriage;-D We have designated seating/access/locations...Designated..."only for..." "We wanted to get on to the train but it was designated as first class only...
「designated」は、特定の目的で作られたものを表します。 この場合は、女性専用車両 (women only carriage) です。 「designated seating (指定席)」「designated access (指定のアクセス)」「designated location (指定の場所)」などがあります。 Designated=only for ... "We wanted to get on to the train but it was designated as first class only..." (その電車に乗りたかったけど、ファーストクラス専用だった)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • designated

  • specified

  • exclusive

Example sentence- 1. I really like how the dog park has a designated side for bigger dogs, and one for smaller dogs. 2. I heard her specify that she wanted onions on her pizza. 3. This car was made exclusively fr you!
【例文】 1. I really like how the dog park has a designated side for bigger dogs, and one for smaller dogs. (この公園は大型犬用と小型犬用があることが本当に好きです) 2. I heard her specify that she wanted onions on her pizza (彼女がピザに玉ねぎをのせたいとはっきり言うのを聞きました) 3. This car was made exclusively for you! (この車はあなた専用に作りました)
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • exclusively

  • Specifically for

"exclusively" used to describe that its 'only for' ex. "this clothing range is exclusively for women" "Specifically for" ex. "This screen protector is specifically for Iphone 7's"
"Exclusively" = これは 'Only for'(~専用)の意味を表します。 例: "This clothing range is exclusively for women" (これらの服は全て女性ものです) "Specifically for" 例: "This screen protector is specifically for Iphone 7's" (この画面保護シートは「iPhone7」専用です)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Exclusively for.

  • Designed to suit.

Exclusively for means that something is specifically made for a particular market or customer. Designed to suit means when you have an idea or plan something with a specific purpose in mind.
"Exclusively for" は特定のマーケットあるいは顧客に向けて作られたものを表します。 "Designed to suit" は特定の目的を持って設計されたものを表します。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • this (item or place) is exclusively for (the purpose)

  • this (item or place) is intended for (the purpose)

if you are referring to a place such as a train carriage then you could use "this (item or place) is exclusively for (the purpose) " if you are referring to a item then you could use "this (item or place) is intended for (the purpose)"
電車の車両など場所について言うなら、 "this (item or place) is exclusively for (the purpose)" 「この(物・場所)は(目的)限定です」 が使えます。 物について言うなら、 "this (item or place) is intended for (the purpose)" 「この(物・場所)は(目的)向けのものです」 が使えます。
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • for ~ only

「for ~ only」と表すことができます。 for ~ で「〜のため」になります。 only は「のみ」です。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください: This train is for women only. この電車は女性専用です。 This room is for women only. この部屋は女性専用です。
  • for ... only

  • exclusively for ...

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: for ... only 〜専用 exclusively for ... 〜専用 例: This train is for women only. この電車は女性専用です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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