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2016/04/30 18:14
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  • Wherever you go, it's very crowded during Golden Week.

  • No matter where you go, it's packed (with people) during Golden Week.

「どこへいっても」は、wherever you go, No matter where you go,で言い表せます。 during Golden Week は、上記のWherever you go, No matter where you go,の節の後につけてもOKです。 込んでいる は be crowded や be packed with people などで表せます。 Wherever you go during the Bon holidays, it's packed with people. (お盆には、どこへ行こうと、人でいっぱいだ) No matter where you go during the New Year, it's very crowded. (お正月には、どこへ行こうとすごく込んでいる)
  • ① Everywhere it's busy during Golden Week.

「どこへ行ってもゴールデンウィークは混む」を英語で言うには: 「① Everywhere it's busy during Golden Week.」 極めてシンプルで、「ゴールデンウィークはどこでも混みます」です。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Everywhere is crowded during Golden Week.

  • Every thing is crowded during Golden Week.

  • No matter where you go during Golden Week, it is always crowded.

There are many different ways to say crowded, such as full of people, packed with people, busy with people, ect...
crowdedの言い方はいろいろあります。 full of people, packed with people, busy with peopleなどなど。
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • During Golden Week, it's crowded wherever I go.

  • No matter where I go, I can't beat the crowds during Golden Week.

  • Wherever you go, it's always packed with people during Golden Week.

During Golden Week, it's crowded wherever I go. This is a very simple way of expressing that the areas you go to during Golden Week are very crowded. No matter where I go, I can't beat the crowds during Golden Week. This is a more informal expression used to express that it's crowded during Golden Week. This also shows that you are a little bit irritated about it being crowded. Wherever you go, it's always packed with people during Golden Week. This is a neutral way to say that areas are always crowded during Golden Week. The word "packed" in this case means "crowded."
During Golden Week, it's crowded wherever I go. これはすごくシンプルな表現方法で、ゴールデンウィークに行くところは混んでいるという表現です。 No matter where I go, I can't beat the crowds during Golden Week. これはもっとフォーマルな表現で、ゴールデンウィークの期間は混むと言いたいときに使います。 また、混んでいるのが嫌だなぁと感じる時にも使いますね。 Wherever you go, it's always packed with people during Golden Week. これはゴールデンウィーク中はどの場所も混んでいるという表現です。 paked はこの場合corwdedという意味で、自然な表現です。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • It's packed

  • It's busy

  • too many people

During Golden week where ever I go, it is packed. or Wherever I go during Golden week it is packed. Everywhere I go during Golden week it is busy or Wherever I go during Golden week is busy. During Golden week there are too many people in the places I want to go. During Golden week there are too many people everywhere. Hope this helps jane:)
During Golden week where ever I go, it is packed. or Wherever I go during Golden week it is packed. ゴールデンウィーク中はどこいってもこんでます。 Everywhere I go during Golden week it is busy or Wherever I go during Golden week is busy. ゴールデンウィーク中は行く先々こんでいる。 During Golden week there are too many people in the places I want to go. During Golden week there are too many people everywhere. 行きたいところ/どこにいっても、ゴールデンウィーク中は人でいっぱいだ。 お役に立てれば幸いです。 jane:)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Everywhere is rammed during Golden Week.

  • Most places are chock-a-block during Golden Week.

Everywhere is rammed during Golden Week. Rammed – to describe a place that is very busy/crowded. If everywhere is rammed it means it is hard to move around or get to places quickly. Most places are chock-a-block during Golden Week. Chock-a-block. Meaning. Crammed so tightly together as to prevent movement. Casual phrase to use when places are very busy. You can also describe roads or public transport as chock-a-block. The roads this morning were chock-a-block.
Everywhere is rammed during Golden Week. Rammed –非常に忙しい/混雑している場所を表します。 everywhere is rammedは、非常に混雑していて、すぐに移動したり、目的の場所に到達することが難しいことを意味します。 Most places are chock-a-block during Golden Week. Chock-a-block. 意味-何かが一つの場所に集中して動きが滞る状態を意味します。 場所が非常に混雑しているときに使うカジュアルなフレーズです。 道路や公共交通機関などもhock-a-blockで表現できます。 The roads this morning were chock-a-block. (今朝の道路は渋滞だった。)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Wherever you go in Japan during the Golden Week is jam packed.

  • Japan is swarming with people during the Golden week.

In English we use the adjective jam-packed to describe when something is overcrowded. For example if you travel to a foreign country and notice that their public transportation is overcrowded you can 'The buses (or taxis) are jam-packed.' This is a word that is common in our everyday conversation and would be great to add to your vocabulary.
英語ではひどく込んだ状態を「jam-packed (形容詞)」と表します。 例えば、外国に行って、公共交通機関がすごく込んでいたら: "The buses (or taxis) are jam-packed"〔バス (タクシー) がすし詰めだった〕 と言えます。日常会話でよく使われる単語です、覚えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • It doesn't matter where you go, it's always crowded during Golden Week.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・It doesn't matter where you go, it's always crowded during Golden Week. 「どこに行くかは関係ない。ゴールデンウィークはいつも混んでいる」 always crowded は「いつも混んでいる」というニュアンスを持つ英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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