世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/29 19:28
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  • How much is the fee/charge?

  • How much will you charge the fee?

feeは謝礼という意味もあります。 chargeは動詞で使うと(手数料を)課す、 名詞で使うと手数料になります。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Are there any extra charges

  • Are there any hidden extras

An extra charge is any fee other than the initial cost, that you may be expected to pay A hidden extra is any fee that will be added to the cost that is not clear at the time
An extra charge とは、初期費用以外にかかると思われるコストのことを言います。 A hidden extra とは、当初は値段が読めなくとも、のちのち追加されるコストのことを言います。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • What's this going to cost me in commission fees?

  • What's your rake on this? (Informal)

  • Could you please give me details of any service charge or commission fees? (Formal)

Rake = a fee for a service (informal)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How much is the service fee?

  • Are there any extra costs?

How much is the service fee? Are there any extra costs? You can use any of these :)
"How much is the service fee? Are there any extra costs? How much is the service fee?/Are there any extra costs? サービス料(=手数料)はいくらですか サービス料を訪ねる際の表現になります。 是非使ってみてください extra余分の、追加の"
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a service fee?

  • How much is the handling fee?

Is there a service fee? asks if there is a charge for their service. How much is the handling fee? asks them to tell you how much they will charge for handling the product.
Is there a service fee?サービス料を尋ねる言い方です。 How much is the handling fee? その商品を手配するための手数料はいくらかかるのか尋ねる言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What is the cost of the service?

  • What will the fee amount too?

above can be used to ask what the cost of a certain service will be before you buy it. I hope this helps.
上記の例文は特定のサービスの費用を購入する前に聞くのに使える表現です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • By how much will the service/commission fee set me back?

  • How much will I have to pay for the service/commission fee?

"By how much will the service/commission fee set me back?" You are requesting to be given an accurate figure/amount for the service/commission fee. "How much will I have to pay for the service/commission fee?" You are asking for the exact amount to expect to pay for the additional fee.This is a more straightforward way to ask.
"By how much will the service/commission fee set me back?" サービス、手数料がいくらかかるのか具体的な数字を教えるよう要求する表現です。 "How much will I have to pay for the service/commission fee?" You are asking for the exact amount to expect to pay for the additional fee.This is a more straightforward way to ask. 追加でいくら払えば良いのか尋ねる表現です。かなり直接的な表現ともいえます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • What will the service fee be?

  • What will the commission charge be?

The first question can be posed to a service provider that charges service fees for the provision of their products such as restaurants and banks. In this case you want to know beforehand what the service fee will cost you so that you can factor it into your budget. The second question can be posed to service providers that charge commission for the provision of their services. It can be banks, corporate organizations or individuals. The noun 'commission' can be described as 'a set percentage of the amount involved, paid to an agent in a commercial transaction'.
最初の質問は、レストランや銀行などサービスの提供にかかるサービス料がかかるかどうかを尋ねることができます。 この場合、前もってどんなサービス料がかかるのか知っておいて、自分の予算に取り込んでおきたいという意味になります。 二つ目の質問は、サービスに対してコミッションをとるサービス提供者に対して尋ねる質問になります。 銀行や、そのた会社組織や個人に対しても使えます。 commissionとは、代理店に対して払われるパーセンテージで取られる手数料のことを表します。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • How much is the service fee?

If you would like to ask beforehand how much the service/commission fee is, you can say: "How much is the service fee?"
事前に手数料がいくらか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "How much is the service fee?"(手数料はいくらですか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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