世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/05/07 13:32
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  • I'm still thinking.

「考え中」と言う名詞が英語でないので、それを「まだ考えています」という英語にいじったらちゃんと訳せます。 「まだ」は副詞である still と言います。 「考えている」は進行形で言うから be 動詞が入ります。I am thinking になります。 副詞の still を I am thinking に入れたら、 I'm still thinking と言う英語になります。 他には: Could we have a few more minutes?(あと何分かいただけますか?)
  • Give me just a moment. I am still thinking.

  • I'm still thinking about it.

  • I haven't decided yet.

When you are still considering a choice and want to let someone know, like a waiter at a restaurant, you can say "I haven't decided yet."
ウエイターなどにまだ何を注文するか考えていることを伝えるときは、"I haven't decided yet."(まだ決めていません。)と伝えるといいでしょう。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't decided what I want to order yet.

  • Could you give me a few more minutes to decide?

  • I am still thinking about what I want to order.

I haven't decided what I want to order yet. The contraction "haven't", means have not. If you decide something, it means that you have come to a conclusion or a consideration. So in this case you are saying that you have not decided what you want to eat yet, meaning you do not have an answer yet. Could you give me a few more minutes to decide? You are asking the waiter/waitress if they could wait a few minutes and then return to your table for your order, because you are still deciding/thinking about what you would like to order. I am still thinking about what I want to order. This is the same as the first answer. It means that you are still thinking it over and have not decided on your order yet. If you are thinking about something, that means that you are considering your options. So again, in this case you are saying that you are still considering your options of what you would like to order.
I haven't decided what I want to order yet.(まだ注文が決まっていません) "haven't" は "have not" の縮約形です。"decide" は「決まる/判断する」という意味です。ここでは、「何を食べるか[注文は]決まっていない」と伝えています。 ~~~~~~~~~ Could you give me a few more minutes to decide?(もう数分考えさせてもらえますか) まだ注文が決まっていないので、「もう数分考えさせてもらえますか」とウェイター/ウェイトレスにお願いしています。 ~~~~~~~~~ I am still thinking about what I want to order.(何を注文するかまだ考え中です) これは一つ目の例と同じ意味です。「まだ考え中で、何を注文するか決まっていない」と伝えています。"thinking about something" は「〔何を選ぶか〕考えている」という意味です。ですから、ここでは「何を注文するかまだ考え中」と伝えています。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • Can we have some more time please.

To tell the waiter/waitress that your still looking at the menu and haven't decided yet the best way to do this would be to say "Can we have some more time please?" This would explain that you need more time before you order to decide what you want to eat/drink.
ウエイターやウエイトレスにまだメニューを見ていて決めていないことを伝えるときは、  "Can we have some more time please?" (もう少し時間をもらえますか?) というフレーズがぴったりです。これは、何を食べたり飲んだりするかを決めるのにもう少し時間がほしいことを伝えます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Could you give me a few more minutes please?

  • We're still deciding right now, thanks

At a restaurant,when a waiter/waitress comes to ask for your order while you are still looking at the menu and haven't decided yet - you want to say that you are still thinking. Either of the above suggestion are pretty typical responses in that scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • May I please have more time to decide what to order?

  • I am still thinking about what food I would like, can you give me a few more minutes?

"May I please have more time..." When asking the waiter or waitress for more time you are trying to let them know in a polite way that you aren't ready to order, or you may not know what you'd like to eat. "I am still thinking about...." When using this phrase you are letting the waiter or waitress know you haven't made an exact decision on what food you'd like to order. You may be struggling to decide between 2 or 3 different items to order. You may need to still think about what you want or you may even have questions to ask your waiter/waitress about the food.
"May I please have more time..." (もう少し時間をもらってもいいですか?) ウエイターやウエイトレスに注文がまだ決まっていなくて、もう少し時間が欲しいことを丁寧に伝えるときのフレーズです。   "I am still thinking about...." (~をまだ考えているところです。) これは、どの食べ物を注文するかまだ決まっていないことをウエイターやウエイトレスに伝えるときのフレーズです。2,3品で決めかねているかもしれませんし、まだ考えたくて、ウエイターやウエイトレスにメニューについて聞きたいことがあるかもしれません。
Lyndsey DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still deciding/thinking.

  • Can you give us some more time please.

You can let the waiter/waitress know you haven't decided yet by simply saying 'I'm still thinking/deciding' and you can also request for more time to decide by asking 'can you give us some more time please'.
注文がまだ決まっていないことをウエイターやウエイトレスに伝えるには、'I'm still thinking/deciding' (まだ考えて/決めています。)と言うといいでしょう。また、もう少し時間が欲しいことを伝えるには'can you give us some more time please'(もう少し時間をもらえますか?)と言うといいでしょう。
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still deciding. May I have a few more minutes?

  • I haven't decided yet.

  • We're not quite ready.

All 3 examples are simple and common ways of telling the waitress that you haven't chosen yet and would like more time. By adding "May I have a few more minutes," to any of the 3 options, it becomes a bit more polite and more formal for when dining in a nice, fine-dining restaurant.
3例ともシンプルで、一般的な言い方です。「まだ決まっていないのでもう少し待ってもらえますか」とウェイトレスに伝えます。 高級レストランで食事をするなら、それぞれの例に "May I have a few more minutes?"(もう少し時間をもらえますか)を加えることもできます。より丁寧でフォーマルな言い方になります。
Perri DMM英会話講師
  • Thinking

  • Considering

  • Deciding, Deliberating

The verb's masu form (without the masu) + chuu = In the middle of some action, Or still doing something. 動詞のます形+中 = あるアクションの間にまだつづけているか、何かまだやっています。 Teacher: Do you have an answer? Student: I am thinking now. 先生:答えがありますか。 生徒:考え中です。 A: Are you going home for the holidays? B: I am still deciding. A:休みの間に故郷に行きますか。  B:まだ考え中です。
  • I need a few more minutes.

  • I'm still thinking.

  • I haven't decided yet.

A lot of these sentences have very similar meanings and can be used interchangeably. Example conversation : Waiter : Are you ready to order? Customer : I haven't decided yet, I think I need a few more minutes. Waiter : Of course sir, I'll be back shortly.
これはいろいろな言い方ができます。 例文: ウェイター : Are you ready to order?(ご注文はお決まりですか) 客 : I haven't decided yet, I think I need a few more minutes.(まだ決まっていません、もう少し考えさせてもらえますか) ウェイター : Of course sir, I'll be back shortly.(もちろんです、もう少ししたらまた参ります)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I need a few more minutes.

こんな状況に、よくウエイター・ウエイトレスさんに"Have you decided (what to order)?"(お客様のご注文はお決まりになったでしょうか?)と聞かれて、そう答えます。 時々、+"Or do you need a few more minutes?"(あるいはもう少し後で?)も言われて、それに対しても"I [we] need a few more minutes, thanks."と答えることが大丈夫です。
  • (Sorry) I’m still looking.

  • Could I have a few more minutes, please?

レストランで「考え中」は色々な表現があります。一番使いやすいのは I’m still looking です。メニューまだ見ている時やまだ決めていない時をよく使われているフレーズです。「まだ見ています」の意味です。もっと優しく言いたいなら、sorry を前に付いて構いません。例えば、 Are you ready to order? ご注文はいかがですか? Sorry, I’m still looking. すみません、考え中です。(まだ見ています) そして、Could I have a few more minutes please もよく使われているフレーズです。これは「ちょっと時間をくれますか?」や「少々お待ちください」みたいな意味です。上記よりもっと丁寧です。例えば、 Are you ready to order? ご注文はいかがですか? Could I have a few more minutes, please? 少し時間をくれますか?
  • I’m thinking

  • I’m still thinking

  • I’m still deciding

考える - thinking 中 - in the middle of, still 〜〜doing レストランの場合は注文を決める時、考え中は色んなフレーズがあります。 I’m thinking I’m still thinking I’m still deciding Deciding - 決めてる Have you decided what you want? 注文決まりました? I’m still thinking, can I have a little more time まだ考え中、もうちょっと時間をください
  • I'm still thinking

  • I'm still thinking about it

この文脈での「考え中」は I'm still thinking や I'm still thinking about it と言います。どちらもニュアンスが同じです。 このシチュエーションで Can I have a minute?(ちょっと時間を貰っていい?)も使えます。この文脈での a minute(一分)は「お時間」というニュアンスです。Give me a minute (一分ください)とも言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Gimme another minute please

  • I still need some time

  • Just a few more minutes please

Usually adding please at the end of expressing you need some more time is the most appropriate way. Server: Have you decided what you're having? You: Just a few/ couple more minutes, please. Server: Ok, take your time, I will be back shortly for your order. You: Thanks Also, 'I still need time' is common and easily lets the server know you are still deciding.
最後に、pleaseをつけることで丁寧な表現になります。    Server: Have you decided what you're having? (サーバー:ご注文はお決まりですか?) You: Just a few/ couple more minutes, please. (あなた:もう少し時間をください。) Server: Ok, take your time, I will be back shortly for your order. (サーバー:かしこまりました。ごゆっくりお決めください。しばらくしたらまた注文を取りに来ますね。) You: Thanks (あなた:ありがとう。) また、 'I still need time' は、サーバーにまだ決めるのに時間が必要となことを伝えるフレーズです。
Sam Dee DMM英会話講師
  • Im thinking about it

  • Im still thinking about it

ご質問ありがとうございます。 今、考え中です は英語で Im thinking about it と直訳します。 例えば まだ考え中 Im still thinking about it. umm ええとー Well そうですね give me a second ちょっとまて Let me think about it for a bit ちょっと考えさせてください 上記はそのままで使えますよ。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I have not yet decided.

  • I am still in the process of choosing.

  • I need s few more moments to decide, please.

If you still need some time to pick what it is you would like to eat at a restaurant, use the sentences above. Catch my eye: looks interesting to me. "I have not yet decided, please give me a few moments." "I have no idea yet, there are a lot of meals that catch my eye, please give me more time to choose a meal." "This meal catches my eye but please give me more time to decide on some desserts."
レストランで注文を聞かれてまだ決まっていないときは、上記の表現が使えます。 Catch my eye: 興味を引くもの "I have not yet decided, please give me a few moments."(まだ決まっていません、もう少し考えさせてください) "I have no idea yet, there are a lot of meals that catch my eye, please give me more time to choose a meal." (まだ決まっていません、おいしそうなのがたくさんあるので。もう少し考えさせてください) "This meal catches my eye but please give me more time to decide on some desserts."(これにしようかなと思うのですが、デザートが決まっていないので、もう少し時間をください)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Give me some time, please. I am still thinking

  • I haven't decided what I want to order yet

I always need a lot of time to order something, so, I usually use one of this sentence when I have some difficulties choosing the food and drinks. Although, there are no special differences between the two of them, so feel free to use any of them.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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